Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7490: The sword is like a dragon! (three)

Lin Xuan still calmly faced these people, and seemed to have no fear at all.

Instead, he said lightly: Are you sure you want to start?

If you lose once, everyone can forgive you, but if you lose again, your face will be completely lost.

I advise you to step back, you are not my opponent,

Let the people behind you do it.

At this moment, there are many people outside this hall.

Although Lin Xuan and others, the station was remote, some people noticed,

They were shocked.

Shui Lanyan and others also changed their face: this guy dared to challenge the strong of the second dragon.

Find it!

Nanlong was even more angry: the abominable boy dared to underestimate me.

His figure shook, and he rushed over in an instant. The fire on his body was full of monstrous power.

The bloodline belonging to the ancients erupted in an instant, and a series of dragon shadows surrounded him, his fists slammed over.

There, with hundreds of drops of rain, easily penetrated the void.

The void around Lin Xuan, broken constantly,

Lin Xuan, however, flicked his fist easily.

He said lightly: You are too slow.


Nanlong roared again and again, shot successively, and swung out dozens of punches in a row,

However, even the shadow of Lin Xuan did not come across.

Shui Lanyan and others were dumbfounded: How could the other party's speed be so fast?

Even Feng Qingxue was stunned. She found that Lin Xuan's strength had improved again when she saw it before.

Did this guy hide his power before?

Feng Qingxue was very surprised.

Nanlong roared upwards in the sky, but he didn't expect him to shoot with all his strength.

It seems that he looked down upon each other,

But he will not lose.

With a wave of his hand, an ancient scroll appeared on the top of his head and slowly opened.

This is a picture of autumn rain. After it opened, a savage breath swept the Quartet.

This makes everyone feel only trembling,

At the same time, there was a lot of rain between heaven and earth.

These raindrops are extremely terrible, much stronger than Nanlong's self-condensed.

They are suspended like heaven and earth like a peerless sword.

Thousands of raindrops drifted towards Lin Xuan.

Between these raindrops, there is still the breath of clouds and the power of thunder.

Between the world and the sky, the lightning flashes,

In a trance, everyone seemed to find that these raindrops directly ignored the road of heaven and earth.

Became mysterious.

They came to Lin Xuan in an instant and completely covered the place where Lin Xuan was.

These raindrops are connected, and everyone seems to see a phantom of a rain dragon, appearing in the void.

Zhang Ya dance claws, to tear Lin Xuan into pieces.

Boy, how do you die?

Nanlong's expression was fierce.

Shui Lanyan and others also sneered: This kid is over, he dares to fight with us, he will definitely die.

They just take out a baby, and the other party can hardly contend.

What a powerful artifact.

Lin Xuan was also slightly surprised. The power on this scroll was extremely terrible.

Unexpectedly, the other party could come up with such a baby.

However, Lin Xuan did not care,

He sneered and pointed forward.

Above his fingers, with a terrible kendo power, toward the void, gently.

Above his fingertips, he flew countless sword lights, sweeping in all directions.

Wan Jian Chaozong.

Even if Lin Xuan didn't show it, the power of the Dragon Sword Soul and his own strength of kendo were extremely scary.

Far beyond the imagination of these people.

Those sword qi flew out and collided with the raindrops in the sky, making a tremendous sound.

As if two artifacts collided in the air, the raindrops were blown out.

how is this possible?

When I saw this scene, everyone was stunned: Can the other person even stop the Dragon Rain map?

I said that, you are vulnerable.

Lin Xuan's cold voice rang, and the power of Wan Jian Zhaozong broke out again.

With Lin Xuan as the center, countless sword qi, sweeping in all directions, formed a sword storm.

The duel between wind and rain, and the raindrops in the sky, were directly blown out and penetrated the world.

The Kendo storm, like a tornado, flew directly towards Nanlong.

When he felt this power, Nanlong's face changed greatly.

This feeling made his scalp numb,

If he is hit, he will definitely die.

The other party had such a trick, he was careless,


He resisted so hard that he used all the blood power to dodge quickly.

He avoided the tornado, but some of the sword gas that flew out of it fell on him.

Suddenly a sword mark appeared on his body.

Lin Xuan waved his hand, and the tornado turned in the direction, flying towards Nanlong again.

Do not.

When Nan Long saw this scene, he was desperate, he couldn't resist it,

Shui Lanyan and others were also frightened.


They growled wildly.

Lin Xuan did not stop at all.

For the power of Kendo, the fire he controlled was perfect.

This blow will not kill the opponent, but it will definitely make the opponent worse than life.

Save me quickly.

Nanlong's body split open, and there were more and more marks on his body.

He growled wildly.

At this time, several strong men who had been watching the battle silently from the rear started.

They are the people of Erlongmen.

Among them, a blue-haired man stepped out.

The dragon blood and the power of Shenhuo on him also swept the world, turned into a dragon claw, and directly caught the dragon rain figure in the sky.

Instantly grabbed the Dragon Rain Map in his hand.

Under his power, the dragon rain figure, blooming more terrible power.

Between heaven and earth, countless raindrops condensed again.

And formed a water curtain, which descended from the sky and surrounded Lin Xuan again.

In that water curtain, there is terrible wind and thunder power.

The combination of wind, thunder and rain and the three forces is terribly terrible.

The general true god, under this force, also has to surrender.

Can't resist it at all.

Call for wind and rain.

The cold voice rang.

There are the strongmen of the two dragon gates, and the magical powers they exert are even more powerful than ever.

Everyone is desperate: this mad god, I am afraid it will be suppressed.

Feng Qingxue's complexion changed, and he even wanted to help Lin Xuan.

But at this moment, Lin Xuan laughed loudly: I, return from the wind.

Lin Xuan's figure suddenly became erratic. The next moment, his figure disappeared.

But appeared on the nine days, UU reading www.

And, in a very chic, like a fairy posture, from the sky.

At his feet, there is an endless wind sweeping.

The same is the wind, but Lin Xuan's wind is completely different from the other party's wind,

Lin Xuan's wind is a blast.

Swords are like dragons, like winds.

The sword light shone between heaven and earth, and the sky of rain was cut in half and scattered towards both sides.

Not only that, the sword light flashed again, and the claw of the rain dragon in the sky was cut in half.

The scroll was gently waved by Lin Xuan and caught in his hand.

When I saw this scene, the eyes of the people around me were almost staring out.

This guy actually broke the rain dragon figure!


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