Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7605: Shot! The power of the void!

With just a sound, these powerful towers of the fairy tower were seriously injured if they were struck by lightning.

Even the lord of the fairy tower vomited blood, which is really incredible.

The warriors of Xianta are scared and silly, how could this be?

The ancient three links also changed their face. The voice just now gave him a fatal crisis.

Even Lin Xuan frowned slightly: Jiu Mo Shan really was extraordinary.


Fire Demon Ancestor laughed in the sky: how? Can't resist it?

I told you long ago that your fairy tower is not an opponent at all.

Believe it now? Kneel on the ground obediently, surrender, otherwise, you will be completely wiped out.

How could it be like this?

The people in the fairy tower were desperate, and the elders too were terrified.

The Lord of the Immortal Pagoda raised his head and looked to the distance. He seemed to have thought of something, and said in horror: "It's impossible, that's the Devil Flute!

This is impossible.

An overly elder exclaimed: Heavenly Devil Flute, but the legendary thing, how could it exist?

They were really shocked.

It seems that you are not too stupid, yes, this is the Devil Flute.

The handsome man on the opposite side smiled and said: The power of the devil flute, you should have heard from the legend.

Now that you have also seen its power, you add up, and you are not opponents.

Obedient surrender, surrender the power of space.

The atmosphere is extremely depressing, the world is terrible and quiet, these people in the fairy tower are really desperate.

The two Taishang elders also said: We are not opponents, forget it, just hand it over.

The lord of the fairy tower is also extremely unwilling.

To be honest, the power of space is really too important for them.

Whoever masters the power of space will be able to control everything above. Here, it will become the real master.

Unexpectedly, the Nine Demon Mountains are so powerful. If they continue to fight, they may be wiped out instantly.

It seems that it can only be handed over.

The lord of the fairy tower just wanted to say something, but at this time, two figures came from behind.

One of them said: Yes, yes, I did not expect that there are still some strong people in this world.

Sure enough, it didn't disappoint me.

When they heard this, everyone was stunned, and they all turned around and looked around.

Those in the fairy tower were stunned. They found that it was Lin Xuan and Gu Shantong who came.

Who are you?

Opposite, the ancestor of the Nine Demon Mountain, was very surprised.

These two people, so breezy, seemed to have no fear at all.

You tried to find us with all your heart, but who do we still know?

Gu Santong sneered.

It turned out to be the two of you with the power of space.

The three ancestors across from each other, when they saw this scene, their eyes lit up.

Leave with us to avoid some torture.

Three people stood high.

In their view, they showed such a powerful force before,

These two people have been scared silly already.

Will definitely follow them.

What are you thinking of leaving with you? Do you have this qualification?

Lin Xuan said with a smile, he did not take each other's eyes at all.

The ancient three links also sneered: It is not so easy to want the power of my space.

When I heard this, everyone was stunned.

Those in the fairy tower were originally desperate.

They knew that these two people would definitely follow Jiumo Mountain, even the ancestors of Jiumo Mountain thought the same way.

However, things were completely beyond their expectations. The two men had no intention of leaving.

Not even the ancestors of the Nine Demon Mountains.

Just kidding!

The people in Xianta don't believe it,

Even their strongest Xian Leiding was defeated, not to mention the other party.

No matter how strong these two are, can they be better than the master of the fairy tower?

They don't believe it.

The lord of the fairy tower and the elder of Taishang, they also shook their heads. They felt that the two of them were a little bit thick.

The three ancestors on the opposite side looked gloomy.

The water demon ancestor sneered: even dare to challenge us, do you think that with a little space power, can it be arrogant?

too naive.

Although we don't have the power of space, our strength is completely above you.

Little ants, kneel down obediently, otherwise, you will die better than life.

Gu Santong sneered: You have been sealed by the power of space for a lifetime, and you have already been imprisoned.

I do n’t know, where did you get the courage? Dare to underestimate the power of space?

Find something dead.

The three ancestors were angry,

They are indeed sealed and cannot leave this world.

No matter what method they use, they cannot open the seal of space.

This is the man, the space power left behind is extremely terrible.

However, it does not mean that anyone's space power can threaten them.

The water demon ancestor snorted: Space is powerful for stupid things.

However, you are not qualified to challenge us.

He pushed the water magic beads,

Between the heavens and the earth, dark clouds condensed, and a magic rain started.

One drop after another of black raindrops penetrated the world, and with the terrible power of killing, he came to the ancient three links.

In an instant, he completely enveloped his space.

Gu Santong sneered, his figure flickered and disappeared,

He appeared in another direction.

He said coldly: Today, let you see, the power of my space.

These three ancestors are indeed very powerful. If under normal circumstances, the ancient three links are not opponents.

However, here is different,

This world is a sealed world.

The power of space in this world is above everything.

He uses the power of space and is inherently stronger than these people, and these people will be suppressed.

Even though his ancestor is stronger than him, the ancient three links are still not afraid at the moment.

Sure enough, it is the power of space.

Seeing the ancient tees, they could easily escape, and the three ancestors on the opposite side were also shocked.

They are very jealous of this power.

If they can get it, they will override everything,

Even, can leave here completely.

catch him.

The handsome man said coldly,

He didn't shoot, nor did the Fire Demon Ancestor next to him.

In their view, the Water Devil Ancestor alone, urging the Water Demon Bead, should be enough to suppress the other party.

After all, the gap in the state is not so easy to make up.

In addition, the water magic bead is another extremely terrible artifact. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

If you want to come within 10 strokes, you should be able to suppress the opponent.

However, 30 strokes passed, and there is still no suppression of the ancient three links.

Gu Shantong's power of the void is terrible, he avoided these attacks.

Quick battle and quick decision.

When the handsome man saw this scene, his face fell, and he said coldly.

The Fire Demon Patriarch took a deep breath and walked out, the flame on his body kept erupting.

The fiendish sword in his hand gleamed tremendously,

A sword cut out as if it could destroy everything.

When they saw this scene, the people in the fairy tower closed their eyes in despair.

They knew that the ancient three links would be defeated.

(End of this chapter)


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