Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7509: Win or lose! (One)

The power of the starry sky dragon was extremely terrible, and rushed quickly. Ye Wudao's body shook.

He roared up in the sky and cast the heavenly emperor to the extreme.

His ancient scriptures are extraordinary, but the bloodline of the other party is equally powerful.

Among the other party's power, with a whimsical atmosphere, this power is enough to crush everything.

Ye Wudao kept retreating, and a crack appeared on his body.

Damn it, the fairy king is coming for nine days.

Ye Wudao roared, and there was a figure behind him, and he roared upward.

With both hands, he grasped the starry sky dragon and waved it hard, directly tearing this starry sky dragon into two halves.

This sudden change surprised many people.

So powerful.

All the people of God Realm cheered,

However, those of the gods opposite were stunned.

The elders of the Taixu Dragon Palace were also gloomy: the breath of the fairy king, the power of the last era?

It's really unexpected.

The power of this kid's cultivation is extremely extraordinary, God Realm is really surprising.

The disciples around him also exclaimed again and again: He was able to stop the brother's attack, he was able to break, Dragon of the Starry Sky.

Is n’t it incredible?

Don't worry, it was just a random blow from Brother. He completely angered Brother. Then, he will definitely die.

Xingtiance was also dumbfounded. Was his attack actually broken?

His complexion was unsightly.

This time, I came to Yaowuyangwei, but was beaten by an ant.


With a cold hum, the power of the blood within him, the power of the starry sky, swept in all directions.

The starry sky is immortal.

The endless starry sky filled the sky, and the indestructible power emerged, and turned into a side mark, rotating between heaven and earth.

Then it quickly grew into a sky and fell.

When they felt the breath above, everyone felt only physically, as if they were about to be suppressed.

Under all this, they may turn into blood mist.

The people of God Realm are all nervous: Can Ye Wudao resist it? Is this the real power of the other party?

too strong.

This guy, is it really just the beginning?

How does it feel that it is not weaker than Xiaocheng's true God?

People who heard from the ancient ancient gods said that leapfrog fighting was as simple as drinking water, and now it seems that it is true.

Li Xunxian shook his head and sighed: I'm afraid I can't resist it.

A wave of his hand and a flying knife appeared in his hand. At a critical moment, he would save people.

Ye Wudao cannot fall!

Ye Wudao is also facing a great enemy. He feels an irresistible force and falls from the sky.

Three cracks appeared in his body instantly, and he roared upward.

Fairy King Heavenly Fist!

Fusion with the fairy phantom behind, double fists open to the sky.

Two fists like gods, directly killed in the past towards Jiutian, colliding with the immortal starry sky.

A roaring voice came, and the breath of extinction swept across all sides.

The starry sky is immortal, stopped in the air,

However, for only three seconds,

At the next moment, fall again.

With a click, those world-like fists broke,

Ye Wudao's figure flew out and vomited blood.

The winner is lost.

Countless people looked at this scene and exclaimed.

Ye Wudao is indeed very strong. Unexpectedly, the general true gods are not opponents.

However, the other side is facing the ancient gods, Ye Wudao is powerful, and the other side is more powerful.

Ye Wudao was unjustly defeated.

The starry sky in the sky is immortal, and it has not disappeared. It even killed Ye Wudao.

Damn it!

The people of God Realm, when they saw this scene, their face changed a lot: did this want to kill?

In Ye Wudao's eyes, a bit of coldness also appeared, the other party wanted to kill him?

He owns the God Emperor Ding, he wants to display this peerless artifact.

At this time, a peerless sword cut through the world and became the only one in the world.

Directly hit the starry sky, and destroy it.

A cold voice rang out: didn't you say learn from each other? Do you want to break the rules?

Immediately afterwards, there was another breathtaking atmosphere that shrouded Xingtian Ce.

It is estimated that in an instant, Xing Tiance's body can be penetrated.

Xing Tiance's face also became a little ugly, and it was really unexpected that someone could threaten him.

However, he never shot again,

He said lightly: In this battle, I won, an artifact, and it belongs to me.

The people of God Realm are too weak? I just shot, can't you support it?

What a disappointment!

The sound of ridicule resounded everywhere in the world,

The people around are also talking,

Various laughter sounded.

The people of God's domain looked so ugly.

Li Xunxian took Ye Wudao back and said: Don't listen to them, you are already strong.

Just became the true God, and the Divine Dao pattern in the body has already been able to contend with him before 100,000 Dao.

Practice well, it won't take long for you to beat him, he will not be a problem.

Ye Wudao nodded, he would not be affected by the heart of the avenue by a few words.

Let me try it.

The ancient three links also came out.

However, Xingtiance shook his head: you are too weak, to be honest, it is not worth my hands, let my teachers do it.

He waved his hand, Nanlong, Shuiyanyan and others were very excited.

Nanlong took the lead and said, "With your **** and three strokes, I can destroy you."

He was so excited that he could finally be famous,

After going back, Dragon Palace will definitely reward him.

Gu Santong was expressionless, his figure disappeared instantly, and when he appeared again, he came directly to Nanlong.

Very fast speed.

The people around exclaimed,

Nan Long sneered but didn't care, and took a shot with a palm.

On him, dragon scales emerged, turned into a battle armor and enveloped the body.

His defense cannot be broken by the opponent.

His fist penetrated the body of the ancient tee, which was so good, a smile appeared at the corner of Nanlong's mouth.

Maybe, you can kill in a single stroke,

Above the fist, with a very strong dragon power.

This fist, known as Gale Dragon Fist, is an extremely terrible ancient magical power, and it is absolutely impossible to resist the opponent.

However, this punch hits the ancient tee as if it were hit in the void.

Nanlong froze for a moment: What's the matter? Didn't it hit?

The next moment, he discovered that the other party raised a smile.

I saw the ancient tee, waved my hands, cut the space, and clicked, and the whole world was cut in half.

Nanlong's body was torn apart by a force of space.

The dragon scale on his body shattered, his body split into two halves, his blood stained the sky.

This is also true of the ancient ancient clan.

The ancient three links stood between heaven and earth, and the cold voice sounded.

Those around were stunned. Those of the Taixu Dragon clan were also dumbfounded.

what happened? Nanlong is a top genius at Longmen,

How is it possible that ~ ~ was so easily defeated?

Elder Hai's face gloomed down and said coldly: It is the art of void, and it is an extremely terrible space force.

Underestimate God Realm,

Each of these true gods has mysterious power.

I am afraid that the disciples of Yilongmen are hard to resist.

Whether it is the ancient three links in front, or Ye Wudao before, although it has just become a true god.

That strength, but the disciples far more than the first dragon gate, are qualified to enter the second dragon gate.

This is incredible.

You know, they are already very strong, and they are able to override them.

This talent is really against the sky,

Unexpectedly, in addition to Lin invincible, God Realm has so many geniuses.


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