Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7633: Fight the dragon again! The ultimate showdown!

   On the other side, Chaos Old Man and others are always waiting patiently.

   They sat in the void, meditating and resting.

   Suddenly at this time, the old man of Chaos opened his eyes and stood up.

   He said: You, have found the trace of Lin Wudi, ready to start.

   Those other people also took a deep breath,

   They stood up, their palms sealed, and began to push the formation with all their strength.

  In the formation method, the quaint mirror also turned slightly.

   A mysterious force emerged from above.

   This force is really terrible, as if it were earth-shaking.

   This is the pinnacle mirror,

   its power transcends everything, the boundless chaotic avenue, flying on it.

   Above the mirror surface, there are a variety of strange scenes emerging, and the world is vastly different.

  Like the beginning of the universe.

   It takes a while from starting the hybrid mirror to actually launching the first attack.

  At this moment, these more than 30 masters are pushing the hybrid mirror with all their strength.

   There appeared a vague shadow, it was Lin Xuan's shadow.

  Once this obscure shadow is completely formed, then an attack can be launched.

   Even if Lin Xuan fled to heaven and earth, the universe was deserted, he could not escape.

  Destroy the true God of the Dragon, also know this,

   Therefore, what he has to do now is to contain Lin Xuan.

  'S dragon-cutting sword in his hand burst into an extremely cold light, and there was a breath of destruction on it.

  At the same time, there are still another **** light and shadow emerging,

   These **** lights and shadows are dragon blood.

  Slashing the dragon sword is not just a good name, it has really killed countless dragons.

   There is a powerful dragon clan blood on it. At this moment, it is released with a breath of blood.

The Tongtian River at the foot of the foot is as dark as the abyss, and the void is stained by these dragon blood.

   seems to become a sea of ​​blood,

  Cut the dragon true **** and stand in the sea of ​​blood.

   The killing intention in him is really too strong.

   Weak power, in the face of this blood-sharp force, I am afraid that it will collapse immediately and simply cannot return.

  Boy, last time I failed, but this time, I will not lose again.

   The dragon who slashed the dragon snorted coldly,

   Anyway, he has enough cards, during this time, he is ready to hit with all his strength.

  Let’s see if he can kill him?

  After the last failure, he fled back to the Protoss. With the ancient power of the Protoss, he recovered his strength and returned to the top.

  Not only that, he also reflected on the last failure and realized a lot of avenues from inside.

  His swordsmanship, go to the next level,

   his strength is stronger than before.

  Not only that, he also put on a deserted armor,

   This armor is enough to protect his safety.

   At this moment, he used all his power to attack.

  The dragon sword in his hand seemed to come alive, and the terrible murderous intention swept the heavens.

  Cut the dragon!

   There was a roar, and the Dragon Sword in his hand waved fiercely.

  The seas of blood around it violently rolled into a **** sword shadow, flying between the world.

With this sword,    fell together.

   There was a sea of ​​blood between heaven and earth, as if the Shura **** had opened, and boundless cracks were spreading in all directions.

   That terrible killing intention is like the resurrection of a million gods of killing.

  Tongtianhe, all rolled violently,

  The sound of roaring came from the river.

   This is a monster in the Tongtian River. They feel this power, just like the enemy.

   The power of this sword is really too strong. Among the great gods, they are all terrible.

  The true God of Dragon Slash is very confident: the other party can't resist.

  In an instant, this peerless sword came to Lin Xuan.

   While Lin Xuan stood there, nothing happened.

   He didn't dodge, didn't resist, and didn't shoot. It seems that he admits his fate, and it seems that he is frightened.

  When I saw this scene, the real **** of dragon-cutting snorted coldly: The boy, maybe not used at all, use the strongest card, you are dead.

   Slashed the dragon sword and fell to Lin Xuan,

  When he came to the other side 10 meters, Lin Xuan finally acted.

   Lin Xuan's eyes suddenly showed a bit of cold light,

   Inside him, an extremely terrifying sound of dragon roar came.

   Seven-star Dragon Abyss cut through the void and turned into a peerless fairy light.

   Lin Xuan does not move like a mountain!

   Moves like a sword god.

   Lin Xuan's speed is really too fast,

   Qixing Longyuan, instantly illuminates the world.

   The boundless sea of ​​blood and the sky's breath of blood, under this sword, quickly collapsed.

   is like snow and ice for thousands of years, met the bright sun,

  The monstrous murderousness quickly dissipated.

   Below, the roar in the Tongtian River also disappeared.

  If we say that before the Dragon Sword, the monsters in the river roared in horror,

   and Lin Xuan's sword made these monsters desperate.

   They are already, even the roaring power is gone, they stayed there, their brains blank.

  This sword, no matter who is cut on it, anyone will be wiped out.


  In the blink of an eye, the two swords collided in the air.

   The earth-shattering voice came, and a devastating force swept in all directions.

   The extremely powerful dragon-slashing sword shuddered in front of Qixing Longyuan,

   The above killing intention, quickly collapsed.

   This peerless sword was actually blown out, and the peerless supernatural power was instantly broken.

   The boundless sea of ​​blood disappears instantly,

   The world is restored as if nothing has happened.

How can it be?

  Cut the eyes of the true God of the dragon, staring wide,

  He froze there.

  What did he see?

   His strongest sword was actually blocked by the opponent, so easily blocked?

  What kind of joke?

  How does he feel that the opponent's strength has become stronger than before?

  Damn, how did this guy do it?

   The Dragon God is crazy.

Before   , he had a feeling in battle and his strength improved.

  In his view, this time, even if he was facing Lin Xuan alone, he could not lose UU reading

   Now, he collapsed again,

   He turned out not to be an opponent!

   In a short period of time, the other party improved more than him.

  Is this really a young man?

   Where is the other party's limit?

  Linxuan recovered Qixing Longyuan, looked forward, shook his head and said: To be honest, you really let me down.

   Before you were full of confidence, come to me, I thought, how powerful you are.

   didn't expect it, but that was it.

   Is this your strongest attack? Why don't you get mine.

  Because my ascension speed is faster than you think.

   Recently, I just got some power of fairy road, and I used it to create some swordsmanship.

  You feel it too.

   Lin Xuan's mouth raised a smile.

   He did get a lot of fairy power from fairy vines, and it was extremely ancient fairy power.

   Lin Xuan cooperated with Wushen Jue, plus his swordsmanship, condensed to form a flying sword.

   waved his big hand, boundless sword energy, quickly gathered around Lin Xuan, and rolled.

  Every sword spirit is brilliant.

  Lin Xuan performed breathing method,

   After a breath, those flying swords seemed to come alive.

   A pair of double dragon eyes opened, and dragon scales appeared on them. They seemed to become flying dragons.

  Go. .

   Lin Xuan waved his hand, and the overwhelming flying dragon rushed towards the front.

   Wherever I went, everything was destroyed.

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