Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7586: God of Destruction vs. God of War

The power of Dacheng True God is indeed very powerful. If he does n’t come, it would be impossible to resist the burial of Emperor Star.

Even Lin Xuan, even before, was like a big enemy.

Today, Lin Xuan has been able to contend with the true God of Dacheng.

Feeling the power of the Great God, Lin Xuan was not afraid, but instead had a bit of stern war in his eyes.

Let me see, how great is the Chaos Protoss's true God?

Lin Xuan flew towards the front.

He did not hide his breath, killing the past at a very fast speed.

In front, those of Chaos Protoss are still talking and laughing.

Suddenly, they felt a sharp sword rush towards them, rushing fiercely towards them.

Seems to split them in half.

Damn, what's going on? Does anyone want to fight them?

Who is it?

The breath of chaos on them, perpetually diffused, turned into a chaotic world and lay beside them.

With a bang,

The whole world was shaken violently, and countless chaotic breaths were shattered.

They are also tumbling, and they are shocked.

Although they blocked this move, they still suffered some injuries under the joint force.

Where is the sacred person?

Some people exclaimed: No, it seems that the top master of God's domain is here.

What are you afraid of? There is an ancestor here, we have nothing to fear.

I want to see who it is? Dare to slash in front of us.

A roaring voice came.

The chaotic world rolled, slowly cracked, and a figure came out,

All eyes fell on this figure.

At the next moment, everyone exclaimed: Lin Wudi, you!

They may not know the other people in God Realm, but they absolutely know Lin invincible.

Because Lin was invincible, he had wounded the **** son of their Chaos Protoss.

They had vowed long ago that if they saw Lin Invincible, they would shoot at all costs.

Suppress each other and hand over to the Son of God.

They have long remembered the information about Lin Wudi.

Now when they saw each other, they recognized each other for the first time.

Unexpectedly, you actually dare to come,

Are you here to die?

Boy, you have offended the **** son of our protoss, no one can save you from heaven and earth.

Did not kneel to die.

The sound of cold drinks sounded like thunder, breaking the world.

Lin Xuan snorted: You are the ones who are dying.

What about Chaos Protoss? I don't even think of your God Son, let alone you.

Obediently kneel on the ground! Die!

Damn it, too arrogant.

Can't bear it anymore, I'm going to kill him.

These strong men of Chaos Protoss are mad.

There was a little true **** who came out and he was called a **** who broke the sky.

The power in him is terrible,

Between raising your hands and feet, you can destroy countless sky.

As he strode forward, the whole starry sky was shaking, and it seemed that he could not bear his power at all.

The innocent God looked forward and said in a cold voice: Lin invincible, I would like to learn something.

See if you have it, the legend is so strong?

After he finished speaking, he shot it out with a palm, and the starry sky everywhere became dim in an instant.

The stars nearby seemed to be destroyed and turned into ashes.

This palm is really terrible.

Lin Xuan laughed in the sky: Is the power of chaos? But so.

I have that too.

He cast the Chaos All Spirits and punched with a punch, which was also a force of Chaos.

As if turned into a dragon of chaos, sweeping across the Eight Wastelands.

The two collided, the void was torn apart, countless chains and black holes, floating and floating everywhere, a world-like scene.

Fortunately, they are in the extraterrestrial universe, otherwise, the world under their feet does not know how many times they have been destroyed.

After one blow, the big palm of the sky was broken and turned into countless chaos, scattered in all directions.

When everyone looked at this scene, they were all stunned, their faces ugly.

Their eyes were red and they stared at each other.

They found that Lin Wudi not only had the upper hand, but more importantly, what the other party exerted was also the power of chaos.

Still extremely terrible chaotic power.

Damn it, what can this boy do? Why can you exert the power of chaos?

He is unworthy.

Only our Chaos Protoss is worthy of exerting this power.

kill him.

He is challenging our protoss and can no longer let him survive.

These people roared like crazy,

Even the real **** of dragon slashing is murderous.

However, he did not do it, he was high above.

He is a true god, even if the other party is Lin Wudi, what about?

He was unworthy to let him go.

These people around him can destroy each other.

The God of Breaking Heaven is also angry,

Damn it, dare to underestimate him.

Heaven's palm, kill me.

With a scream, the chaos of his body exploded completely,

More terrible hands, patted the palm.

Before that was just an ordinary attack, but this time, it was a stern school.

In line with his blood veins, this palm was terrible.

Little true god, few can resist.

Even countless worlds must be wiped out in this palm.

Lin Xuan looked at this palm, his expression was terrible,

He sneered.

He displayed the Dragon Dao Wushen tactics, and the dragon shadow on his body kept spreading.

As if turned into tens of thousands of heads, the dragon of chaos circled over his palm.

His palm, also towards the front, patted fiercely.

Wanlong growled.

The atmosphere of chaos exploded, sending the two's unique skills, colliding again, ruining the world.

With a click, the palm of the sky shattered, as if it were paper, it was simply unbearable.

what's the situation?

When everyone looked at this scene, they were shocked.

So terrible ground-breaking palm, can't even block the other's punch?

Is this Lin invincible already strong enough?

Damn it, I don't believe it.

They are all mad.

The God of Breaking God was equally stunned,

His palm was completely shattered, and the blood of chaos flew between heaven and earth.

He didn't feel the pain at all, because some things were more shocking than the pain.

How does the opponent's chaotic power feel more terrifying than his?

How does it feel that the other party is the Chaos Protoss, and he is just a fake?


His blood of chaos ~ ~ instantly boiled.

In him, it turned into countless chaotic fire, and it kept glowing.

Destruction of God! Destroy forever!

Countless chaotic fires, quickly condensed, turned into a chaotic lotus and floated towards the front.

After the lotus flew out, the body of the innocent God shook.

It seems that there is no strength to stand.

It is conceivable how terrible this blow is, it can be said to be doing its best.

The chaotic lotus blooms in the sky,

In an instant, Lin Xuan shrouded him.

Those of Chaos Protoss sneered: "Although this Lin is invincible and powerful, he will eventually lose."

"He is too far away from the power of chaos."


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