Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7498: Supreme Demon (2)

The face of Demon Crystal God gradually became ugly.

The other party's eyes are terrible, extremely sharp, and seem to be more powerful than the artifact.

I feel that my body is going to split,

He shuddered slightly.

This is incredible,

You know, even the ordinary Xiaocheng true **** can't make him tremble.

The person in front of him has already reached the level of Dragon Dance and Long Yaotian?

No, this should be the power of the Dragon Sword,

Legend has it that the dragon sword has unparalleled merits, but now it seems that it is true.

After I went back, I had to notify the elders of the Demon God Clan and immediately shot, killing Lin invincible and snatching the dragon sword.

Thinking of this, the real **** of magic crystal immediately smiled and said: The people who originally thought this world are all ants.

Unexpectedly, there will be a peerless arrogance like you.

I admit that in the younger generation, you are the strongest one I have ever seen, and we do not need to do it.

I consider myself not your opponent.

As for the sea dragon veins below, you can take them away, and I will look for them again.

After that, Mojing turned around and left.

He didn't take a few steps, but he stopped, and he found that a terrible sword gas appeared around him.

It was the blue sword spirit, which merged into a whale beast, covering the whole world.

At this moment, the real **** of magic crystal felt as if he was in the ocean.

His face changed: Sir, what do you mean? Do you still want to shoot me?

That's right.

Lin Xuan nodded.

Damn, so arrogant.

The pupil of Magic Crystal True God shrank, and he was very decisive.

With a scream, the 6 magic crystals around him were completely broken in an instant.

This is a very powerful artifact, broken at this moment, forming a force of destruction, immediately swept through the Eight Wastelands.

The whale phantoms around them were torn apart.

Between heaven and earth, a terrible space crack appeared. In that magical realm, there was a black magic energy, sweeping towards all around.

Soon, Lin Xuan was enveloped, and it was not over yet. These demonic energies swept farther away.

Long Wumei and others were also shrouded.

not good.

Long Wumei, blue-haired man, their complexion changed greatly.

At the moment they were enveloped by the devil qi, they felt the blood in their bodies and gradually slept.

Their power is disappearing, even, they feel extremely weak.

Thump, thump, they all fell from the sky and couldn't even stand up.

This is supreme demon qi.

There was a trace of terror in Long Wumei's eyes. She knew that it was extremely terrible for the Devil God family to practice the Devil's Dao.

Among them there is a power called Supreme True Demon Qi.

This is a master of Dao of the Dao True God level. After the fall, they use their bones to refine the magical energy formed.

Have supreme power.

Once the enemy is shrouded in this supreme demon qi, he will lose all combat power.

It's just that this supreme demon qi is extremely precious, after all, it's made by refining it into the true god.

The ordinary Demon God Clan does not have it in hand, but, unexpectedly, this Demon Crystal True God has it in his hand.

There is a trace of despair in Long Wumei's eyes: I don't know Brother Tianhe, can he resist it?

If they can't stop it, then they all have to go to hell.

At this moment, she didn't know Xingtianhe, she had already been defeated by Lin Xuan Yijian.

She thought that it was Xingtianhe who fought against the true **** of magic crystal.

The supreme demon qi in front rolled over, and the figure of the demon crystal deity emerged.

He has terrible magic patterns on his body, so he is naturally not afraid.

He sneered: This is my strongest life-saving card, originally not intended to be used.

However, you have to find yourself, no matter how strong you are, you can't resist it. This is really devilish.

Fortunately, taking you back is also a great achievement.

It's a pity that this big dragon sword is too much against the sky. If I take it away secretly, it will probably be chased down by the family.

After thinking for a long time, Mojing True God did not dare to **** the Dragon Sword. He felt that it would be safer to take it back.

He walked toward the front, waved his hand, and the real demon qi flashed away, and a road appeared.

With a big hand, he will take Lin Xuan away, but at the next moment, he is stunned.

He found that Lin Xuan was still standing there, looking at him with a sneer.

The look was full of contempt.

what's the situation?

When he saw this look, Mojing Zhen God groaned in his heart: Why is the other person looking like this?

Are you arrogant when you die?

He was also angry, and found out the magic hand, and grabbed it directly, just like a mountain, came to Lin Xuan's head.

And Lin Xuan's finger flicked, a stern sword gas, like lightning, immediately cut off, this devil's big hand.

He said faintly: Do you think you can get me because of the devilish spirit?

How can it be? You still have power!

The magic gods are crazy.

How can there still be power after being caught in the supreme devil spirit?

Even the true gods of those small cities will lose all their power.

What's going on with this guy in front of me?

The face of Demon Crystal changed greatly, he turned and fled, and the devil qi on him burned up.

He will run away in desperation.

Can you escape? The sword of fast.

Lin Xuan waved his hand, Qixing Longyuan, stabbed out instantly.

This sword was almost at its extreme, and the demon crystal true **** felt his body and flew up.

He later discovered that it was his body, which was split in half.

With a bang, he fell from the sky.

Another sword ran through his eyebrows.

The real **** of magic crystal fell.

He didn't believe it until he died, he would die in Lin Wudi's hands.


Lin Xuan's mouth raised a smile.

With a wave of his hand, he first removed the opponent's storage ring.

Next, he put away the other's body.

Then, Lin Xuan looked at the star Tianhe again, he did not kill each other.

Keeping the other party can reduce the anger of the Dragon Palace.

If a strong man in the Black Dragon Palace falls, the Taixu Dragon Palace will definitely be crazy.

Lin Xuan didn't want to do it for the time being, and asked Taixu Dragon Palace to target God's Domain.

However, the storage ring of Xingtianhe was taken away by Lin Xuan.

He waved his sword and chopped the dragon vein below to take a section.

After doing all this, he turned into a sword light and disappeared.

Coming to a distance, Lin Xuan's sword energy disappeared.

Afterwards, his appearance changed again, turning into the previous mad god.

Lin Xuan's mouth raised a smile, and rushed towards the front again.

Soon after, he came to Long Wumei and others nearby.

He found that Long Wumei and others ~ ~ fell to the ground and had no power.

And the seven magic swords fell there, suppressed by the three bone mountain ranges.

Are you okay?

Lin Xuan came to Feng Qingxue and asked Shen Sheng.

Feng Qingxue opened her eyes and was surprised: are you still alive? Great.

Quickly notify the Dragon Palace, and say that the magic crystal is the real god, exerting the supreme demon qi.

We have no power anymore, let the strong of the Dragon Palace come quickly.

Hearing Feng Qingxue's words, the people around them also tried to open their eyes.

When they saw Lin Xuan, they were stunned.

How could you still be alive?

The blue-haired man exclaimed,

Long Wumei was also frightened.


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