Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7494: Galaxy Sword! (One)

The battle broke out in an instant, and the warriors of the Dragon Palace and the opposite demon were fighting together.


Lin Xuan also shot, he killed the past and waved his fist.

Every time a punch fell, a demon was smashed, and Nanetan flew into his sleeve robe.

At this time, an extremely horrible roar came from afar.

Immediately afterwards, the boundless magic energy swept in all directions,

The demon around them seem to have gained some strength.

Their bodies were steadily shaking, their body strength was constantly increasing, and their figure also became, several times as many as before.

They killed again.

This time, the strong man of the Dragon Palace seemed unable to resist, and was instantly shocked to retreat.

Nanlong and others vomited blood.

Feng Qingxue also quickly backed away. She was surrounded by numerous icebergs to resist and evade this terrible blow.

When she stepped back, her face became extremely ugly.

Lin Xuan was very calm, and this scene was not enough to shock him.

However, he didn't go all out, he was waiting.

This time, the most important are the three strong men, the demon crystal true god, the demon bone true god, and the demon child.

These three people do not come out, Lin Xuan does not need to exert strength.

He was relaxed, but the pressure on those around him was very great,

Gradually, some could not resist.

In the hands of the water blue smoke, there is a blue long knife, which is cut out with one knife, breaking the world.

She belongs to the Yulong tribe. At this moment, the power of the rain she used turned into an endless rain dragon and killed the front.

Instantly kill those wild monsters around.

However, the bodies of those wild monsters are broken, and they can still burst out, destroying power.

She couldn't resist this kind of power at all. Fortunately, she had a sea dragon armor and helped her resist part of it.

Otherwise, with this blow alone, he would have to die.

Sister, we can hardly resist it.

When the water blue smoke retreated to the rear, they asked Long Wumei for help.

This kind of power, only the strong of the two dragon gates, can withstand it. It is indeed a magical beast.

Long Wumei has endless starlight on his body, which has turned into a sword of stars, sweeping around.

Killed the wild monsters around,

However, more wild monsters were killed, he could only shoot again.

At the same time, she looks forward to 4 weeks.

She found that the strongmen from a dragon gate seemed to be unable to resist, and retreated.

The people of the Second Dragon Gate can still support it, but over a long period of time, the power consumption is also very large.

It is difficult for them to keep the dragon vein.

Suddenly, Long Wumei froze for a moment, and she found that Lin Xuan and Feng Qingxue did not seem to have suffered too many injuries.

This surprised her very much.

Feng Qingxue's bloodline is extraordinary and can resist, and beside the mad god, the artifact Longyutu is displayed.

Powerful, it can save the opponent's life.

When thinking of this, Long Wumei had a gloomy face, and it seemed that he had to find a chance to kill the mad **** and recapture the Dragon Rain figure.

However, it is not the right time to solve these wild monsters first.

At this time, in the distance, there was another earth-shattering roar.

Those demonic qi, like the dark clouds, swept over and over, as if transformed into a magical world.

This time, the power of the demon increased again.

not good.

When he saw this scene, Long Wumei, blue-haired man and others also changed their complexions.

In this state, they can still resist,

If the power of the wild monsters increases again, I am afraid they will really be unable to resist.

At this time, Xingtianhe shot, he roared, like a meteor, flew to the distance.

The wild monsters around him rushed over and opened their teeth to him.

Before he got close, he was torn to pieces by the galaxy on him.

Xingtianhe turned into a dragon of stars and killed far away, he had found the leader of these wild monsters.

The previous two roars were also sent by the leader of the demon,

After exterminating the other party, these wild monsters are not afraid.

The leader of the demon, with two heads and four wings, floats in mid-air, and his expression is very terrible.

A pair of eyes, the cold killing intention is blooming.

When Xingtianhe killed him, his four wings flew quickly, like a gust of wind, and rushed past in an instant.

The sky-high storm flew and shattered the world, with large cracks all around.

The double-headed demon disappeared and disappeared, and when he appeared again, he had come to the back of Xingtianhe.

The paws fell so hard that it shattered everything.

When I saw this scene, the warriors of the Second Dragon Gate took a deep breath: bad, Brother is in danger.

The corner of Xingtianhe's mouth raised a disdainful smile: even dare to attack me, stupid thing.

Galaxy Sword.

Above his dragon's back, the endless starlight became one piece, turned into a sword, and cut directly into the sky.

The earth-shattering voice sounded, and those claws were cut off with a sword.

The two-headed barbarian screamed and flapped its wings, retreating madly.

Retreating far away, the broken palm, quickly recovering, he let out a roar of anger.

The power in him erupted ceaselessly, an extremely terrible coercion swept through,

The whole world seemed frozen.

Long Wumei, blue-haired men and others, trembling, but like Nanlong, they seemed to be suppressed by the 100,000 mountains.

It's hard to move anymore.

Feng Qingxue also slowed down, quickly frozen herself, and at the same time, turned to look at Lin Xuan.

It was found that Lin Xuan was standing there with a calm expression, and the dragon and rain figure around him turned into a rain curtain, covering his figure.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes and looked to the distance. He said lightly: Do you want to hit it hard?

Didn't expect to win or lose so quickly?

A terrible black thunder appeared on the two-headed demon, sweeping in all directions.

Subsequently, it turned into five huge black arcs, and towards the Xingtian River, it was killed fiercely.

Each arc is as long as tens of thousands of miles, just like the ancient Peerless Beast, spreading its teeth and dancing claws, instantly covering the Xingtian River.

Xing Tianhe also sneered: Want to desperately want me, you do not have this ability, let you see how powerful my power is.

After he finished speaking, he roared.

The starry sky is immortal!

With a palm shot, his palm turned into a giant starry sky dragon, sweeping out with immortal power.

Killed the three huge black thunders.


The earth-shattering sound rang out ~ ~ The boundless thunder throbs, the dragon roars, and the starry sky shakes.

This scene is extremely shocking,

Between heaven and earth, it seemed as if time had stopped, and everyone was stunned.

Until a long time later, the sky-thunder slowly disappeared, and the two-headed monster was killed by the dragon.

Great, won.

Long Wumei was relieved when they saw this scene.

Brother is so powerful, he killed the leader of the demon in one move.

Xingtianhe also sneered: Is it so vulnerable?

At this time, a loud laughter sounded: It is worthy of being the strong man of the Black Dragon Palace, and it was really strong enough that I was not disappointed.

The people around changed their faces, and they felt a more terrifying power of the magic road emerged.

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