Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7479: 9 Spectral Flame (1)

Those black flames are terrible, just like a demon king, spreading his teeth and claws between the world.

Lin Xuan was very surprised, he seemed to have never seen such a flame.

Chiyan Longma, when he saw this scene, his face changed a lot, a look of horror.

He turned around and left,

On him, there was a ray of flame that enveloped Lin Xuan.

With Lin Xuan, quickly toward the distance, ran away.

Chiyan Dragon Horse is only a demigod state, yet his speed is comparable to the average true god.

Worthy of being Dragon Dance's mount.

Lin Xuan was also surprised to see the performance of Chiyan Dragon Horse: do you recognize that kind of thing?

Chiyan Longma said: Hurry to escape, if it is stared, it will be troublesome.

what is that?

Lin Xuan was curious.

Red Flame Dragon Horse said: Nine Spectral Demon Flame, a very terrifying magic flame, only exists in the desert.

Not in this era,

This is definitely a master of the Devil God Clan, nearby.

Those who possess this kind of flame are at least at the level of the true god. If we are stared at, we will be dead.

He is just a demigod, and his speed, although comparable to the true god, but other than that, other than the true god.

In his view, Lin Xuan is also a little servant, and it is even less likely to possess the power of the true god.

The two of them must escape!

The flames of the ancient times, the Devil God Clan!

After listening to Lin Xuan, he was very surprised,

He knew that Demon God Clan also appeared in this world.

Unexpectedly, met so soon.

Just thinking about it, the nine ghost demon flames at the rear seemed to find something that grew bigger in the world.

It seemed to cover the whole sky, and turned into a big palm of flame magic road, and shot it fiercely towards the red flame dragon horse and Lin Xuan.

Ryoma was almost scared, he exerted all his strength, turned into a streamer, and flew to the distance.

However, this big palm is equally terrifying, and it seems to cover the whole space.

Chiyan Dragon Horse keeps dodge and changes direction, but it is useless.

The whole world is dimmed. This magic hand is very terrible. Once it falls on the body, under the true god, it will disappear in an instant.

After trying more than a dozen times, Ryoma was desperate and he could not escape the range of this palm.

And the big palm of the magic road has fallen down, and the dragon horse has felt that the flame power above.

Finished, dead.

Ryoma didn't expect that if he just came out of the Dragon Palace, he would kill him.

At this moment of crisis, Lin Xuan looked somber.

He secretly shot a sword gas, rising into the sky, and killed the big palm of the devil.

He showed the sword of fast, countless sword lights merged together.

In an instant, he shot ten million swords, and immediately cut it in the palm of his hand.

The boundless demon hand was cut off with a sword,

A crack appeared in the world, and the light fell down.

The head of Chiyan Longma looks up at the sky: broken, a good chance.

He turned into a flash of lightning, carrying Lin Xuan, and flew out of the crack instantly.

Running all the way to the Taixu Dragon Palace,

He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he returned to the territory of the Taixu Dragon Clan.


Who is saving them?

Is it Lin Xuan?

How could a little servant of the other party possess such a skill?

Maybe someone else.

Lin Xuan also said: It should be some strong men in the Dragon Palace, after all, I came up with more than you.


Long Ma nodded after listening.

He didn't doubt it either, but he was afraid that he wouldn't come out recently.

Lin Xuan asked: The rank of the Taixu Dragon Clan is higher than that of the Devil Clan? How dare they do it?

That's the ranking that year.

Long Ma sighed: I heard from the Dragon Dance Master that this time, the power of the Taixu Dragon Race was not much.

Only a part of the peak period of the year seems to warn us to be low-key outside.

Never conflict with other gods easily.

As for the other Protoss, how much has been restored? It ’s not clear.

Lin Xuan nodded silently after listening.

It's almost the same as before swallowing the gods.

The rankings of that year only apply to the barren ancients, and now the power of these gods is unknown.

However, as long as it is a wild ancient protoss, it can not be underestimated.

He is not suitable to do it now, one day, he will compete with Demon God Clan.

He wanted to see how powerful these wild ancient protoss were.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, a ray of light appeared,

Soon, disappeared.

Next, Longma and Linxuan returned to the Taixu Dragon Palace.

On the other side, the nine ghost demon flames in the sky quickly drifted towards the distance and landed in a mountain range.

All the magic flames flew back into a black pagoda.

The pagoda was taken away by a pale man.

This man has this magic pattern on his eyebrows and his eyes are dark. He stares into the distance, his eyes gloomy.

Just now someone was able to break open instantly, and his devil's big palm,

It's incredible.

Who can easily resist the Nine Nether Mo Yan?

Is it a person of this age? Or is it that the Taixu Dragon Palace has masters hiding nearby?

You know, his Nine Spectral Demon Flames are not ordinary. This kind of Demon Flames are famous in the ancient times.

The general true **** cannot resist it at all,

However, it was beyond his expectation that someone could split.

Hey, it failed, really wasteful.

At this time, another sound came from the black mountains.

I saw a man coming out of the void, wearing a golden armor, with extraordinary power, and a pair of golden dragon horns on his forehead.

If Lin Xuan and others are here, they will be stunned, because this golden armor man is also a person of the Taixu Dragon tribe.

A man with a magic rune on his forehead, named Mo Yuanzi, he frowned and said: The information you gave is wrong.

Who was doing it just now?

It is impossible, you are setting up that trap, do you want to secretly calculate me?

When it comes to this, he took out again, the previous magic tower.

From inside, the Nine Nether Demon Flames flew out, and in front of him, a battle armor was formed, covering his body.

He looked around with vigilance.

Long Yaotian, the Warframe man, snorted: Who do you think of me?

Since I want to work with you, how could it hurt you?

It's just this time ~ ~ is really an accident, I don't know, who was doing it just now?

I was still thinking about grabbing the dragon horse and let the dragon dance out,

It seems impossible now,

Can only think of a way.

It turned out that the two men had joined forces and the goal was Dragon Dance.

In the original plan of the two, they grabbed the red flame dragon horse and then released the news.

When Dragon Dance learned that his mount was caught, he would definitely not sit back and watch, and the other party would definitely come.

At that time, they set up traps to wait for each other, the two shot, and then suppressed the dragon dance.

As for why cooperation? Both have a purpose, and their purpose is related to Dragon Dance.

The two hit it off.

I just didn't expect this time, there will be unexpected changes.

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