Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7511: Phoenix Dance for 9 days! Lin Xuan is here! (three)

Xing Tiance was irritated by Murong Qingcheng's words, his eyes were red and murderous.

The starlight on his body turned into various weapons, including swords, swords, spears, and charms.

With all the power of the stars, they all rushed over and killed in the past towards Murong Qingcheng.

Wherever he passed, the sky collapsed, countless black holes emerged, and the storm of extinction swept through.

This force shocked everyone,

Even those of God Realm have changed their complexion.

Obviously, this guy has a killer,

They were all worried about Murong Qingcheng.

Murong Qingcheng felt that a fatal threat, the strength of the other party, is indeed very powerful.

She did not dare to have the slightest carelessness, and showed the colorful Phoenix to the extreme.

An ancient phoenix seemed to come alive, spreading its wings and flying, and the colorful power above it swept out.

This phoenix, with wings dancing, formed a colorful storm, and her eyes burst into terrible flames.

This is a colorful fire, a phoenix fire, enough to melt everything.

The power of wind and fire rushed out in an instant, swept through all directions, and killed the star weapon in the sky.

A shocking voice came, and the supernatural powers of both sides collided together.

The two stalemate.

When Murong Qingcheng saw this scene, he immediately merged Phoenix Fire and Phoenix Storm to form the power of wind and fire.

Swept nine days.

Under these forces, those star weapons are broken and melted.

So strong.

The spectators around all exclaimed when they saw this scene.

Unexpectedly, the power of Murong Qingcheng was so powerful.

It seems to be stronger than the ancient three links and others.

Even Xingtiance is also extremely surprised: it seems that your Phoenix bloodline is beyond my expectation.

Follow me quickly.

He laughed loudly, reached out with big hands, turned into starry sky claws, and grabbed forward.

At the same time, his shape changed, and the whole person turned into a dragon.

It was a huge starry sky dragon with black runes flashing on it, and it was an indestructible power.

The huge body rushed over, and the colorful storm was torn apart.

The flames hit him, forming some cracks,

However, under the breath of immortality, it instantly recovered as before.

Useless, my power is not what you can imagine, you are not my opponent at all.

In an instant,

The huge body covered Murong Qingcheng, and Murong Qingcheng's face changed greatly.

Phoenix Nirvana.

She didn't dare to carelessly, and a little carelessly, she might be wiped out.

She quickly cast the Phoenix Nirvana.

With this kind of phoenix fire, she can recover even if she is seriously injured.

At the same time, she formed Phoenix Armor.

The colorful phoenix phantom turned into a warframe, which enveloped her and formed an absolute defense.

The dragon's body collided with the colorful phoenix and made a tremendous sound.

In an instant, the colorful phoenix became dim and dull, as if it would break at any time.

Is the power gap so big?

Murong Qingcheng turned pale.

It's useless. Firefly can't compete with the sun.

Although your bloodline is good, the magical powers and resources of cultivation are too garbage to compare with the ancient gods.

Follow me back to the Protoss, I will let you advance by leaps and bounds in a short time.

There is so much nonsense.

Murong Qingcheng, with a cold drink.

Phoenix Dance for nine days!

The colorful Phoenix Phantom suddenly rose into the air.

Even torn apart countless stars came to the sky, bringing a mysterious power.


Murong Qingcheng showed another magical power.

This is her bloodline supernatural power, the voice of Phoenix, sweeping the world, everyone only feels that the soul is about to split.

Those who watched the battle changed their complexions: no, this is a soul attack, defend quickly.

Xing Tiance was hit by this force, even the soul was shaking, and his ears were bleeding.

His face became very ugly: the **** woman dared to hurt me, you are looking for death.

Starry sky does not extinguish fire!

The huge dragon head roared upward, and a flame burst out.

It was blue, with a black rune flame, an indestructible flame that fell on Murong Qingcheng.

Suddenly, the colorful phoenix rolled over, and the light above it became dim and cracked.

Murong Qingcheng was also pale and spit out blood.

She resisted abruptly,

It is estimated that it won't take long for her to get injured.

Hahahaha, what do you resist?

Xingtiance roared to the sky: Where are you talking about Lin invincible? He came out.

His woman was injured, he did not dare to come out, what is he invincible?

Everyone was shocked, and the people of God Realm were desperate.

But at this time, a voice rang: Are you looking for me?

When they heard this voice, the people of God Realm all raised their heads with a little excitement in their eyes.

This is Mr. Lin's voice. Brother Lin is here.

Great, he is finally here.

This is Brother Xuan.

Murong Qingcheng was also looking up, with a touch of joy in his eyes.

Xuan brother is here, everything is safe.

She smiled.

who? Get me out.

Xingtiance also sneered: Does anyone dare to challenge me to find death?

He uttered a dragon roar and shattered the world.

A sword shadow crossed, directly splitting the sky of the stars, instantly covering Murong Qingcheng.

Taking Murong Qingcheng to the distance, the sword light turned into a handsome figure in the next moment.

Allure, are you okay?

Lin Xuan looked at Murong Allure and asked with concern.

You are hurt.

Seeing Murong Qingcheng's face pale and blood-stained, Lin Xuan's face also gloomy.

He struck out a word of sword spirit to restore Murong Qingcheng's injury.

At the same time said: rest assured, I will avenge you, I want to let him back 100 times.

After talking, he took Murong Qingcheng and returned to Shangqing City.

He looked at Ye Wudao and Gu Santong, and also shot two swords with sword spirits to restore their injuries.

Sorry, I just got the news and came along.

You can come back.

The Golden Lion King was relieved.

They can feel that the power in Lin Xuan seems to be stronger than before.

Gu Santong and Ye Wudao said: Be careful, they are strong.

Rest assured, I can solve them.

Lin Xuan's voice, with supreme confidence.

The spectators in the distance, when they saw this scene, exclaimed: Lin Wudi, he came back.

Is he finally out? I thought he had been afraid to come out.

What Lin is invincible? I said, he is not worthy of becoming invincible, he can only be called Lin Xuan.

Countless voices of exclamation sounded,

The people of the three great ancient gods are also very surprised.

Did the legendary Lin Wudi finally dare to come out? Kind of interesting.

They all looked ahead and found that Lin was invincible, and it was the beginning of the true god.

The same state.

Xing Tiance sneered, and he hasn't been defeated yet.

You are that Lin invincible, unexpectedly, you dare to come out.

Fortunately, today I will suppress you in front of countless people and countless people.

I want you to know that you are not worthy of being invincible, nor are you worthy of having a dragon sword.

On the other side, the real **** of demon also came out: dare to fight me?

Lin Xuan turned around and stared at these people, said lightly: Rest assured, none of you can escape.

Dare to come to the gods and spread the wild, you will pay the price.

Come together, you guys, UU reading is not enough for me.

Lin Xuan's voice rang, and when everyone heard this, they were all dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

This is totally despising the ancient gods,

This Lin is invincible, too arrogant.

Some people laughed in the sky: Ha ha ha ha, this is the legendary Lin invincible.

Wasn't he so arrogant? Otherwise, why would he dare to say invincible?

I think he was still Lin Wudi, who had not changed at all.

Look, he can sweep everything,

Lin Wudi, never let us down.

Others laughed coldly: Huh, it's really stupid, he is angering the ancient gods.

His ending will be miserable.


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