Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7635: Magic Kun!


   That giant monster was really terrible. He broke through the water and flew towards the sky.

  'S huge body, with a magnificent momentum, makes people desperate.

  The sound of the tremor shakes the earth, the sky falls apart, and the people of the Chaos Protoss, like being struck by lightning, vomit blood.

   Their face was shocked: No, the other party actually attacked,

   Damn, stop him.

  The old chaos roared, and more than 30 powerful shots made a terrible attack.

  In an instant, the world shook in all directions, the power of destruction, swept across.

   Thunder bursts.

   Chaos Thunder, Chaos Flame, Chaos Storm, and all kinds of powers can open up the earth.

  At the moment, fall together, really swept the world, even if Lin invincible, dare not resist.

   can only dodge.

  However, this behemoth did not pay any attention to it,

   He burst into roars.

   His eyes are like two black holes.

  Behind the black cloud, it looks like a black sea, going against the sky.

   instantly enveloped, these chaotic breath.

   The roaring sound sounded, breaking the atmosphere of chaos and breaking the black sea.

   boundless, engulfed everything, and killed these people of Chaos Protoss,

   instantly enveloped these people.

   These crowds, like small boats swaying in the wind, will be engulfed at any time.

   Not good, what is this?

   Those of Chaos Protoss have changed their complexions.

   They joined forces, but they couldn't help each other?

   The origin of this thing is too terrible.

   Old man of Chaos, showing his peerless pupil, wants to see through everything.

   This time, he finally saw clearly,

   This turned out to be a kun, and, it was an extremely terrible ghost kun.

   This is a legendary existence, even in the ancient times, it is rare.

   didn't expect to see it here.

   Not good.

   The face of the old chaotic man, it's hard to see the extreme. If it's other circumstances, they can join forces to fight.

   can even escape.

   However, it doesn't work now,

   They have started Hunyuan Mirror, and are preparing to do something with Lin Xuan.

   If you leave now, it must be a failure.

  However, if they don't leave, they will definitely be injured by this ghost.

   No matter what kind of situation, for them, they are all 10 points disadvantage.


   Nether Demon Kun, but a roar, the strength of Kun Kun in him completely exploded.

   The whole world, broken constantly.

   This force is really too strong,

   Even Lin Xuan who fought in the distance felt it.

  Lin Xuan's expression is extremely dignified: What kind of breath is it?

   He cast his eyes of reincarnation and looked towards the distance,

  Under the light of the eyes of samsara, he finally saw the distant scene.

   has a black giant, with a terrible ghostly atmosphere and a black flame, beating continuously.

   This turned out to be a devil, and across from him, there were more than 30 Chaos Protoss powerhouses.

   These strong men, standing in the formation, jointly control a mirror.

   This mirror, and its simplicity, has super power on it,

  This force gave Lin Xuan a deadly feeling.

   This should be what the other party said, the pinnacle artifact, the hybrid mirror,

   And above this mirror, there is a portrait of him.

   Lin Xuan's face was extremely ugly.

   No wonder that there are more than 30 Chaos Protoss powerhouses originally intended to promote this peak artifact.

   It seems that when the other party came, he had already made all plans.

   Abominable Chaos Protoss.

   Lin Xuan looked ugly, he had to find a way to leave.

   It seems that this ghost devil was rushed out of the Tongtian River.

   The opponent's goal should also be a mixed element mirror.

   This is an unexpected surprise.

  The true God who slashed the dragon next to him felt that when he felt this scene, his face became extremely ugly.

  Damn, what's going on?

   The Hundred Yuan Mirror was attacked.

   Damn it.

  When he saw Ghost Demon Kun, he almost spit out old blood.

  How bad luck?

   This kind of thing can't be seen in the old times.

   did not expect to appear here,

   And the other party's goal turned out to be a mixed element mirror.

   Damn it, God, are you helping Lin invincible?

   In his mind, there was still a hint of anticipation at first.

  If the old man of Chaos and others can fight ahead of time, then they can kill Lin invincible.

  His ideas are very good, but, the Nether Devil Kun does not give him a chance at all.

   Nether Demon Kun, that huge body, rushed out, as if a universe descended and fell.

   Chaos Array method, split instantly,

   More than 30 strong chaos, vomiting blood.

   Their face was terrified.

   This blow almost made them die.

   Fortunately, they are teaming up, if the number is a little smaller, it can't resist.

   It was at this time that Ghost Devil's second strike came again.

   The situation is changing, carrying supreme power, shattering the formation.

  More than 30 strong men were shocked out, and they were seriously injured.

  The Hundred Yuan Mirror was also violently shaken, and the portrait of Lin Xuan above became blurred again.

not good.

  Destroy the true God of the dragon. When he saw this scene, his face changed greatly.

   Can't let the other party take away the Hundred Mirror,

   In this way, he had no chance at all.

  At this moment, he gave up Lin Xuan and rushed towards the distance.

  As long as the Hundred Yuan Realm still exists, there will be many opportunities in the future to slash Lin invincible. .

  When Lin Xuan saw this his brow furrowed tightly.

   This time, I was really lucky.

   Otherwise, it is difficult for him to resist,

   Perhaps he will escape to the ancient land.

   But even so, I am afraid that he is not completely sure and can avoid this blow.

   Lin Xuan turned around and left,

  He has some ideas in his mind.

   If this thing is so powerful, it will definitely be used as soon as it comes up, it is impossible to wait until now.

   However, the true **** of the dragon and the chaotic scholar were cut, and they acted separately. After finding him, they started.

   In other words, if you want to activate the Hundred Mirror, you must first find his position.

   If this is the case, it will be easier to handle,

  As long as Lin Xuan hides his position, these people can't help him.

   He turned into a sword light and disappeared into the void.

   On the other side, the eyes of the real God who cut the dragon were all red, and his speed was almost extreme.

   Finally, he came back.

After    came back, he cast a dragon sword and slashed toward the front.

   A peerless sword light, killed the ghost ghost Kun, chopped on the other body, and made a tremendous sound.

  However, the huge body was not affected at all.

   Mo Kun turned his head and made a roaring sound, exhaling a ghostly air.

  At the same time, the huge body, with a supreme power, rushed over fiercely.

   Peerless sword energy was instantly broken.

  Cut the true God of the dragon, also flew out, his body split, and he vomited blood.

   There was a trace of despair in his eyes.

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