Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7609: legend! 6 powers!

Before it was just an ancient voice, but now, it is a song, a very old song.

This is the song of the Devil, and the legend is the voice of the Devil.

The Demon Race is a terrible existence, while the Devil is in the Devil Race, it is a more mysterious existence.

Every demon is terribly terrible,

Legend has it that when the warrior breaks through, there will be a phantom of the heavenly demon to destroy the warrior cultivation.

There are some powerful geniuses, sometimes, they are all affected by the devil. Cultivation failed.

It is conceivable how terrible the demon is,

That's just a phantom of Demon,

Now the other party is showing the power of Heavenly Demon, Heavenly Demon Song.

Countless magic shadows flew between heaven and earth, as if a demon world had fallen on top of everyone's head.

Everybody's body and body shivered uncontrollably, and even they unconsciously raised their heads.

They looked to the sky, and the next moment they heard a sound in their ears.

That was the sound of an ancient magic road, enough to collapse their faith.

Even those magical shadows came down from the sky and wanted to fly into their bodies and tear up their avenue origin.


The disciples of the fairy tower screamed. They were as strong as crazy and rolled on the ground.

Even those with the level of true gods have changed their looks.

The elders of the Taishang, the master of the fairy tower, they used the power of the destruction of the fairy thunder to resist.

Thunder and thunder broke apart between heaven and earth, turning into a breath of destruction.

This is unbearable.

Lin Xuan naturally felt this strength, his face sinking, his big hand waved.

Demon Realm of Six Reincarnations.

Devil cut.

The icy voice rang out, and the devil in the six paths burst into a dark light.

A demon phantom appeared between heaven and earth. He had a demon knife in his hand, and he waved fiercely toward the front.

With a knife, a black light cut off the world.

An endless sword phantom appeared, killing forward.

Useless boy, your strength can't hurt me at all,

The power of the devil is not something you can imagine.

Handsome man sneered.

The roaring sound came, and the demons' phantoms were cut above the celestial demon's phantoms, making a violent sound.

The two forces collided between heaven and earth and shattered the void.

Some phantom phantoms have been shredded,

How can this be?

The handsome man was crazy when he saw this scene.

What is this power?

He stared deadly at the demon phantom.

Six demons!

The power of the six legends.

The handsome man's face was extremely unsightly.

Although he was sealed, their heritage is extremely ancient.

They have also heard of this six-path power, but he has seen it for the first time.

He was very surprised: what is the sacredness of this young man? He actually controlled the power of Liu Dao.

The other people were even more shocked: I didn't expect that Tianmo tunes were all on display, and I couldn't help Lin Xuan.

Do you have any stronger means? If not, then I'm going to shoot.

Lin Xuan's voice rang again,

The handsome man snorted.

Suddenly, a bit of coldness appeared in his eyes, and he urged the devil's music with all his strength.

His body began to become illusory.

There was a mass of magical qi on him, flew out, and flew into the Devil Flute,

Turned into black magic lines one after another,

How can it be? Are you desperate?

The Fire Demon Patriarch was shocked when he saw this scene.

He could not imagine that a handsome man would consume the power of the source to urge the Devil Flute.

Could it be that the enemy is so strong?


After consuming the power of the original source, Demon Song became more terrible.

Between heaven and earth, the phantoms of those heavenly demons are constantly superimposed and finally turned into ten heads, extremely terrible heavenly demons.

They stood between heaven and earth,

These ten heads of heavenly demons are standing upright.

The magic energy on them was even more terrible, they killed towards Lin Xuan.

All the devil swords around were torn by them.

The handsome man gritted his teeth and said: Even if you are six demons, what about?

The power of the devil is enough to suppress you.

The power of six reincarnations can be blocked!

The ancient three links, when seeing this scene, took a breath of breath: I have to say, this devil is really terrible.

He worried about Lin Xuan.

Even Lin Xuan was very surprised: a little bit interesting, but you too underestimated six reincarnations.

Six ways, not just demons.

Heaven is open! Avenue Tianyin!

In heaven, the mysterious woman came out.

She took the palm of her hand and spit out a terrible voice. This is the voice of heaven and earth. This sound runs through heaven and earth.

Everyone only feels that the world is shaking, the world is changing,

The universe is generally open.

This voice has groundbreaking power.


In the sky, ten powerful and powerful gods shook quickly under this voice.

With a loud bang, the bodies of several demon were actually split and turned into nothingness.

The remaining Demon, also kept going back.

The handsome man vomited blood, and his face became pale.

How could this look? The opponent has even more terrible power than the demon knife.

This is the power of heaven, it seems to restrain him.

Damn it, I don't believe it.

His eyes are red.

These two people, one controlling the power of the six Dao, one controlling the power of the space, and the other two, are the forces that make him yearn for.

Be sure to catch these two people.

He roared: You two, come and help me.

Water Demon Patriarch and Fire Demon Patriarch, after listening to them, also looked dignified.

At the next moment, they sat cross-legged in the void.

Their magic heart began to beat quickly, condensing all the power of the magic bloodline.

Two hearts of the magic road flew out and flew forward.

The two hearts of the magic road surround the Tianmo flute, providing him with powerful power of the magic road.

The handsome man became more illusory.

In the end, he seemed to turn into a phantom, and he put all his strength into the Devil Flute.

The ten celestial demons that collapsed before condensed out again, and they quickly merged into one, more celestial demons.

This demon, just the head, covered the whole sky,

Its head dived down ~ ~ as if it could swallow everything.

So powerful.

Those in the fairy tower knelt on the ground, their bodies trembling,

In front of this force, they are not opponents at all.

They can only surrender.

Even the Lord of the Immortal Pagoda, and Taishang Elder, they are all desperate.

They had hid in the fairy tower, but they seemed to be unable to resist.

This force can make them fall into flames.

Gu Santong's face changed greatly, he exiled himself, merged into the void, and played countless forces of the void.

It seems that it will not be able to resist for a long time.

He was extremely nervous: I don't know Lin Xuan, can I resist it?

Literature Museum


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