Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7542: Stand up! Strength breakthrough!

Yang Xuanwu is really crazy, he is desperate, showing the power of blood,

The blood inside him kept rolling.

After 4 times, I reached a limit,

His strength increased at an extremely rapid rate, and his body became a **** figure.

At this moment, he seems to have turned into an ancient giant, extremely powerful.

It seems that Brother is desperate.

The people on the Tianyang Protoss side were all nervous.

The people of God's domain are also pale: is this too terrible?

This force is completely beyond the previous.

It seems that with a breath, they can sweep them.

Oh, are you desperate?

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes when he saw this scene: However, are you qualified to work hard with me?

Don't be too arrogant.

Yang Xuanwu snorted coldly: I have fully opened my blood, and now the power is far more than before.

If before, I could find the three-eye Jinwu, and my bloodline could still improve to reach the five-turn magic fire.

By that time, I will be able to shoot you with a slap.

What are your qualifications to be arrogant in front of me?

To die.

Yang Xuanwu roared, and his palm fell again.

The figure of Tianyang God surrounded him in his palm, with a mysterious atmosphere.


The power of peerlessness broke out and went towards Lin Xuan, as if to completely engulf Lin Xuan.

I want to see you destroyed.

Yang Xuanwu's expression was fierce.

Do you say the power of the three-eye Jinwu refers to this power?

Faced with such a terrible attack, Lin Xuan also shot.

With a big wave of his hand, a terrible flame flew out of him, and in front of him, it became a flame of flame.

Ten thousand and eighty flames of flaming sword gas rolled between heaven and earth.

Later, it became one after another,

This is not an ordinary Jinwu, but an illusion of Taikoo Jinwu.

Not only that, in these Jinwu eyebrows, there is a vertical eye, at the moment, slowly opened.

Ten thousand and eighty eyes opened together, illuminating nine days and ten places.

That terrible breath turned into eternal light and swept across the sky.

At this moment, everyone was shocked,

What power is this? It's too powerful.

The people in the Divine Realm exclaimed, those in the Tianyang Divine Clan had scalp numbness,

They kept backing.

The flames on the other party gave them a fatal threat.

The woman with flame hair exclaimed: it is the three-eye Jinwu, which is the power of the three-eye Jinwu.

How can this be?

Three-eyed Jinwu is very rare. We found one before, but we did n’t get it after a long time of tracking.

In the end it fell short.

How can you get it?

They really don't understand.

How can you have this power?

Yang Xuanwu was also stunned. His expressions were all cruel, and his eyes were red.

Lin Xuan said with a smile: Nature was obtained from the barren area.

Damn, you took away the three-eyed Jinwu, which originally belonged to me.

Yang Xuanwu is really crazy.

No wonder he couldn't find the three-eyed Jinwu, who was robbed by Lin Wudi.

Your power?

Lin Xuan also smiled after listening: What are you thinking of? Do you deserve this power?

When I saw the three-eyed Jinwu, there was no figure beside it.

Why is it yours?

Why don't you say that the whole piece of desolation belongs to you?

Lin Xuan snorted and urged 18,000 Jinwu.

In each of the three-eye Jinwu's eyebrows, a flame of light flew out into a sword spirit.

Ten thousand and eight thousand sword qi swept across the world and killed forward.

This is Lin Xuan's own gold-and-black sword technique. It is really powerful when it is displayed.

Here, he can make full use of the Dragon Sword Soul.

Cooperating with the invincible power, it really swept everything.

Yang Xuanwu was instantly enveloped by the sky's sword energy.

The Tianyang God figure on his body radiated endless Shinto light, countless blood veins and flames, and was released on it.

However, still unable to resist,

It didn't take long for Tianyang Shentu to be penetrated.

Yang Xuanwu's body was also penetrated, and he flew out, blood stained the sky.

He was nailed into the void, miserable,

Everyone, when looking at this scene, was stupid.

How could this look?

The strong men of the Tianyang Divine Clan turned pale, and their bodies kept shaking.

Did even their extremely powerful Brother Xuanwu fail?

That's Xiaocheng's true god,

And the attack just now was a desperate blow,

Even the fire of the bloodline was released.

But even then, is it defeated?

The opponent's sword is really too strong, so unbelievably strong.

There is an old man in secret, he is a great true god, he is the guardian of Yang Xuanwu.

Until the moment of life and death crisis, he will not shoot.

Genius needs protection, but genius also needs to hone and fight, as long as Yang Xuanwu does not die, he will not shoot.

But now, he can't help it anymore,

In this way, Yang Xuanwu will definitely die.

Taking a deep breath, he was ready to shoot.

But at this time, Yang Xuanwu was roaring like crazy.

Ah, I'm not convinced.

I come from the Protoss, I have the blood of the ancients, I have the supreme power, how could I lose to you?

I am not convinced!

I can not be reconciled!

Nine turn magic fire tactics, give me work.

Yang Xuanwu growled like crazy, he was really crazy,

He roared continuously like a wounded monster.

The blood on his body did not drip, but rolled quickly.

It turned into flames and formed mysterious runes one after another.

Brother, what do you want to do?

The people of the Tianyang Protoss were shocked when they saw this scene.

The red-haired woman cried and said: Brother, please ask the assistant to go on like this, you will be wiped out.

Yeah, brother, stop, it ’s not that you are weak, but that the boy is lucky.

If you get the power of the three-eye Jinwu, you won long ago.

However, no matter how these people persuaded, Yang Xuanwu would not listen at all.

At this moment, he was already shrouded in **** flames.

Those flames are running in an extremely mysterious trajectory.

Once, twice, three times,

The speed is getting faster and faster, and in the end, there are millions of times in the blink of an eye.

Yang Xuanwu's body was broken again, and he seemed to be completely split.

It's going to fail.

The people of the Tianyang Divine Clan are desperate, and the Dacheng True God will also start.

But at this time, an earth-shattering voice came from ~ ~ All the **** flames flew into Yang Xuanwu's body.

The next moment, the Tianyang God figure emerged again and became even more dazzling.

The injuries on Yang Xuanwu's body recovered at an extremely rapid rate, and a force destroying the eight wastelands emerged.

With a cry of anger, the Jinwu Jianqi formed by the three-eye Jinwu was shattered.

Nine turns, the fifth turn!

It's done!

Yang Xuanwu laughed in the sky: Hahahaha, Lin Wudi, I would like to thank you! Let my nine-turn **** torch rise again.

If not, you make me feel a fatal crisis, and I will not be able to break through so fast!

Now I have the supreme power, you don't knelt down to die!

With a roar, Shenhuo swept through the eight wastelands and destroyed everything.

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