Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7601: Go to, the fairy tower

The terrifying eye of the Demon God is enough to kill everything.

However, when approaching Lin Xuan, he disappeared without a trace, as if he had never appeared.

This change shocked everyone,

The eyes of the fairy tower are almost staring out.

To be honest, they have been fighting the people of Nine Demon Mountain all the year round. For this kind of Demon God's eye, they have a headache.

They simply cannot compete.

In their view, these two mysterious fairies should not be able to resist.

Unexpectedly, the other party blocked it easily.

The warriors of Nine Demons Mountain were also stunned.

How can it be?

They are all desperate.

The devil's eyes, his face changed a lot,

He seemed to see the most incredible thing.

He wondered if he was in illusion?


The ancient tee said coldly.

Damn it!

The demon-eye son roared up in the sky, and the moire on his body, which kept erupting, all poured into the third eye.

That eye, radiating extremely monstrous light, enveloped the world.

The whole void shivered,

The next moment, he emitted three lights of the demon god.

This time it is several times more powerful.

However, in midair, he was banished from the void and disappeared instantly.

How could it be like this?

The people of Nine Devil Mountains are desperate,

Demon Eye Master, also stunned there.

He is stupid.

Several elders in the fairy tower were also dumbfounded.

At this time, an old man seemed to think of something.

He said in surprise: This is the power of space.

When the words came out, even the companions around him were startled.


Several other elders shook their heads and said: In this world, no one can exert the power of space.

The people of Nine Demon Mountain were also stunned, they stared at the ancient three links.

You actually understand the power of space. Who are you?

They are all crazy.

The ancient tee frowned slightly.

Although the power of space is mysterious and scary, there are still people who can practice besides the ancient house.

It's just that they can't compare to their Void Classics.

There are even true gods in this world, and there should be people who can cultivate the power of space.

But why are these people so shocked?

Lin Xuan took his gaze back. He said: I understand a little bit.

He had read it before, and he also understood some of the memories of the Nine Demon Mountain Warriors.

This world is really different,

The heaven here is different from the outside.

The lives of people here are taken away,

There is no way to cultivate the power of space.

Because this is a sealed world.

Lin Xuan hadn't had time to explain yet, and the Demon Eyed Man was retreating madly.

In his eyes, shining a peerless light, he flew towards the nine days.

You two are of extraordinary origins, and you still have control over the power of space. It is impossible to succeed. Are you descendants of that person?

Grab you, we may have hope to leave.

This light flew to the distance,

However, it was cut off by the power of space.

The ancient three links exhibited space folding and killed the devil's eye.

The demon eye's body was immediately folded, and he had no resistance, fell to the ground, and roared like crazy.

Those other people are terrified: the power of space is really terrible, it is their nemesis.

In the blink of an eye, these people in the Nine Demon Mountains were suppressed, and the world was terribly quiet.

A few elders in the fairy tower came back first, and they came to Lin Xuan and performed a salute.

Two, would you like to visit our Xianta?


Lin Xuan nodded.

Several old men were very excited. They led the way ahead. Lin Xuan and the ancient three links rose into the air.

The group disappeared.

On the way, Lin Xuan gave Gu Santong the memories he had read.

After seeing the ancient three links, he was also very surprised.

This world is sealed,

Have some power, use a little less.

Those world-famous powerhouses in Nine Demon Mountains used magical powers to change the world.

They changed the lifespan of the warriors, and greatly reduced the lifespan of those strong.

And these lifespans will not disappear, but increase to them.

Even if the world is sealed, they can still live long.

Those warriors outside the Nine Demon Mountains, their lifespan has indeed greatly diminished. Even some top geniuses can only live for a hundred years.

Even in this world, it can only live two or three thousand years old.

After listening to the ancient three links, he sighed: It's really a cruel method.

Lin Xuan Chuanyin said: The same is true for the fairy tower.

Although this thing was not done by Xianta, Xianta did not stop it,

Even Xianta later used the same method.

They are a raccoon dog.

Then shall we go to Xianta? Do you want to do it?

The ancient three links are very angry.

He felt that those ordinary warriors were very sad, and he wanted to replace Tianxing Road.

Look at it first.

Lin Xuan Chuanyin said: If you continue to watch, those things behind the memories may have something to do with your ancient family.

After listening to the ancient three links, continue to watch.

Soon, they understood,

Why is this world sealed, and why people here cannot cultivate the power of space.

A long time ago, a master of the space department sealed the world.

At the same time, the spatial laws of this world are sealed.

No matter who this world is, they cannot go out, nor can they cultivate the power of space.

As for the name of this mysterious master, no one knows,

They call that person.

This matter is not a secret in Jiumo Mountain or even the fairy tower.

Therefore, Lin Xuan found it easily.

This is incredible!

The ancient tee frowned slightly.

Before, there was someone who broke a space barrier, formed a space crack, and absorbed the chaotic blood of the outside.

Does n’t it mean that this world has no talent to cultivate the power of space?

How did that open the space barrier?

It seems that these people don't even know that the space barrier is broken.

It seems that in addition to the Nine Magic Mountain and the Immortal Tower, there should be other mysterious masters.

Gu Santong guessed: Will it not be the descendant of the space powerhouse that year?

Not sure, but we can go to Xianta to ask.

As one of the ancient forces, Xianta is the master of this place, and you should know more.

Although the two old men in the front are leading the way, they have already delivered the message in advance.

The people inside the fairy tower were stunned. Even the master of the fairy tower was shocked.

Two mysterious people were born out of thin air,

One of them ~ ~ will also have the power of space,

This is incredible.

The people in the fairy tower are boiling: Where are these two people?

Some people even said: Do we want to deal with them?

If we can get the power of space, maybe we can leave this world.

Be prepared first and act at your own pace.

Shen Sheng, the master of the fairy tower, said.

Soon, a group of people descended on the fairy tower,

The lord of the fairy tower greeted him personally.

He smiled all over his face: "The two Daoists, coming from afar, are far away and welcome."


Lin Xuan and Gu Santong, the two went in.


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