Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7639: Palace! Chariot!

   is not a fighting god.

   is Lin Zhan and the Golden Lion King.

   Chaos old voice said.

   He talked about it quickly,

   After listening to the true **** of the dragon, his face became more ugly.

   Even these two people, so easily, can seal the hybrid mirror,

   It seems that the artifact brought is even more terrible.

   What made him even more angry was that Lin Zhan and others did not put them in their eyes and wanted them to become Lin Xuan's whetstones.

   hateful, to kill the guy with all his strength, must kill the kid.

   They want to make God Territory regret and let God Territory know how stupid it is to underestimate their God Race.

   Next, these people of Chaos Protoss took full shot.

   They no longer dispersed, but merged with the true God of Dragon Slaying, chasing and killing Lin Xuan with the magic of Promise Butterfly.

   Lin Xuan is also surprised: these people, don't they bring the peak artifact? Why don't you do it?

   instead shot in person.

  Before recombination, the look of slashing the dragon's true spirit was so bad that Lin Xuan guessed that it should be the pinnacle artifact. What's wrong?

   is no longer available.

   thought of this possibility, he was relieved: great.

  To tell the truth, the pinnacle artifact, the threat to him is really too big.

   Of course, he can't be completely sure, in case these people, they set up another trap.

  Thinking of this, Lin Xuan prepared to solve these guys completely.

   Thinking about it, he stared at Tongtianhe.

  No matter where I go today, I can't completely fear these people. Only by entering the Tongtian River.

   Lin Xuan's figure rushed in instantly.

With a loud bang, he felt the light dim, and there was darkness pressure around him.

  The water in Tongtian River is very cold, as if it has been frozen for years.

  Linxuan recognized the direction and flew towards the distance,

   His speed is not fast, after all, it is terrible here.

   flew for a while, Lin Xuan's brow furrowed, this is not the same as he imagined.

  He thought that there should be many monsters here, but during this time, he did not meet any monsters.

   Instead, the surroundings are extremely quiet.

   If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

   Here is so quiet, maybe there is a more terrible existence than the monster.

   Lin Xuan felt that the place he chose was not very good, and he was going to leave this area.

   But at this time, in the distance, two shadows flew over.

   These two shadows are extremely huge, just like the mountains on the seabed.

   Their speed is very fast, not long after, they came to Lin Xuan's neighborhood.

   Lin Xuan showed his reincarnation, and only then discovered that this was not a mountain, but a tank,

   Very old tank.

  The incomparably huge chariot is surrounded by some black mist.

   These chariots should not be monsters, they should be strong human races.

   Inevitably, it was those strong men who used to chase chariots to explore Tongtianhe?

   Did it fall here?

   These tanks, because of their extraordinary materials, are they saved until now?

   thought of this possibility, Lin Xuan was shocked.

   He flew towards the chariot ahead, to see if he could get inside?

   Perhaps this can be obtained, more information about Tongtianhe.

   is really not good, he can also explore, what exactly is this chariot?

  After approaching these chariots, Lin Xuan discovered that the clouds above were terrible.

   He sneered, a bright sword light shattered these clouds.

   Lin Xuan walked into the chariot. Inside the chariot, it was very simple. All the scenes inside were there.

  The tables and chairs are all the same as before.

   is extremely quiet all around, and there is no figure.

   Lin Xuan sighed: It seems that those people at that time fell.

  He was going to search for these two tanks, and then, driving a tank, flying in Tongtianhe.

   This way, it should be a lot safer.

   The chariot is very large, with a lot of hall space. After passing through several halls, Lin Xuan froze.

   He found that in front, he had white bones,

   These white bones fell to the ground, thinking it had fallen for a long time.

   Lin Xuan glanced and found that these bones, there is no vitality, he bypassed these bones.

   But at this moment, a boneless palm suddenly caught his foot.

   Lin Xuan was taken aback. Didn’t these bones fall?

   He looked down and saw the green flame in the bones of his eyes, flying out, extremely mysterious.

   At the next moment, the bones rose to the sky, and the palm of his hand was like a knife, directly splitting towards Lin Xuan.

   Get out of here.

  Lin Xuan snorted with a sigh and cast Chaos Fist.

   fell with a punch and blasted the bones.

   bones flew out and landed on the wall, making a roaring sound.

   But soon he stood up again and rushed towards Lin Xuan.

   Lin Xuan was shocked: Was it not broken? This is incredible.

  Know how terrible Lin Xuan’s Chaos Fist is,

   this punch, Xiaocheng true god, can't bear it at all.

   However, the other party could bear it,

  What kind of existence is this bone?

   It should be very scary,

  Isn't it possible? Is this the true **** of Dacheng falling behind and turning into a bone?

   Lin Xuan is not clear, but he is not afraid of a bone.

   Really become a true god, he is not afraid, let alone the bones.

   He cast a powerful chaotic **** body and fought against it. After a few moves, he suppressed the opponent.

   Lin Xuan continued to move forward, and not long afterwards, he even encountered a bone, and used Tai Chi to suppress it.

   At this moment, his expression was already dignified.

  At this time, a deep voice came from a palace in the distance.

   This sound is very strange and mysterious,

  At the same time, the sound of broken bones came from all directions.

   Click, click.

   Next moment, a few white bones rushed over in an This time, there were a total of 4 white bones. They joined forces to cover Lin Xuan.

   Lin Xuan's body. They all shook violently.

   Get out of here.

   Lin Xuan roared, the sword came out like a dragon,

   A shocking sword gas shook the junction formed by the four people.

   His figure swayed and rushed out. When he fell into the distance, his face had become extremely ugly.

   thought that this tank was nothing special, but now it seems that this is not the case.

   These bones should be introduced for a long time, because Tongtianhe has existed for too long.

   should be the bones of the barren age, but now there is still power.

   This is too abnormal!

   Lin Xuan turned around and left, and rushed out of these palaces in an instant,

  He wanted to leave completely.

   The white bone at the back quickly chased over,

   Lin Xuan hit the sky with a sword and stopped these people.

   Finally, he left the chariot, and he flew away.

   Fortunately, the number of bones is not too much,

Although    is powerful, it is not really a strong one after all.

   is much worse than the real Dacheng true god.

  If there are more bones, it will be troublesome.

   It was at this time that a lot of shadows appeared in 4 weeks, all of which were behemoths.

   When Lin Xuan saw this scene, his complexion changed, and he found that these turned out to be ancient chariots.

   There is a tank, which is even more terrible.

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