Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7643: Divine blood! beyond imagination!

   This eye of the earth was arranged by Lin Xuan.

  Through the Eye of the Earth, Lin Xuan saw the scene above, and he was shocked.

   These golden lights are really terrifying enough, even the powerful of more than 20 gods can't help it.

   Even he found that there are some strong people of the Protoss, whose body is collapsing,

  It won't take long before it will fall.

   Lin Xuan was really stunned: God, what are these golden lights?

  How to have such a powerful force?

  Is it impossible to surpass the true God of Dacheng?

Isn’t    the power of the pinnacle of God of War?

   Suddenly at this time, he was shocked, and he found that there was really a **** clan strongman fell.

   Lin Xuan closed the eye of the earth, no need to look at it anymore, Chaos Protoss ended badly.

  Let's find a place first and hide.

   People of Chaos Protoss are also ignorant: what's the matter? Why did another companion fall?

  What kind of joke?

   was at the bottom of the Tongtian River, and battled with those bones, and fell 7 companions. They admitted that those bones were terrible.

   But I didn't expect that when I came here, my companion fell again.

  The golden light seems to be more terrible than those bones.

   Leave, go quickly.

  The dragon snarled so madly that they no longer dared to fight again.

   figure after figure, cut through the void, and flew towards the distance, the golden light behind, chasing continuously.

   Soon these figures disappeared.

   the other side,

   Lin Xuan sat down cross-legged, silently absorbing power and performing breathing method.

   Come to practice the Dragon Dao Wushen tactics and open up the dragon veins in the body.

The dragon shadow on   's body, flying continuously, radiates the mysterious breath of life.

  In a blink of an eye, 10 days have passed,

  On this day, Lin Xuan suddenly opened his eyes.

  His face became extremely unsightly.

  He found that not far away in front of him, there was a cloud of mist flying over and turned into a figure.

   There was a touch of golden light dancing on this person.

  Damn, what's the matter?

   was found again!

   This is impossible.

   He had completely left the area, and he had cut off all breath.

  Even if he is a real dragon and other people, he can no longer find him.

   But did not expect that he was still found by this mysterious cloud.

   This thing is really terrible.

   Lin Xuan stood up, showed off his word, and left quickly.

   However, he found it was useless.

The cloud behind    did not follow, but after two days, it appeared again in front of him.

   Lin Xuan was shocked: How did the other party find it? And came quietly.

   is really terrible.

   It seems that hiding is impossible, only a strong shot and destroy the other party.

  He knew that after this thing's body was cut off, it would become more and more.

   He must kill the opponent in a single move, and will never give him a chance.

   took a deep breath, Lin Xuan raised his hand and hit the hell.

   Next, he will use the **** realm, with the dragon sword, invincible power, to instantly kill the other party.

   Hell's ten-sided destruction.

   Lin Xuan shot,

   A roar, hell, instantly shrouded the cloud.

  The endless black breath flew into a monstrous sword of hell, and it was overwhelmed.

   instantly shattered the cloud and mist.

   Before the opponent did not fully increase, the power of the Dragon Sword Soul exploded completely.

   The whole world of **** seems to be transformed into a world of swordsmanship, with sword spirit swept away and wiped out constantly.

   Lin Xuan shot with all his strength, the dragon soul roared inside, and the dragon vein rolled.

   He even played the dragon breathing method. The dragon seemed to come alive, sharp to the extreme.

   Finally, all the clouds were completely wiped out, Lin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

   Hell world quickly rolls over and resumes, Lin Xuan enters the **** world.

  He found that there was a golden light, very thin, thinner than hair.

   If Lin Xuan did not look closely, it seems that he could not find it.

  What is this golden light?

   Lin Xuan was very curious,

   Want to come to the source of power of those clouds and fog, it should be these golden lights.

   He stretched out his hand to grab, his palm fell on the golden light, and suddenly split.

   Yes, his palms were split,

   He was actually injured.

   This golden light could easily hurt him!

   Lin Xuan took a breath, was it incredible?

   How strong is his physique!

   He withdrew his palms, recovered the cracks, and frowned.

   Although he was injured just now, he also made new discoveries.

  He discovered that these golden lights turned out to be blood.

   is a kind of blood.

   grade, should surpass the Dacheng true god, it is impossible, is the blood of the peak God of War?

   Lin Xuan frowned tightly, he had seen the artifact of the peak true god, such as the mixed element mirror.

  Looking in the distance, he felt a trace of a fatal crisis.

   He has also seen the true pinnacle of true gods, such as Long Tatian.

   The other party is really like a god, stepping out and suppressing everything.

   Lin Xuan also experienced a fatal crisis.

   However, no matter whether it is Long Tatian or Hunyuan Mirror, both of them are complete and are at their peak.

   was able to give him a fatal crisis.

  If the two of them have one hair, can they give him such a fatal crisis?

  Lin Xuan thought for a while and thought it was impossible,

   Then this is golden blood, it should not be the peak spirit.

   Is it beyond the peak true god?

   Thinking of this, Lin Xuan's heart jumped: This is the blood of God King!

   Inevitable, in that year, a **** king fell here?

  His blood turned into a cloud and remained in the Tongtian River.

   thought of this possibility, Lin Xuan was shocked.

  Of course ~ ~ This is just his guess, is it the blood of the **** king? He also did not know.

   may be the more powerful peak true god.

   But anyway? I'm afraid it's not him, can you contend.

   This trace of blood, he tried hard to suppress it.

   If you want to completely wipe it out, I am afraid it will be needed. Take some time.

  If he was shrouded in countless clouds, he could not resist it.

   When the time comes, it may even fall.

   Lin Xuan sighed, he walked over to see if he could absorb this golden blood?

  If he can absorb it, his strength can definitely be greatly improved.

   Unfold the eyes of reincarnation, and at the same time use the dragon spirit, preparing to cut this golden blood into many parts.

   Then, a little bit of absorption.

  In a blink of an eye, another month passed,

   This month, Lin Xuan really absorbed some.

  He was so excited,

  He found that it was very useful and his physique became stronger.

The fairy runes in    also increased.

   is really a good thing,

  On this point, Lin Xuan's power can be improved.

   can catch up, there are a lot of magic pills outside.

   Of course, this golden blood is much more dangerous than Shendan.

  If you are not careful, your body will be broken, and even if possible, it will disappear. .

   was in Lin Xuan, when he wanted to continue to absorb, suddenly, there were some broken voices in the distance.

  A dozen figures flew towards this side.

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