Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7641: Unbreakable clouds

   When they saw these shadows, the people of Chaos Protoss froze: What is this?

   Soon, they discovered that these two shadows are two old chariots.

   They were shocked.

   There still exists such a place here? Go, go in and see.

   Next, their behavior was the same as that of Lin Xuan, they entered the chariot and were attacked by bones.

   They escaped,

   found countless tanks in all directions and flew out of it, one after another.

   The war broke out completely.

   They found that the number of bones was very large, and they could not be completely killed.

  Once broken, these broken bones will enter the chariot and reintegrate.

   Then kill it.

  The trouble they encountered was bigger than Lin Xuan,

   Lin Xuan is just a person,

  At this moment, the number of bones encountered by more than 30 strong men is hundreds of times that of Lin Xuan before.

   They are almost unable to resist, they will be engulfed by these bones.

   It was at this time that a white bone flew over from a distance, and when he came to the neighborhood, he was discovered by the dragon-cutting god.

   Get out of here.

  The dragon-cutting knife in his hand was severely cut off.

  The bone retreated quickly, and then said: Don't do it.

it's me.

   Hearing this familiar voice, the real **** of dragon stunned slightly for a moment.

   The next moment, he exclaimed: You are a scholar!

   Yes, it’s me

   The bones were crying.

   It turned out that the Chaos scholar, who had been chased down by Lin Xuan before, had no way to escape, and was only able to enter into the Tongtian River.

   Next, he also met these bones.

  By virtue of the innate divinity, he finally seized a body with white bones, and then, hidden in this neighborhood.

  He found that there are many bones around, and these chariots are very mysterious.

   Chaos scholar is very scared. In case his secret is discovered one day, he will be torn to pieces by these bones.

  How did he escape?

  However, he had entered the chariot and was enveloped by a mysterious force.

  He could not escape this chariot.

   Fortunately, there were so many tanks coming this time. He was finally released by that force.

   Then, I saw the people of Chaos Protoss,

  He was almost crying when he was excited.

  He knew he was safe.

what the **** is it?

  Cut the true God of the dragon, and asked quickly while resisting the bones next to him.

   is hard to say in one word.

   Chaos scholar shook his head, then said: Let’s leave here first, you gather forces and attack a tank.

   Open the tank and enter it. When you are covered with a golden light, you are safe.

   Everyone obeyed and attacked a tank with all their might.

  The real **** who cut the dragon issued an order,

   Around the protoss strong, gathered together.

   Those bones are also flying fast, they seem to find that the secret of Chaos scholars.

   Someone has betrayed us, it is unforgivable.

   These white bones, crazy shot,

   The next battle is even more terrifying.

   The whole Tongtian River was boiling, and the world was dark.

   People of Chaos Protoss, if struck by lightning,

   Finally, someone was torn, and someone fell.

   No, **** it.

   Old Chaos are crazy.

  Dragon Dragon God is also roaring: quick, full shot.

   Their crazy shot,

   Slashing the true **** of the dragon, his eyes like a sword.

  'S dragon-cutting sword in his hand was even more wide-opened, chopping the bones in front of him.

   At the same time, they released the earth-shaking power and destroyed everything.

   Finally, they tore apart a tank,

   flew out from inside, a golden light shrouded them.

   They were all relieved,

  When they counted the number of people, they found that 7 had fallen.

   Their hearts are all bleeding,

  During the battle with Lin Invincible before, none of them fell so much.

   did not expect to fall into the hands of these bones.

   Fortunately, the Chaos scholars are here, otherwise, I am afraid they will fall more.

   is spinning around, waiting for them to come out of the golden light again.

   They found that after 4 weeks, they had no bones and became very quiet.

There is a submarine mountain below   , which is very wide and can't be seen at a glance.

   And in the depths of the mountains, there are some clouds and mist, mysterious poles.

  Where is this?

   These people of Chaos Protoss are stunned: This is so mysterious that it leads to Tianhe.

   At this time, Promise Butterfly flew up again and flew towards the front.

   Seeing this scene, the real **** of dragon slashing is overjoyed: That's great, that kid, really here.

   This time, be sure to grab the kid.

   In order to kill each other, they have paid a painful price.

   This time, they must succeed.

  In the process of slashing the dragon and the true gods, Lin Xuan could not help but go to explore the cloud and mist.

   The depth of the mountain range, surrounded by clouds and fog, is very mysterious.

   Lin Xuan is very curious, wondering what is there?

  He found that the closer he was to the cloud, the faster his heart was beating, and there seemed to be a terrible power.

   Lin Xuan reached out a palm, turned into a dragon hand, and grabbed it in front of him.

   his palm, into the cloud,

  The next moment, the clouds rolled violently.

   It seemed like something, waking up, began to drift around.

   There was a cloud of mist, which kept rolling in the air, and turned into a human-like shape, extremely vague.

   He had just turned into a human form, and the whole world was shaking, and he seemed to be unable to bear the power of

   Lin Xuan's brow furrowed, and he used Taixu's Dragon Fist, punched it, and a huge dragon shadow flew towards the front.

  This fist breaks everything and nobody can stop it.

   With a bang, this punch hit the cloud and penetrate the cloud.

   However, the cloud quickly rolled over again and turned into a figure again.

   This time, a little light appeared in the clouds and mist, just like a pair of human eyes.

   It becomes brighter and brighter, puncturing the void.

   With a bang, this glance fell on Lin Xuan's fist, making a tremendous sound.

   Lin Xuan was shocked, he took a breath.

  Know how powerful his physique is, and his fist is even more terrifying.

   will be shocked by the other person's eyes,

  What is this cloud and fog figure?

   The light in the eyes of the cloud became more and more scary, and then he looked towards Lin Xuan.

   Lin Xuan was startled, he dodge quickly,

   That cloud of mist is like a shadow, always endless.

   rushed over quickly and enveloped Lin Xuan in an instant.

   The battle between the two, and not long after, Lin Xuan was shocked to withdraw.

   Lin Xuan was angry, he used his peerless swordsmanship,

   a sword to cut the sky,

   The cloud was split in half.

   This time, I can't recover anymore.

  However, the two halves of cloud and mist each turned into a figure.

   This time, turned into two figures, and again came to Lin Xuan.

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