Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7488: Who are the ants? (One)

Oh, is there a goal? who is it?

Lin Xuan was also surprised after hearing it.

Feng Qingxue waved his hand and opened the huge shell.

He pointed to several figures on the other shell in the distance and said: "It's them."

They are Promise Rain Dragon.

These people are also very strong, and they all have the qualification to enter the second dragon gate, but only one chance is missing.

It ’s better to work with them.

Next, Feng Qingxue took Lin Xuan and walked forward.

I met Brother Nanlong.

Feng Qingxue smiled.

Among the huge shells in front of me, there were a few people sitting, all of them were gigantic and powerful.

Among them was a man, unusually chic.

Wearing a feather coat, the light flashed above it, like a rainy rain, mysterious.

The man, who was called Brother Nanlong, looked up at them and nodded slightly.

When he saw Lin Xuan, the smile on his face disappeared and his brow furrowed slightly.

He said lightly: Sister Feng took you with you, yes,

This ant is not qualified to be with us.

A woman wearing a water blue robe next to him also said: Sister Feng, you are a descendant of Emperor Cangtian Xuelong.

Have an extraordinary blood line, qualified to join us,

But this kid doesn't seem to be a person from the age of the wild.

He seems to be just a little ant from this era,

What can he do? Can you join us?

He is unworthy.

Just ants, just get away.

A few people stood high, and did not take Lin Xuan's eyes at all.

The ancient bloodline is extremely extraordinary, they can feel it at a glance,

In front of this person, there is no ancient blood,

In their eyes, that is waste.

Lin Xuan also lost his face after listening to it. A cold light burst into his eyes: Who do you say is waste?

how? Not satisfied?

The woman in the blue robe, named Shui Lanyan, smiled coldly and said: You are just a half god.

Even if you can leapfrog and have the power of the true **** level, what about?

We have already investigated, in this universe, the true God is the most top-level existence.

You are outside, maybe the top expert, but in this Taixu Dragon Palace, you are nothing.

Just the top disciples of this dragon gate, there is a group of true gods,

What do you take against us?

Your pride outside is not worth mentioning in our opinion.

Nanlong also lost his face, and he said coldly: Why? Boy, do you want to challenge us? You don't have this qualification yet.

There was a terrible breath on him, and the whole world seemed to have changed.

It seems that there is rain in the sky. These rains are extremely terrible and can easily kill people under the true God.

Even if it is the true God, I am afraid it can't resist it.

The other person's eyes can create such an illusion of heaven and earth. I can imagine how terrible that bloodline is.

Several people stood high, and in their view, the other party could not resist the power of this bloodline.

The blood of Brother Nanlong is very powerful.

However, unexpectedly, Lin Xuan stood there, seemingly unaffected.

There was no fear in his eyes, nor did his body tremble, let alone kneel down.

The opponent resisted the power of the bloodline.

The people in front were stunned.

Brother Nanlong's face also became ugly,

He had previously said that the other party was an ant and was vulnerable.

Unexpectedly, this little ant could even challenge him.

This makes him unbearable,

The next moment, he shot.

A big sleeve waved, a cold breath swept through,

This is not the same as the ice that Feng Qingxue exerts.

The wind and snow and ice are like the power of winter.

And the power exerted by Nanlong in front of him is like the power of autumn,

The power of autumn rain.

Although it won't make you an ice sculpture in a flash, it will follow you and corrode you a little bit.

Let you gradually become a pile of bones.

This is a storm.

Feng Qingxue's face changed a lot, but this is the first supernatural power of the first dragon gate. This is a real ancient magic power.

That power is beyond imagination.

Even if Lin Xuan is stronger, I am afraid it will not resist.

Worries on her face: Hurry away.

Someone like Shuiyan Yan sneered.

Next, the mad **** will be miserable, life is better than death, kneeling at their feet to beg for mercy.

The ants must have the consciousness of being ants. How dare they sit on equal foot with them?

Feeling the overwhelming rain and the terrible wind, Lin Xuan also sank his face.

Do it if you don't agree?

This supernatural power is so powerful that even if he can't kill him, he will be seriously injured.

What a ruthless means!

This is not at all in the eyes of the people of their time.

Are the old people really high?

He didn't believe it.

Lin Xuan has been very low-key before, in order not to attract the attention of others.

But now it seems that too low-key concessions, but people look down upon.

In this case, let's show some strength, let these ridiculous people see, how strong are people of this era?

Of course, Lin Xuan will not use the power of the Dragon Sword and the Reincarnation Sword.

The opponent is not qualified at all, let him use these two cards.

Lin Xuan stood there, a terrible momentum appeared on his body, he used the power of the divine body.

The atmosphere of chaos seemed to be earth-shaking, making the space around him extremely extraordinary.

Have a trace of mysterious power.

The raindrops around are like one after another, peerless hidden weapon.

The mysterious pole is enough to penetrate everything.

However, when he came near Lin Xuan, he stopped and was suspended in mid-air.

No trace of raindrops could fall on Lin Xuan.

Feng Qingxue was shocked when he saw this scene.

Opposite, the disciples of the Hakugu Dragons standing high above were also dumbfounded.

How can this be?

The other party could stop the storm.

Is it possible that Brother Nanlong has left his hand?

That's for sure. Against a little ant, Brother Nanlong, I'm afraid I only used 1% of my strength.

Look at it, as long as Brother Nanlong is serious and uses 1/10 of the power, this kid will definitely die.

Nan Long's face was a bit ugly, he really didn't use his full strength,

However, he did not keep his hands.

This time, he just wants to teach each other to let these foreign dragon warriors know what is called the ancient power.

But I didn't expect that the other party blocked it,

Damn it!

He is ready to go all out.

The blood in the body erupted, the power of the wind and rain increased exponentially.

Those raindrops burst into a dazzling light, as if they had become the only one in the world.

With immense power, towards Lin Xuan, he killed him fiercely.

Lin Xuan's mouth raised a disdainful smile, he raised his palm and patted towards the front.

He used the power of the chaotic spirits, UU reading www.

This palm, with great force, fell like a universe.

Shot forward.

Collide with those raindrops,

The wind and the rain were smashed in an instant,

Countless raindrops were wiped out.

The light between heaven and earth disappeared, leaving only this palm,

It's like the palm of heaven.

A few warriors of the wild ancient dragons across the body shivered.

Under this palm, they felt fear and insignificance,

As if they were ants.

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