Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7626: Chaos Protoss! Shot!

Slashing the true God of the dragon and saying his own ideas, the people of Chaos Protoss are very supportive.

They immediately summoned the strong and set off quickly. This matter must be fast and rushed before God Realm.

An ancient chariot entered the door of space and disappeared.

When it reappears, it has come into the vast sky.

After the chariot emerged from the door of space, it quickly set off towards the remains of the world.

In the chariot, sitting dozens of figures, they are the strong of Chaos Protoss.

This lineup is extremely terrifying, and the opponent can't resist it.

Cut the corner of the dragon's mouth, with a cold smile, he sneered in his heart: This time, I see how you resist?

This time, in addition to bringing a lot of masters, he also brought other cards.

First of all, there was an ancient chaotic armor on his body, which greatly enhanced his defense.

Can resist, the peer's peerless sword spirit.

Moreover, he took another treasure, that is an artifact, an extremely amazing artifact.

It takes a lot of true gods to work together to mobilize this artifact.

This artifact is his strongest card,

It only takes one blow to kill the opponent.

Thinking of this, he said in a deep voice: speed up again.

Above the chariot, a bright light was radiated into a flash of lightning, and the speed was doubled in an instant.

The chariot finally stopped, and there was a breath of smoke ahead.

These powerful men in the tank have become extremely dignified.

The true God of Dragon Slashing also said: Remember, our goal this time is to kill the kid.

As for the newly emerging forces and the remains of the world, we will not explore them for now.

do you understand?

Everyone nodded after listening.

Okay, let's go.

At the next moment, the crowd walked out of the chariot, standing in the sky and dozens of figures.

The breath on them exploded and turned into chaos, like a dark cloud, falling overwhelmingly.

What a terrible power.

These people are expressing their emotions while expressing their emotions.

They found that a river appeared outside the remains of the emperor,

A **** river.

This **** river is extremely mysterious, and the power above makes them numb.

They landed carefully, flew in mid-air, and began to search.

They found this place, because of the appearance of this **** river, it has become extremely scary.

Even with their chaotic gaze, they can't see through everything, and they need to look so seriously.

In this way, they found Lin Xuan, adding a lot of trouble.

The True God of Dragon Slaying said: Don't give up, the kid should be near here.

We look for it, and once we find him, don't act and pass the message right away.

This time, we will shoot together.

The crowd quickly opened the distance, and they cast a chaotic gaze and began an overwhelming search.

It did n’t take long for a strong chaos **** to send a signal,

Those other people rushed over quickly.

Found that kid?

On the true God of Dragon Slash, there is even a terrible chaotic lightning, which is extremely fast,

Soon, the crowd gathered,

They found that there was a huge monster beneath their feet, which was thousands of miles away.

This is a corpse of a monster, and its strength is very powerful.

An old man, Shen Sheng, said: On this, the boy's breath was found.

Obviously, he was here before, collecting demon blood and materials.

After listening, everyone took a breath.

Such a powerful monster, wouldn't that kid kill?

Has that boy's strength become so powerful?

It hasn't been too long since the mysterious river appeared.

A powerful monster has fallen, and the kid's movements are also

too fast?

The old man before him shook his head and said: That kid, there can be no such strong.

I have investigated with Hitomitsu, this monster, the reason why it fell, was killed by a golden thunder.

This is not Lin invincible power.

That's good.

Everyone was relieved,

The real **** of dragon-cutting said: Where did the kid go?

Chaos Old Man shook his head: When I came, I didn't find his figure.

Just found out that he has his breath here, but he must have stayed here before.

He should not go far.

Summon the three-headed dog of **** and let him find it.

The True God of Clashing Dragon said with his teeth.

Behind him was a tall man who came out and said with a smile: Let me come.

He cut the palm of his hand, and the blood of Chaos God flew out. He used this kind of blood to write a kind of divine writing.

This is an ancient mythology, extremely mysterious.

Several divine writings appeared between heaven and earth.

The world is infinite, listen to my orders.

The chaotic man gave a cold drink, and the mysterious desolate ancient scripture was imprinted in the void.

At the next moment, the sky shook violently, and a crack appeared in front of him, and an illusory shadow flew out of it.

This is a huge shadow with three heads, as if flying out of hell.

He is the **** three-headed dog.

The three-headed dog of **** appeared extremely angry.

He growled: Who is it? Dare to disturb me to sleep, do not want to live?

it's me.

The tall man sneered like a demon.

He stared at the front and shouted in a deep voice: listen to my orders and help me find someone.

Who do you think you are?

The three-headed dog of **** ignored it,

However, the tall man sneered.

With a wave of his hand, the chaotic blood in his hand turned into a chain of gods, which instantly enveloped the three heads.

At the next moment, above the chain of gods, a mysterious ancient mythology appeared.

The three-headed dog of Hell screamed. He crawled on the ground, his face full of horror.

The ancient power! Where are you really sacred?

We are the 10th Chaos Protoss who served us for the rest of your life.

The gods are angry, and I will look for you.

The powerful three-headed **** dog instantly lost his temper.

Soon, he said: found the trace of the kid, come with me.

He leads the way.


When the true God of Dragon Slashing waved his hand, a group of people followed.

Lin Xuan did leave.

Previously, he collected strength on the monster's body.

But suddenly at this time, in the river, a light appeared and killed him.

Lin Xuan was startled, and after avoiding the blow, he looked into the eyes with reincarnation.

Found that he was attacked by a fish,

A black fish looks like a sword.

There are terrible scales on his body ~ ~ those black breaths are connected together and turned into one ancient rune after another.

The fish killed him.

Lin Xuan fought with it and left here.

This fish is called a swordfish, and the practice is kendo.

He felt that Lin Xuan's powerful kendo power immediately killed him.

But I didn't expect that Lin Xuan's strength was so powerful,

He can only run away.

How did Lin Xuan let the other party run away?

He quickly chased it, and finally, beheaded the swordfish.

However, something really troublesome came,

In the river below him, a group of swordfish appeared.

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