Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7530: True God Peak (1)

The golden light, very fast, instantly cut through the void and hit Xingtianhe.

Xingtianhe didn't react, his body was split.

He fell from the sky, blood stained the earth.

The people around were shocked,

The world is quiet and terrible,

They are stupid.

what's the situation? Xingtianhe has come up with the strongest hole card, Qinglong Ancient Lamp,

It was defeated.

Moreover, the defeat was more complete.

What was the golden light just now?

Even the elders in the Black Dragon Palace were stunned.

That golden light blocked the Qinglong ancient lamp and defeated Xingtianhe.

Qinglong ancient lamps, how powerful they are, but they know,

Among the true gods, there are few that can resist.

The only people who can block it are the three dragons,

Unless holding the anti-sky artifact, otherwise, it can't be stopped.

However, that golden light, like a peerless sword, shattered everything in an instant.

The golden light flew back to Lin Xuan's hands again. Lin Xuan looked forward and said coldly: Do you want to fight again?

Xingtianhe, issued a miserable roar,

He's collapsed, is he defeated? hateful.

He wanted to shoot again,

However, he was seriously injured and his bloodline disappeared a lot, hurting the source.

If he hits it again, he is very likely to die out.

Stop, we admit defeat.

Those people in the line of the unstoppable dragon clan in the starry sky rushed over, and they took Xingtianhe away, conceding defeat unwillingly.

All the people around have recovered, their bodies tremble and their scalp numb.

Lin Wudi is really too powerful. Who can imagine that even Xingtianhe is not an opponent.

The opponent has already reached the top 10? Have you entered the Black Dragon Hall?

This is incredible.

The speed of the other party is too fast,

No one has ever been able to ascend to the Black Dragon Palace in one year.

Even Long Yaotian and Dragon Dance couldn't do it back then.

No, there is someone who can do it, Brother Tiantian, he can do it.

One of the strong men said in a deep voice that the others shivered after listening to them.

Just a name, like a mountain in the ages, making them want to bow down.

There are many strong men in the Three Dragon Gates, such as Dragon Five and Long Yaotian, which are very famous.

However, they looked insignificant when compared with Long Tatian.

Long Tatian is too powerful, it is the Taixu Dragon Palace. Of all the disciples currently, the strongest one,

Even those elders are not his opponents.

Because Longtatian is already the pinnacle of the true god.

Going further, that is the realm of God King,

This is the entire Dragon Palace, the person who has the most chance to enter the realm of God King

It is the existence of those elders who all need to look up to.

Long Tatian can do it because the other party's blood is very strong, the talent is top-level, and has the god-king talent.

But how can this mad **** do it?

Is it possible that the mad **** will become the true **** of the peak in the future?

There is also a chance to impact the realm of God King?

When thinking of this, everyone just felt incredible.

You know, even if it is in the ancient ancient **** clan, it can become the king of the gods, that is not much.

If it is in a real wild age, like Long Yaotian and Dragon Dance, they still have a chance.

However, this era is not a quaint era,

They just came from the desert.

It ’s so hard to become God Emperor in this era,

The opportunities for Dragon Dance, Long Yaotian and others are very slim.

Only Longtatian has the opportunity.

Now there is another mad god, with such talent and strength against the sky, how can they not be shocked?

The disciples of the Dragon tribe looked at Lin Xuan with fear and envy in their eyes.

Xingtianhe has been rescued,

When he learned of the situation, he passed out directly.

He can't stand it,

His Dao Xin was completely suppressed.

He already has a demon.

He kept roaring, like crazy,

An elder shot him and knocked him out, which took him away.

Between heaven and earth, countless eyes fell on Lin Xuan,

Lin Xuan is like a god, and steps in all directions.

He looked around, as if the gods were looking down, and those around him turned away from their eyes.

No one dared to stare at it.

It's really crazy.

Many people gritt their teeth.

Some elders in the Black Dragon Hall were so excited that they felt they had found the treasure.

Feng Qianling also laughed: It looks like you lost the three elders.

Elder Heilongsan sighed: I lost nothing.


He took out a black stone and gave it to Feng Qianling with mysterious and unpredictable runes.

Feng Qianling put it away with a smile.

Everyone thought it was over, and then the game continued, but at this time, Lin Xuan shot again.

Lin Xuan shot at the ancient dragon in the sky,

When I saw this scene, those around me were crazy.

What does this kid want to do? Want to **** this baby?

Is he crazy?

This is not something in Xingtianhe, this is Brother Long Yaotian's treasure.


The dragons who are in the starry sky and the dragon veins are crazy roaring.

However, Lin Xuan did not care,

He urged a page of scripture to grow quickly.

Hundreds of ancient runes have fallen down and directly enveloped the Qinglong ancient lamp to suppress it.

Are you crazy?

The others were also furious: Do you know who this is? This is the treasure of Sanyao Longyaotian.

Even if you have Dragon Dance as a backing, but if you offend Long Yaotian, you will definitely die.

Haven't you handed it over yet?

The strong men of the Starry Clan, the crazy roar, and the other Dragon Warriors are also shocked.

The elders in the Black Dragon Palace are also crazy, they came out and said: Mad God, hand it over.

You can't eat this weapon.

Lin Xuan smiled: I don't care who this is. This is my booty.

You're so dead, Long Yaotian won't let you go.

is it? Then let him come to me, I am waiting for him.

Lin Xuan waved his hand away and took away the Qinglong Ancient Lamp.

He is not polite,

He has long known that since he got the real blood of Tianlong, he has offended Long Yaotian.

But what about?

Now that you have offended you, you might as well offend it completely.

This Qinglong ancient lamp has a powerful Qinglong fire. If Lin Xuan absorbs it, his physical fitness will definitely be improved again.

Lin Xuan is not afraid at all, what is Long Yaotian.

He also saw it, the Taixu Dragon clan, the strong is the most respected.

As long as he shows enough talent ~ ~ enough strength, someone can protect him.

Lin Xuan didn't care at all,

He walked back.

The crowd around them retreated like crazy, and no one dared to stay beside each other.

Looking for death, Long Yaotian didn't slap him until he knew it.

The starry sky is an imperishable dragon, and his face is ugly to the extreme. Several strong men discussed it, and they decided not to shoot.

Let this matter be handed over to Long Yaotian.

It's just that Long Yaotian is not practicing in the Dragon Palace, but in the barren areas.

When you want to come back, you will definitely get angry.

When the time comes, what should we do to see this crazy god?

Who does he think he is? What if he is no less talented? Offending Long Yaotian, he will end miserably.


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