Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7568: Supreme God! Shocking power!

Mad God, I believe you once, I hope you can, support for a while.

Long Wu took a deep breath.

To tell the truth, she all felt crazy, she would even believe that an early true god.

Inside the **** world.

The real **** of Fei Lei is also ignorant: the other party has avoided the Thunder Spear, is it incredible?

This guy has a strange breath on his body, it seems that it is not the power of the Taixu Dragon Race.

Who are you?

Mad God!

never heard of that.

True God Fei Lei frowned slightly: The other party didn't seem to be an old man.

Then remember this name well, because it won't take long for this name to rule the world.

Arrogant things, do you think you can still live in front of me?

You have no future.

The Thunder Devil snorted.

On him, a circle after another, a terrible thunder, flew out in all directions.

Those thunders formed a jagged look and easily shattered the void.

This is his magical power. With him as the center, everything will be destroyed.

The monstrous supernatural power swept through,

The whole world was broken.

The **** world also shook quickly.

Lin Xuanru was struck by lightning and his body shook violently, and his chaotic body even appeared cracked.

I have to say that the power of Dacheng True God is really too powerful.

It is not easy for him to contend across so many realms.

It seems that the other party has already made a killing intention and exhibited a superb killing trick.

With such power, no one under the true God can resist.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath: It seems that it is necessary to use some cards.

Lin Xuan did not use the Dragon Sword and the Samsara Sword directly.

None of these cards can be used.

He was not sure about killing the other party in case, and if the other party was allowed to flee, the identity of the mad **** could not be used.

Lin Xuan used some other cards, such as Sendai.

In the **** world, a mysterious light suddenly appeared,

In the darkness, a bright brilliance burst forth, sweeping in all directions.

It was a platform more than two meters high, made of precious jade, and the whole body was dazzling.

Mysterious pole.

After it appeared, it seemed to be able to suppress the world.

The zigzag thunder around him seemed to be blocked, as if entering a quagmire.

The speed began to slow down.

Flying Thunder Demon God, when he saw this scene, his face changed, and he fixed his eyes on Sendai.

Boy, I didn't expect you to have such a baby.

You really surprised me.

However, I have to thank you for accepting this thing.

He was so excited,

This side of Sendai is so mysterious that he can't see clearly.

Even in his state of becoming a true God, he felt this extraordinary.

The origin of this thing is absolutely terrible,

It is even possible, beyond imagination.

It's just that in the hands of this little ant, it can't exert any power.

If given to him, his strength can definitely advance by leaps and bounds,

I can even make it into the top Dacheng true god.

After suppressing the opponent's jagged thunder, Lin Xuan shot again.

He did not rely entirely on Sendai, he also wanted to verify how strong his current strength is.

Taking a deep breath, there was a burst of dragon roar in the body.

Lin Xuan used the power of the Dragon Soul. However, instead of using the sword technique, he coordinated with the Dragon Martial Art.

Unstoppable power poured into his body, and the dragon veins in his body shook violently.

As if he had come alive, he made a sound, and even more so, his chaotic spirit.


With a roar, the fist came out like a dragon.

Lin Xuan had seen before that his father Lin Zhan's battle was really against the sky.

At the same time, Lin Xuan also realized his father's breathing method and combat tactics.

He was quite inspired.

Now, I can finally put it to good use. Let me see what his body and strength are now.

The terrible fists flew over and over, as if turned into hundreds of dragons, roaring between the world.

Killed the jagged thunder,

When hitting the top, it made a tremendous sound.

Those thunders shook quickly, like the sea, and began to roll.

The light above becomes dim,

Lin Xuan stared at a place and attacked with all his strength.

Finally, he tore apart those thunders.

A big crack appeared in Lin Xuan and killed him.

How can it be?

Feilei Demon God was stunned, the other party was able to break his magic.

Although there is a peerless weapon to help, but the other person's physique is too out of the sky.

Well, I will compare your physique with you, and I will let you see what it means to be a true warrior.

True God Fei Lei was also angry.

He didn't show his peerless supernatural powers, but with his strong physique, he killed him.

Above his body, there are terrifying thunder runes, flashing.

His fist slammed fiercely.

With a click, he fell on Lin Xuan's fist.

Wanlong roared, Thunder swept all directions.

Lin Xuan only felt that his fists seemed to be split, and he became the power of the true God, and he was going to die.

Too powerful, so powerful that it makes people desperate.

Lin Xuan was also shocked.

Before watching his father, he easily beheaded Dacheng True God, and even defeated, the top Dacheng True God,

Let him trance, thinking that the great God, but so.

Now that he has fought in person, he knows how terrible Dacheng is.

Before Lin Xuan, he once fought with the supreme, such as the Holy God of God.

The power of those supreme people at that time was already terrible.

However, when compared with the Dacheng God, it is simply unbearable.

Let's put it this way, none of the 10 supreme ones can compare with one great true god.

Even the gap between the two sides is even greater.

Lin Xuan is also different now.

Although his fist cracked, he was not afraid.

Quickly display the words, repair the injury.

The dragon blood and dragon force in the body boiled quickly.

Dragon Dao Wushen tactics.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, an extremely terrible light erupted, and all the power of the Dragon Road was running fast with a mysterious route.

This is the supreme magic formula, and it is extremely domineering.

Although Lin Xuan hadn't just practiced for a long time, however, with the dragon spirit of the dragon, there was indestructible power.

The power exerted is also terrible.

The whole world shook it. UU reading book

Lin Xuan killed the past again.

His fist seemed to turn into a peerless dragon, tearing everything apart.

The panacea on him also changed, as if transformed into a panacea shadow around him.

Fei Lei was so shocked, could the opponent be able to contend with him?

What kind of body is this?

Is this the power of chaos?

Impossible, there is absolutely no Chaos Dragon Clan in Taixu Dragon Palace.

In an instant, he found that the chaotic breath on the other party disappeared, turned into a dragon shadow, and killed together.

He exclaimed: This is the supreme **** formula, what you are practicing is the dragon martial art formula!

Literature Museum


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