Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7584: Chaos Protoss! King's Land!

Although the feathered fairy dynasty is low-key, it often appears in front of everyone, but it does not mean that he is weak.

On the contrary, he is also very powerful. The background is terrible.

Now some people have even embarked on the emperor and started

Let those strong men who feather the fairy dynasty can't stand it.

I come from the Chaos Protoss, this time it was ordered to form, mainly for the Heavenly Emperor family and it has nothing to do with your feathered fairy dynasty.

This time, you will not feather the fairy dynasty and do your hands. If you insist on shooting against me, it will be an enemy of Chaos Protoss!

The sound of Thunderbreaker sounded.

He is neither humble nor overbearing, and does not seem to be very afraid of the feathered fairy dynasty.

After listening to these strong men, the brows of the Xian Dynasty also frowned tightly. Was it Chaos Protoss? This is a wild ancient protoss, more importantly, the other side is still standing behind.

This is a more terrifying existence than other wild ancient gods

They discussed it and did not do it.

Thunderbreaker, when he saw this scene, he sneered. What feathered immortal dynasty, in front of their Chaos Protoss, was simply unbearable.

On the other side, the people in the feathered fairy dynasty discussed it, and they were ready to send a message to Lin Xuan.

Let this matter be solved by God Realm.

Emperor Zun printed his hand and sent a message to Lin Xuan, directly over the enchantment of the real **** cut by the dragon.

Taixu Dragon Palace.

Lin Xuan is fully practicing breathing.

The dragon veins in the body are rapidly condensing, and the power of Wushen Jue envelopes his body.

Just at this time, Lin Xuan opened his eyes and he got a message.

It turned out to be the Feathered Fairy Dynasty, came from!

whats the matter?

Lin Xuan was slightly surprised,

After a little exploration, the next moment, he stood up and stopped practicing,

His face became very dignified,

Chaos Protoss actually started,

The target turned out to be the emperor's burial!

It seems that the other party wants to get the inheritance of the Heavenly Emperor, so **** it!

Lin Xuan is ready to attack, he uses the identity of the mad **** and directly uses the super teleportation array of the Taixu Dragon Palace, which can be directly sent to the nearby Emperor Star.

He also sent a message to the people of Shangqing City to let them act.

In Qingcheng, Ye Wudao and other people changed their faces when they got the news.

Ye Wudao, the ancient three links, they were extremely anxious and had to go back quickly.

A group of people returned together.

Lin Zhan, at this time, he looked up at the sky and looked into the distance.

He felt a terrible force there, condensing.

As if it were earth-shaking.

who? He drank coldly and went straight for nine days.

The power in him kept erupting as if he could destroy everything.

The figure opposite appeared, sneering, I heard that your combat strength is very strong, I want to learn something.

I, destroy the true God!

Lin Xuan's expression was solemn, he could feel it. The person in front was terrible, much stronger than the previous Thunder Dragon God and others.

The chaotic breath on the other side seemed to really destroy everything.

He sneered and rushed past.

At the next moment, the power of terror spread out, sweeping the world.

After the strong men of Shangqing City sensed it, their expressions were very dignified.

Have even masters like Lin Zhan been stopped?

It seems that Chaos Protoss is really well prepared!

I don't know, Ye Wudao can they resist it?

Don't worry, Mr. Lin has already gone. As long as Dacheng is not coming, I think there should be no problem.

Yes, for Lin Xuan, they are still looking forward to it.

In their view, under the great God, Lin Xuan is an invincible existence.

Emperor Star.

The Ye family, they are so desperate,

The masters of their family have been suppressed by the Thunder

The opponent's power is really too strong, a person pushed the whole world horizontally,

So that they can't resist.

Fortunately, with their family heritage, they temporarily formed a formation to block each other,

But if this continues, they will all be destroyed sooner or later.

No way, haven't they come yet? An elder asked anxiously.

Some people also said, wouldn't the whole world be sealed by the Thunder, could not pass the news?

If this is the case, it will be troublesome.

After everyone heard it, they were even more desperate.

At this time, the formation within the family flashed some figures, which emerged from the formation,

The elders of the Ye family turned and looked, and the next moment they exclaimed.

No way, you are here!

They found that it was Ye Wudao and some powerful people of God Realm.

They were all relieved, so good!

After Ye Wudao walked out, they looked around and their faces became very dignified.

Most of the disciples of the family were suppressed.

Even the elder elders were injured.

Unforgivable, Chaos Protoss is really arrogant!

Who can handle it?

Ye Wudao looked up to the sky.

He found a figure standing in the sky, surrounded by a terrible thunder.

It's like a young Thor.

What a terrible power! Ye Wudao felt that the opponent had a destructive power, which was Chaos Thunder.

It was the thunder that formed when the world opened up

No way, you have to be careful, that kid is not ordinary, it is very powerful, they are people of Chaos Protoss.

The elder of the next Ye family said nervously.

Rest assured, Lin Xuan is on the way to come, and I have practiced with Lin Zhan's predecessors recently, and my strength has also been greatly improved.

I also want to verify, where is my strength now?

Hope this Chaos Protoss, don't let me down!

Ye Wudao strode forward.

The people behind the Ye family followed quickly.

The son of Breaking Thunder stood above the nine days, with a smile on his lips,

Is this the legendary burial emperor star? But so.

It can be said that it is too rubbish, except for the feathering of the fairy dynasty, he did not dare to do it, and the other family sect is not his opponent.

He only threw a thundercloud, enough to suppress one side.

Even the legendary Tiandi family is not an opponent.

Although the opponent has a terrible formation ~ ~ but Thunderbreak believes that with his thunder power, it will not take long to break these formations.

At that time, he will come to the world!

One hand can suppress each other!

One-handed suppression of the Tiandi family, if it spreads, it will definitely be famous forever!

Thinking about it, suddenly the formation below turned on, and the Ye family came out.

Breaking Thunder, when he saw this scene, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

how? Is it because of fear of his power? Was the emperor's family going out to kneel and submit to this day?

Thinking of this, the son of Breaking Thunder is even more excited, hum, the Heavenly Emperor family is just like that!

Even worse than expected.

There is no need for the ancestor to shoot, he will be able to suppress the entire burial emperor star alone!

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