Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7594: Slash the Dragon Sword! defeat!

The real God of Dragon Slashing is really scared. He never thought that he would have a life crisis.

And it was defeated by Lin Xuan.

Damn it.

He was extremely unwilling,

However, he must go now,

Only escape, there is a ray of life.

Where to go!

Lin Xuan drank coldly, brandished Qixing Longyuan and killed him in front of him.

He is like an ancient sword god, murderous.

Around him, those sword spirits turned into countless dragons and killed them together.

The cold sword gas was cut into the blood mist, and some blood mist turned into ashes.

The true **** of dragon slashing roared like a madman. He cast his last secret method, and the chaotic breath filled out.

The chaotic blood of God split between heaven and earth and turned into a lotus flower, chaotic lotus flower.

The whole world, completely broken,

There is nothingness everywhere, and the avenues of heaven and earth seem to rotate.

People can't tell the difference, where is the true God of Dragon Slash?

With this opportunity, the real **** of dragon slashing escaped quickly.

Lin Xuan cut a few more swords, and finally, he stopped.

The other party escaped desperately, at any cost to destroy the blood and the source, and indeed let the other party run away.

It's really difficult to kill a great god.

Lin Xuan snorted,

Although the other party escaped, he had already injured his bloodline and origin, and was absolutely seriously injured.

It is difficult to recover.

This time, it was beating the face of Chaos Protoss,

Look at the other party, dare you take action?

Did the ancestors escape?

In the void, there are still some people of Chaos Protoss,

When they looked at this scene, they were stunned.

The incomparably powerful God became a true god, so he fled so embarrassed that he almost fell here.

They are really scared: they run away quickly.

They also fled.

Lin Xuan snorted, Dacheng True God can escape, but it does not mean that these people of Chaos Protoss can escape.

Lin Xuan waved the Excalibur and killed him, and a variety of unique skills emerged endlessly. Dozens of strong chaos gods have fallen.

They descended from the sky, the blood of the chaotic god, stained the void, and blood rain began.

This is a chaotic blood rain, with the power to open the earth, and the whole world is about to crack.

Countless people were shocked when they looked at this scene.

Heaven, how many powerful people fall here to form, such a terrible image of heaven and earth?

Thunderbreaker and others are also frightened.

At the next moment, they saw a figure descend from the sky in the sky of blood.

This is a young sword god, surrounded by a terrible dragon shadow on his opponent, who stepped on the void and landed quickly.

There are still four.

When Lin Xuan saw this scene, he snorted and raised his hand as a sword.

You dare, the ancestors are here, dare you to kill me?

Thunderbolt son roared wildly,

His voice just fell, and his body was split in half.

The power of the Dragon Sword Soul made him completely wiped out.

What a terrible means.

The remaining three true gods also changed their face: Lin Wudi, do n’t be too arrogant, our ancestors will not let you go.

Lin Xuan laughed in the sky: You said that the true God of the dragon was cut, he was defeated by me, and escaped with serious injuries.

Don't expect him to save you,

As for the others, I was all beheaded.

After speaking, Lin Xuan waved his hands, dozens of storage rings, floating here.

These are all storage rings of the Chaos Protoss Powerhouse.

How could it be like this?

Breaking the innocent God and others, completely stunned,

They also turned around and fled.

Lin Xuan's sword was like a dragon, running through these people's bodies.

This time, he did not kill these people.

These people are the true gods of Xiaocheng, and their strength is very powerful.

Lin Xuan is ready to suppress these people and explore the secrets of Chaos Protoss.

It would be better if we could get breathing method,

As for the other blood, he will not miss it.

What Lin Xuan cultivated is also a body of chaos.

On the one hand, he played a supernatural power to suppress these three people.

At the same time, the psychic figure on Lin Xuan's body emerged, rotating between heaven and earth.

Start to absorb those Chaos Divine Blood, countless Divine Blood, all gathered towards Lin Xuan.

Suddenly at this time, Lin Xuan froze for a moment, his eyes crossed the endless void, and looked at the earth in the distance.

He frowned slightly.

He found that under the earth, there seemed to be a power, still absorbing the blood of chaos.

This is incredible.

These chaotic blood, although miraculous, are extremely powerful.

Ordinary people dare not absorb it, and only the true God dares.

Now, even someone can secretly absorb.

In this world, besides him, there are other true gods,

And, is it still hidden?

Is n’t it incredible?

When Lin Xuan was going to investigate carefully, he found that the power under the earth suddenly stopped.

Then, it disappeared.

He can only temporarily withdraw his gaze and absorb it with all his strength, the remaining wonton blood.

The innocent **** waited, and the three roared wildly.

Lin Wudi, you are too arrogant, you dare to suppress us,

You wait, Chaos Protoss will not let you go.

Do you really think that our Chaos Protoss has only one great God?

Our heritage is not what you can imagine.

The number of our great gods is beyond your understanding.

Watch it, it won't take long for our Chaos Protoss to shoot you out and kill you.

I am waiting. But before that, I will absorb all three of you.

Lin Xuan raised his lips, sneering.

At the next moment, he waved his hand and formed the **** world, swallowing the three small true gods.

Next, Lin Xuan looked to Ye Wudao and said: I have to retreat.

Before, he collected all the chaotic blood from the extraterrestrial sky.

Among them, there is the blood of Xiaochengzheng God, as well as the blood of Dachengzheng God.

In particular, some of the blood power left behind after the true God of the Dragon Slayer is broken is terrible.

It was impossible for Lin Xuan to absorb it in an instant. He had to refine it.

Mr. Lin, please come here.

The elders of the Ye family quickly invited Lin Xuan in.

Lin Xuan came to the Ye family's palace, sat cross-legged, the chaos of his body filled with non-stop.

The psychic figure rotates and transforms into animate creatures, and even the tai chi and gossip figures emerge.

Extremely mysterious ~ ~ On Lin Xuan, all kinds of images of heaven and earth appeared endlessly. Those of Ye family were shocked when they saw it.

Lin Xuan also left them with some blood of chaos, and the strong men of the Ye family also had fiery eyes.

They said: Let's try it out and see, can we absorb this kind of blood?

Ye Wudao took a deep breath, his eyes gleamed with a piercing light.

He will use Chaos Divine Blood to temper his body.

These people are all going crazy to practice, using the power of Chaos Protoss to strengthen themselves.

Below the earth, there was a faint sigh.

"Originally I thought that I could absorb a lot of Chaos Divine Blood, but now I only absorbed a little, and just broke a little enchantment."

"It's kind of a pity."

Literature Museum


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