Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7446: Spike Fire Cloud God! (One)

Those of the Chaos family are still discussing, how many seconds can this kid persist?

If you do not come out in 10 seconds, the other party will die.

On the other side of God's Land, wine masters and others are even closer to the enemy, and they are also counting time.

At the ninth second, they would shoot, tearing the cloud of fire and rescue Lin Xuan.

Suddenly, the fire cloud in front of it shook violently.

Although everyone couldn't see anything, they could feel that an extremely heavy force emerged.

As if it fell down in 9 days, the breath made this void unbearable.

Even the true gods on the other side are extremely shocked, and Wushuangli is trembling.

You know, he is famous for his strength, but at this moment in front of this power, he was trembling and afraid.

It seemed that he would die if he did not retreat.

On the other side, there is a true god, Cangtian True God, who is also the true **** of the Chaos family.

All he possessed was the power of the heavens, but at this moment, his body was trembling slightly, and a look of terror appeared in his eyes.

What a terrible sky power! As if the heavens and the kingdoms have come.

Is this the power of that kid? It turned out to be so powerful.

I don't know if Huoyun can resist it?

Just thinking, there was a sound of broken bones in front of me, and a scream of fire cloud.

Cang Tianzhen's face changed: not good, Huoyun's guy was injured.

Feiyu true god, also sank his face,

He didn't do anything, he thought, Huoyun should still be able to resist.

In the next second, Huoyun really made a louder sound.

Seems to see, something incredible.

not good.

Feiyu is true, and his face has changed: hands on, Huoyun is true, I am afraid it is dangerous.

They want to act,

On the other hand, the wine grandfather was about to rise into the sky, but at this time, the scream of the true **** of fire disappeared.

Both sides stopped, wondering: what happened?

They did not act lightly.

The flames and clouds in front of it slowly disappeared, and a figure emerged.

Everyone turned their heads and the next moment they froze.

They couldn't believe the picture in front of them,

Lin Xuan stood there silently, without any injuries.

The Fire Cloud God disappeared.

Yes, it really disappeared,

The other's body was gone, and the blood mist formed by the other disappeared.

Because those were the blood of chaos, all were collected by Lin Xuan.

This scene looks very mysterious, it seems that Lin Xuan is standing there without fighting.


Cang Tianzhen, crazy roar: Huoyun, where are you?

Their eyes looked through the heavens and the earth, but they did not find the true **** of Huoyun.

Did this guy run away?

Don't look for it, he has already died out and gone to hell.

If you want to find him, go to hell.

Lin Xuan's voice sounded,

Everyone was stunned.

The wine grandfather's eyes widened and couldn't believe it.

To be honest, they know that Lin Xuan is strong, and maybe Lin Xuan can defeat the other party.

However, within 10 seconds, what kind of concept is it to kill a true god?

Totally beyond their imagination.

The wine master is the one who swallows the sword, next to Li Xunxian. With a flying sword, you can kill the true **** in one shot.

The strength of the two of them is very strong.

Especially the wine lord's devouring sword can resist countless attacks.

However, the true **** of fire is not an ordinary true god.

Although the other party is the initial cultivation of the true god, the blood is really terrible, far beyond the same level.

Even if it can kill the other party, it is impossible for ten seconds to let the other party completely wipe out.

They are really shocking.

What happened in the clouds before? The chaotic fire blocked everything, no one knew.


After listening, Cang Tianzhen snorted coldly: Boy, do n’t kid me, you know, how strong our blood is?

Let me tell you the truth, even if it is a little come true God, it is impossible to kill Huoyun.

Where have you trapped him? Hurry up and say otherwise, I'll make you worse off.

Cang Tianzhen God stepped out, and the whole sky was shaking.

That vast force shocked everyone. It was indeed a congenital family, and the blood was too strong.

Any true **** comes out far beyond the same level.

Don't believe it? What do you think this is?

With a wave of Lin Xuan's hand, a quaint ring appeared in his hand.

This is the storage ring of the true God of Huoyun.

This storage ring was not worn on the hands, but hidden in the mind.

Because inside, have all the treasures of the God of Fire.

Unless it falls, otherwise, it will not be handed over to death.

Now this ring has appeared in the other's hands. There is only one explanation. The cloud of fire has really fallen.

When they learned this result, everyone was dumbfounded, and the world was quiet and terrible.

Those in the realm of God looked up,

Lin Xuan is so powerful, is it so far? Make them feel so unreal.

It's like dreaming.

Impossible, how did you do it?

People on the other side are crazy,

The eyes of Cang Tianzhen were red instantly.

Did one of his companions fall like this? It's chaotic blood.

Falling out like this, how can they explain back?

When they came out, they swept the world and told people in the heavens and the world that their chaos and protoss were still there.

They are kings of the highest! Dominate!

But now? As soon as he came out, he was slapped slap hard.

One of their true gods was killed by someone.

If this is spread, what are their faces?

Shame, it's too shameful,

Utterly defeated

If the ancestors knew, they would definitely not spare them!

Wushuang Lishen, who is also pale, said on the side: This boy, with a big dragon sword, can wipe out everything.

Maybe he just used all his powers to hit the sword and killed Huoyun.

Big Dragon Sword?

Cang Tian really bite her teeth.

Those of the Chaos Protoss are also extremely shocking.

Are the five swords in this world stronger than their chaotic bloodlines?

They can't believe it.

Doesn't that mean that this boy has no power now? I want to take revenge on Huoyun.

With a wave of Cangtian Zhenshen's hand, the sky fell instantly and he wanted to suppress Lin Xuan.

Not good, Xuan Er has no power.

When they saw this scene, the wine grandfather, they looked very different.

They are also guessing ~ ~ Lin Xuan should consolidate all the power into one point and hit a sword.

In order to kill the true **** of Huoyun,

Although this might be terrible, it can only be performed once.

In a short time, I am afraid the power will disappear.

How could Lin Xuan, who had no strength, resist this heavenly attack?

No power?

Lin Xuan smiled.

If he hadn't been to Shenshen Mountain of Life, maybe this blow would really make him lose all his power.

But now, when he comes back from the mountain of life, he has got tremendous power.

Although that sword was scary just now, it only consumed one third of his strength.

To be honest, he killed the Cang Tianzhen again once again.

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