Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7492: Dragon Blood! (two)

As long as you are beheaded, a sufficient number of wild monsters, you have the opportunity to qualify for testing.

Once the test is successful, you can enter the Second Dragon Gate.

In addition, we also found out that behind this incident, there is the shadow of the Devil God family, they are shooting.

At present, the found masters of the magic road include the true **** of the demon crystal, the true **** of the demon bone, and the demon child.

If you can kill them, you will get a drop of true dragon blood.

The opportunity has been given to you, as for how to do it? It ’s up to you.

At the same time, you also have to be careful about your own safety. The master of the magic road is terrible.

After these elders finished speaking, they returned to the Hailong Hall.

But the disciples outside were stunned. To be honest, if you want to enter the Second Dragon Gate, you need not only strength but also opportunity.

This time, it was their chance.

People like Nanlong, Shuilanyan and others are very excited. They must seize this opportunity.

As for the blue-haired man, Long Wumei, they were also shocked.

They are already people of Erlongmen, and their goals are higher.

Tianlong blood.

For them, it is the supreme magic medicine, and only one drop can make their dragon blood evolve.

Let their strength become stronger, and even break their bottlenecks, let their martial arts road go further.

Such a thing is enough to make anyone crazy, and after listening to Feng Qingxue, it is also shocking.

He said to Lin Xuan: Unexpectedly, this time, the Dragon Palace was willing to take out the Dragon Blood.

Is this thing precious? Lin Xuan had never heard of it.

Feng Qingxue explained, Lin Xuan was shocked: there is such a good thing?

It seems that this time, he has to show some strength.

Seeing Lin Xuan's shot, Feng Qingxue sighed.

She said: Do n’t blame me for hitting you, Tianlong really blood, you do n’t even think about it.

Why? Are those Moyuanzi strong? What level has it reached?

They should all be true gods, but there are many artifacts in their hands.

It is easy to defeat them, but it is too difficult to kill them.

One more important point is that even if there is a chance to kill them, it is not us.

Do you know how precious Tianlong's blood is? Even those powerful true gods of the Two Dragon Gates may be crazy.

Look, after the news spreads, those top strongmen of Erlongmen will definitely shoot.

Those in the Black Dragon Palace will also be shot.

Feng Qingxue explained again, the Black Dragon Hall, which is a very famous building in the Second Dragon Gate.

Few people can enter the Black Dragon Palace.

Except for some powerful elders, among these disciples, only ten people can enter the Black Dragon Temple.

These ten people are naturally the ten most powerful gods in the Two Dragon Gates.

Even they want it, the blood of the dragon,

This time, it will definitely be shot.

Lin Xuan is powerful, but compared with the people of Erlongmen, it is not so outstanding.

Not to mention the ten strongest geniuses in the Erlongmen,

Lin Xuan can't compare.

Two Dragon Gate, Black Dragon Hall.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes after listening.

More and more interesting,

He felt his dragon's blood almost boiling.

Lin Xuan asked some more about the Black Dragon Palace.

He learned that in the Black Dragon Hall, the ten dragon clan strongmen, not only cultivated to be extremely powerful, but also, everyone had very powerful artifacts.

Even, they are all related to the strong men in the Sanlongmen,

Some can even borrow weapons and treasures in the Three Dragon Gates.

Leapfrogging is not a problem for these people.

In the same stage, one swept through a group, no problem.

These people are invincible, except for those strong men in the Three Dragon Gates who come out and defeat these people.

There are only a few elders who can defeat the Black Dragon Palace strong.

Lin Xuan understood after listening,

The dragon gate where they are located is dominated by the power of the sea dragon. The most powerful one is the sea dragon hall.

The second dragon gate is mainly based on the power of the black dragon, and the most powerful is the black dragon hall.

These people in the Black Dragon Hall are powerful, possessing magic tactics, and possessing powerful artifacts, which is the existence that countless people look up to.

Lin Xuan really wants to compete with such people, see how strong these people are?

The people around him have already started to act. Nanlong and others have gathered around Long Wumei.

They knew that Long Wumei was determined to win the true blood of Tianlong.

However, they still have to make some preparations.

Before they were ready to join forces to form a mysterious formation, to deal with the magic crystal true **** together.

Now that the blue-haired man's dragon rain map has been robbed, their formation is imperfect.

They must find another artifact.

Leave it to me.

Long Wumei arrived: I went to Sanlongmen to meet Brother Long Yaotian.

I have heard that Brother Long Yaotian is very dissatisfied with the Dragon Dance, and the two have been fighting openly for a long time.

This time, it will definitely help us.

After that, she looked at the blue-haired man again. She said: You first suppress the anger in your heart. This hatred will definitely be reported.

Long Yutu will come back, and that crazy god, we also have to teach him.

However, let ’s finish our plan first,

Don't break the big thing.

I know.

The blue-haired man nodded, he sneered: "Look, wait for us to kill the demon crystal god, it is the death of the kid."

In his eyes, there was a gleam of murderous intent, and he was going to be outside, beheading Lin Xuan.

Anyway, this time against monsters, there will definitely be some people falling.

At that time, he really wiped out the mad god, and no one knew.

Soon, Nanlong came over, informed Lin Xuan and Feng Qingxue, and set off in half a day.

There is still half a day, Feng Qingxue is well prepared to adjust the state to the peak.

Lin Xuan closed his eyes and began to refine, the dragon rain picture he got.

There is indeed an imprint of the other party's soul on this artifact, but it was erased by Lin Xuan in an instant.

Lin Xuan put another mark on his soul, he can control this artifact at will.

Under the eyes of all eyes, Qixing Longyuan was not easy to take out,

This artifact can temporarily make up for it.

Half a day later, soon arrived, Long Wumei came back again,

She brought an artifact to the blue-haired man.

Not only that, this time, she also invited a person ~ ~ When this person appeared, it brought strong power.

The world around was darkened, and there was a hint of starlight flashing between the world.

This strange scene made countless people's bodies tremble,

They felt the suppression of a trace of blood.

Feng Qingxue also exclaimed: What a powerful starry blood power.

He turned his head and saw a very marvelous man standing there,

Wearing a star robe, it is extraordinary.

Behind him, the endless starry sky seemed to turn into a giant dragon, surrounding him.

Master of the Black Dragon Palace.

Feng Qingxue was shocked. Unexpectedly, such a master really came.

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