Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7603: Fairy sword of 50,000 years!

Faced with this peerless sword, the magic energy between heaven and earth, violent shaking, seems to be broken.

The Fire Demon Patriarch sneered. He also spit out a magic sword, a magic sword with a blazing flame.

He waved the magic sword and killed forward.

With a bang,

The two collided together, and there was a shocking sound, and the whole fairy tower was shaking violently.

It seems to be broken.

Suddenly, at the front of the sky, a broken voice came,

Everyone was stunned and looked up.

At the next moment, they saw that the fairy sword, which had been refined for 50,000 years, was broken in half.

How can it be?

These warriors in the fairy tower are completely stupid,

So terrible fairy sword, can't stop even one blow?

The power of the devil is too strong, right?

The elder, shocked by this force, vomited blood.

A sword mark appeared on his body, splitting his body in half.

Although he did not fall, he was seriously injured.

More importantly, he worked hard to refine the fairy sword for 50,000 years, but he broke it.

How could this be?

The elder's complexion is so ugly

For a moment, he froze there.

So strong.

Seeing this scene, Gu Santong exclaimed: The top powerhouse in this world is really strong enough.

Lin Xuan also frowned slightly: This sword is not ordinary.

He could see that this magic sword with flames was extremely terrible, and it was an incredible artifact.

Close to Dacheng artifact.

No wonder the opponent's fairy sword can't resist.

What big elder, one waste, or a few old things from you, take it personally.

Fire Demon Ancestor, defeated the elders in one move, he stared at a few elders.

The faces of several elders were so dignified that they stared at the fiery sword.

They said in shock: Can this sword be the weapon of the year?

Impossible, isn't it already broken? How did you fix it?

Huh, my demon clan's heritage, are you ants, imaginable?

Give you the last chance, quickly hand over the power of space, otherwise, let you die.

The two Taishang elders looked at each other, and then they said: hands on.

The two rushed towards the front and killed the Fire Demon Ancestor together,

Their goal is this fire demon sword.

This weapon threatens them too much.

Want to suppress me?

Fire Devil Ancestor sneered: I'm afraid you don't have this opportunity.

He waved the magic sword in his hand and formed a sea of ​​fire that swept the world.

The water demon ancestor beside him sneered: Do you think I don't exist?

He spit out a blue bead, shining light between heaven and earth, forming a vast ocean.

Toward one of the elders, he killed the past.

Soon, the war ahead broke out,

The presence of the four ancestors battled, and it was earth-shattering.

The magical energy is monstrous, the immortal energy is misty, extremely shocking, just like the gods fighting.

Those martial arts in the fairy tower are stupefied,

They are extremely nervous,

I do n’t know if the elders are too high, can they resist it?

Suddenly, a screaming voice came.

It turned out that a huge vortex was formed in the sea, which covered an elder.

This great elder in white robe, his body, was actually shattered by the whirlpool.

Half of his body fled back, miserable.

He said in horror: This is the legendary water demon bead, you even repaired this weapon!

Fire Demon Sword, Water Demon Bead, these are two extremely terrible magic tools,

It is said that it was broken long ago.

Unexpectedly, it has now been repaired!

Damn it, carelessness, Nine Magic Mountain these years, don't know how much preparation has been made?

They felt a trace of despair.

At this time, there was another scream in front of him, and the great elder who fought against the fiend ancestor was also injured.

Several cracks appeared on his body and he stepped back in horror.

Everyone was desperate: were the two Taishang elders defeated?

With horror in their eyes,

Are their fairy towers really opponents?

To be honest, such a thing has never happened before.

Their confidence collapsed.

The face of the celestial tower is hard to see. It is no longer a matter of space.

The power of Nine Magic Mountain is so strong, if it can't be resisted.

Even if they surrendered the power of space, I am afraid they would not survive.

These demons will definitely make them die.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, and it seemed that he could only do his best.

As the master of the fairy tower, his strength is the strongest one,

Moreover, he can also use the background of the fairy tower.

He stamped the palm of his hand, struck out the runes one by one and shot them towards the void.

The whole fairy tower shook violently, and there appeared all around, terrible thunder, as if to destroy the world.

This is the sky thunder, extremely terrifying, these days thunder torn apart the world and formed a huge space crack.

And among the cracks in this space, there was a group of more terrifying thunders flying out.

When I saw this scene, the elder elder exclaimed: Are we going to use this weapon?

Even the ancient three links and Lin Xuan are also surprised: this Thunder is not ordinary!

It seems that the background of the fairy tower is stronger than they thought.

The ancestor of the demon opposite also frowned slightly, and they stared at the thunder.

The Fire Demon Patriarch sneered: Is the legendary fairy Leiding?

Fortunately, I will teach you, is your fairy thunder, as powerful as the legend?

He urged the Fire Demon Sword, towards the front, and severely cut the past.

Jian Qi came with a raging anger, and it shattered between heaven and earth.

No matter what the enemy is, under this sword, all will be wiped out.

The people in the fairy tower are horrified: this magic sword is too terrible. I don't know the tower owner.

The lord of the fairy tower snorted with a big wave, and suddenly the thunder in the sky quickly fell.

The thunder above turned into one rune after another, and the things inside the thunder also emerged.

That is a tripod,

It's half a meter high, and it's extremely simple, with extremely terrifying lightning power on it, flashing.

This is the power of Xianlei.

Xian Lei Ding falls, hits Xian Lei's strength, breaks all directions.

The whole world shook,

The entire Immortal Demon Realm seems to be destroyed.

At this moment ~ ~ Innumerable warriors of Immortal Demon Realm looked up at the sky and they knelt to the ground.

They saw a terrifying thunder in the distance, flying.

That little thunder was enough to make their entire family die.

This is the power of Immortal Dao, the immortals are angry, it seems that the Immortal Demon War has started again?

Although it is not the first time for everyone, they have experienced the battle of immortals,

However, every time was shocked.

Especially this time, those forces are very terrible, even if they are so far apart, they still feel a fatal crisis.

I do n’t know who can win this battle?

With a bang,

The fairy road thunder fell on the fire demon sword, making a tremendous sound.

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