Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7504: Immortal power, promotion (2)

The strong man of the Black Dragon Palace also heard about these things, but none of them went.

In their view, Lin invincible is nothing more than that, it is not their opponent at all, and it is not worth their hands.

Their main goal now is to find a way to enter the Three Dragon Gates.

One more thing

A year later, the Black Dragon Temple re-ranked.

This ranking is related to their future status and cultivation resources.

This is the most important thing for them.

Soon, the Taixu Dragon Palace gathered a group of disciples,

Most of them are from the first gantry, and a few are from the first gantry.

Do n’t look at it as just a group of disciples. However, there are a lot of true gods in it,

Take it out, you can easily sweep the starry sky.

That God Realm is not an opponent at all,

Lin Invincible wanted to come, and was not an opponent.

The elders of Hailong Palace led the team, and this team flew towards Shangqing City.

The actions of the Taixu Dragon Palace attracted the attention of others.

It didn't take long for the Devil God family to send a team to Shangqing City, saying that they should also learn.

The heavens and the world are shocked again. It is incredible that the Protoss is going to work on the God Realm.

Those who listened to God's Domain were like enemies.

When they learned about these ancient gods, they only sent some young disciples, and when they came,

Their faces became a little ugly.

Speaking of learning, it seems that it should be the idea of ​​playing the dragon sword.

I do n’t know, what happened to Lin Xuan in Taixu Dragon Palace?

Why should the Taixu Dragon Palace take the initiative?

The Golden Lion King, they were all a little worried, and sent a message to Lin Xuan, but did not respond.

They also don't know the situation, they can only fight.

They asked: What are the numbers of true gods on our side?

The younger generation, that is Murong Qingcheng, Ye Wudao and others, their strength is also very strong.

It's just, can you contend with the Ancient God Race? That's not necessary.

Murong Qingcheng and Ye Wudao, the two have broken through and reached the real **** realm. The ancient three generals will be able to break through soon.

These three people have been to the mountain of life, and they have fought all the way to break through to become the true god, which is also something expected.

The rest is Yan Ruyu, who has been practicing the netherworld fairy tactics, and at this moment, she has also reached the demigod state.

Xueqi is still a land fairy. She had been asleep for 10 years before, and when she got rid of fire, she was already lucky.

I am afraid that this battle can't help.

It's not working, let's do it.

The Golden Lion King has now reached the real **** realm, he and Li Xunxian discussed.

If they have too many true gods, I am afraid that will be the case.

Their strength is still weaker,

Fortunately, this time it was just a discussion, they still have a chance.

The wine master has already gone to the mountain of life, and Lin Xuan is also in the Taixu Dragon Palace.

When these two come back again, the strength will definitely change dramatically.

In addition, they also have a geographical position in Shangqing City, and their strength is also improving every day.

The number of true gods is also increasing.

After hearing this news, Moon God and Guang Hanxian also came to help, these two are also true gods.

Let Ye Wudao prepare them. In this battle, don't care about winning or losing, just play your own strength.

The heavens and the world, countless lights, looked again at the God Realm.

Lin Xuan didn't know anything about it, Lin Xuan had been absorbing the blood of Tianlong.

On this day, he opened his eyes,

Tianlong's blood was finally absorbed by him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This time, the harvest is huge,

First of all, the fairy Taoism in the body increased from 800,000 to 1 million.

Xiuwei has improved.

Furthermore, he felt that his dragon power had indeed changed and was stronger than before.

This should be called bloodline ascension.

This bloodline ascension, even with his chaotic body, also has a certain improvement.

One more important point is that the Dragon Sword Soul has recovered further.

This day the dragon is really blood, so amazing, right?

Unfortunately, there is only one drop.

If more, the power of the Dragon Sword Spirit might become stronger.

It is a pity that there is a real blood of the dragon, who has promised to give the dragon dance, and Lin Xuan is not good to regret it.

However, he is not worried,

The background of the Taixu Dragon Palace is too powerful,

In addition to Tianlong true blood, there must be other treasures.

When the time comes, after he gets it, his strength will improve,

It seems that coming to the Dragon Palace to practice is really a correct choice.

Out of the ancient land, Lin Xuan was about to leave the Shenyao Garden and head to the Erlongmen.

He remembered that after entering the Second Dragon Gate, he had his own mountain range.

There is a dragon vein in it, and he can arrange to build a palace and a red furnace.

Although it's not as good as the Dragon Dance's Flying Dragon Hall, it's much better than that of the Dragon Village.

Should be able to improve, more than 10 times the treatment.

Lin Xuan took the token and came to the Second Dragon Gate.

Under the leadership of a warrior from Erlongmen, he came to a mountain range.

Feeling the power of the dragon road in this mountain range, Lin Xuan's eyes were also bright, better than expected.

He had just joined Erlongmen and was able to obtain such resources.

No wonder the warriors of Yilongmen have broken their heads and want to come in.

At the same time, he also understands why these ancient gods are so powerful.

I do n’t want to talk about the details of the ancients, but these cultivation resources are not available in other worlds.

Even if the talents are the same, the cultivation resources are not comparable, how can the strength be improved?

It seems that he has to find time to take Murong Qingcheng, Ye Wudao and others to go to the barren areas to hunt the barbarians.

Look for another chance, and send out this dragon dragon vein in your hand.

You are finally back.

After learning that Lin Xuan was back, Feng Qingxue arrived as soon as possible.

He said: There are many disciples of Erlongmen who are staring at you.

It should be the order of Long Yao world, and I want to get started on you to get some face.

Hurry up and hide.

Long Yaotian?

Lin Xuan frowned slightly after listening.

Feng Qingxue said: Long Yaotian has been fighting with Dragon Dance.

The former Xingtianhe, Long Wumei and others were all regarded as Long Yaotian's men, and these people suffered a terrible defeat.

Long Yaotian lost his face, he would definitely take revenge,

The easiest is to do it for you.

It turns out this way.

Lin Xuan smiled: I thought it was a big deal, rest assured, no problem, I was enough to cope.

You see, I have broken through to become the true God.

Lin Xuan released his breath,

Originally he was the real **** realm ~ ~ but it was hidden before.

Now with the true blood of Tianlong, he can naturally pretend to ascend and release his original breath.

Worthy of being the true blood of the dragon, you can quickly improve in a short time.

Feng Qingxue is also shocked,

He said: I'm about to improve, but I haven't broken through yet, and I can't help you now.

You still hide.

Lin Xuan said with a smile: Don't be so troublesome, they must dare to come, I will make them unable to eat around.

By the way, about the situation of the Black Dragon Temple, you tell me,

I promised Dragon Dance. One year later, I want to get the first Black Dragon Hall.


Feng Qingxue was shocked when he heard the news.


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