Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7516: challenge! Bloodline! (two)

Dark Red Dragon is also startled. Is the power here so terrible?

It's kind of interesting.

His formation skills improved, and he did not put everything in his eyes.

But when he came here, he also felt a trace of crisis. He quickly hit the formation and surrounded him.

Let's go.

Lin Xuan led the way in front of him. This force was not the first time he experienced it, so he didn't care.

The people behind, followed quickly,

Soon after they entered, they heard a terrible roar around.

There was a strong blood pressure in that voice.

Lin Xuan said that the blood of the ancient monsters is very powerful.

In addition to being able to strengthen itself, this bloodline can also suppress the enemy.

None of you have the power of quaintness, so in front of them, you will be suppressed.

Under normal circumstances, it will be suppressed by one layer. If the blood line is particularly strong, it may be suppressed by three layers or even more.

Can't you exert all your power?

Ye Wudao and they all took a deep breath and their expression became extremely dignified.

Lin Xuan cast his reincarnation eyes and looked around. Soon, he hit the blue dragon in his sleeve.

A phantom of a green dragon emerged, the dragon claws waved, and flew to the distance. When it appeared again, it captured a few ancient monsters.

This is the realm of the flying feather bird, the true god.

Lin Xuan threw out one, said to Murong Qingcheng: Qingcheng, try to attack him, I am beside, to help you guard.

Murong Qingcheng nodded, condensed into a phantom of colorful Phoenix, and killed the past.

The flying feather bird had a trace of disdain in his eyes. Even when facing the phoenix, he didn't seem to care.

Because he has a whimsical atmosphere.

An ancient ant is far more powerful than other eras, not to mention that he is also a true demon monster.

His wings danced and formed a terrifying gust of wind, flying with wild power.

Colliding with the colorful Phoenix, a roaring sound came.

Murong Qingcheng's blood was tumbling and his face was shocked: Was it so powerful?

Huh, Phoenix Dance for nine days.

The war broke out completely, and in the end, Murong Qingcheng won,

However, she won't win easily, her face pale.

It's really hard enough.

Murong Qingcheng smiled bitterly.

Lin Xuan smiled: At first, it was normal, but after getting familiar with it, it would be no problem.

The more Nedan you get, the stronger your strength will be.

Having finished speaking, he directed Murong Qingcheng and dug the other side's wild ancient Nedan.

The color of the inner dan in this heavenly land is different from that of the Nine Netherlands. The one here is crystal clear, like crystal.

After Murong Qingcheng was absorbed, his eyes lit up: What a powerful force.

She discovered that the power she had previously consumed was recovering quickly.

A Neidan is so miraculous. If there are a large number of them, then the divine patterns in her body can quickly condense.

Although they have become true gods, there are not many Shinto patterns in their bodies. Like Murong Qingcheng, there are only 80,000 Dao patterns.

Ye Wudao, they are not much in the body.

Lin Xuan also released a few flying feathers, let Ye Wudao and Gu Santong fight to hunt, the two are also difficult, and won.

In their eyes, it was amazing light: great.

In this way, their strength can be improved very quickly.

Let's go.

Lin Xuan waved his hand and took these people to continue.

In addition to digging up Neidan, these desolate ancient beasts, they did not let go, all received in the storage ring.

Going back, you can let other martial arts of God Realm practice.

Next, they found a towering tree, as if it were a tree of heaven.

There are many flying finches on this tree. There are 50 at a glance.

When they saw this scene, Murong Qingcheng had their scalp numb: so much!

Of these, 30 are true gods, and the rest are half-step true gods.

Even one of them is the leader of the flying bird, and the information above is extremely terrible.

When his gaze fell, Ye Wudao and others were all struck by lightning and stepped back.

That pressure is too strong!

It is more powerful than the previous Demon Thunder God and others.

Lin Xuan said: Next, I will open the **** world, cover them in, and then divide into different battlefields.

You can play against them.

Do it yourself.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and rushed over quickly.

Seeing a little ant rushing in, the flying feathers on the tree in the sky were all angry.

They flapped their wings and formed a storm of extinction, and rushed over there.

Even if the other party is the true God, under this force, it will die in an instant.

Willow with the wind.

The sword energy on Lin Xuan's body turned into a willow tree, spinning quickly, blocking all the storms.

He quickly killed these flying feathers, a sword splitting a flying feather in half.

With a wave of his hand, it turned into a green dragon claw and grabbed the deserted ancient Nedan among them.

Seeing the companion fall, the rest of the flying feathers were completely angry.

They all rose into the sky, swooped down, and killed Lin Xuan. They wanted to tear this abominable little ant into pieces.

Seeing this scene, Murong Qingcheng and others looked pale.

But Lin Xuan sneered, and waved his hand, the **** world emerged, covering the world.

The **** world, with the power of six reincarnations, coupled with Lin Xuan's breath of wonton, opened up the world, and then became more terrible.

There is no problem trapping these wild monsters.

Next, he said: Come in

Murong Qingcheng, Ye Wudao, the ancient three links, the dark red dragon immediately rushed into the geographical boundary.

Find their opponents and fight each other.

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, stared at the leader of the flying bird, and stabbed him with a sword.


A sword pierced, the wind was flying, the snow was falling, the sword had not yet arrived, and the world was frozen.

The leader of the flying feather bird, frost appeared on his body, turned into a pile of ice, and his eyes were full of panic.

He exhausted all the blood power, broke the ice, and flew to the distance again.

But at this moment, a terrible breath fell down, as if to be able to crush the world.

This is the swordsmanship of the heavens.

Instantly shrouded the leader of the flying feather bird, this time, the opponent could no longer resist, the body split and turned into blood mist.

Lin Xuan waved his hand and grabbed Huanggu Neidan,

He turned around again and looked at the battlefield behind.

Murong Qingcheng and others are fighting in full force.

When Lin Xuan saw this scene ~ ~ Shen Sheng said: To deal with the ancient monsters, we must find their weaknesses.

Attack weaknesses and fight for killing in one blow.

Fei Fei's weakness is the hind head.

Hearing this, Murong Qingcheng, the ancient three links, and others, dared to change their fighting style and specifically attack the other party ’s weakness.

It didn't take long for them to suppress each other.

Lin Xuan said: At first, it may be difficult to find weaknesses, but once found, then you can completely restrain each other.

Everyone nodded after listening.

They shot quickly, beheading one flying feather bird after another.

At the same time, a group of people appeared in this barren area.

These people carry a very powerful flame, like the sun.

They are the people of Tianyang Protoss.


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