Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7650: Sweep! I am invincible!

Eighteenth heaven, fell from the sky, this force is really terrible enough to crush everything.

  In an instant, he collided with Kaitian God Axe, the world was broken, and all directions were destroyed.

  The annihilating storm swept all around, and the true gods of the dragon slashed back.

When    retreated to the back, he was extremely nervous: I don’t know what happened? That kid should not be able to resist it.

   At this moment, a broken voice came from the front,

   Then, the huge axe phantom broke apart.

   Immediately afterwards, a tall figure, who kept retreating, was the **** of axe.

   Every step back, crush the void,

   Not only that, the other pair of arms are also broken, and the smoke is extinguished.

   How could this look?

  God Axe is really crazy,

  He is the strongest blow, why can't he miss the opponent?

   Even his arm was shattered by that force,

Is the power of the other party so terrible?

Does    override him?

   The opponent's chaotic body is more terrible than his pure **** body?

   Damn it.

  God Axe is really crazy.

   Lin Xuan snorted: Your power is nothing more than that.

   Is there a stronger way? If not, I will send you on the road.

  He saw a very terrifying killing intention in his eyes,

   Zhutian swordsmanship fell again.

   Every piece of sky is very heavy,

  Not only that, every day, there is a phantom of a dragon appearing.

   This is formed by the condensing of sword qi. Every dragon is very huge, covering the world.

   It looks like a mountain.

   They reached out the dragon claws. Grabbed down,

   This scene is really shocking.

  The body of the **** Axe was immediately crushed, and the **** mist filled the sky.

   Hurry to escape.

   He fled without looking back,

  Cut the dragon true god, also flee like crazy.

  Two lightnings ripped open the river and fled to the distance, Lin Xuan chased behind.

   Where to escape.

   He was like a dragon, and stepped on Dragon Shadow, almost to the extreme.

  At the same time, he cast a whale sword, and the surrounding rivers rolled violently into a black whale.

   Every end, as high as a thousand, appeared between heaven and earth, blocking the way of the two.

   The two were extremely embarrassed.

   They were injured again and vomited blood. Even some of the blood on them had been wiped out.

   They are really scared, are they going to be dizzy?

  The two people worked hard to escape.

   They fled towards the golden clouds in front.

   Quickly join forces together.

   Crazy roar of the true God of the dragon.

   They have a total of seven great gods, and they can definitely sweep the world by joining hands here.

  But when they came to the neighborhood, they were a little dazed. It turned out that several other great gods were not here.

   Those people went to find the golden blood of the gods. At this moment, those who remained nearby were some of the true gods under Dacheng true gods.

   These people were originally waiting,

   When they saw two world-class strongmen, when they came back incomparably, they were both ignorant.

what happened?

   Could it be that this peerless monster in Tongtianhe appeared?

   They are like an enemy.

  At this time, there was a cold hum in the distance: You can't escape.

   This voice is very young,

   Then, a young figure appeared in front of them.

   When they saw this figure, everyone was stunned: Isn't this Lin invincible? The other party is chasing the two great gods?

   Are you kidding me?

   Impossible, absolutely impossible.

  The two great gods were really wounded by the beasts in Tongtian River.

   This invincible Lin was just lucky, and met by accident,

   They gritted their teeth.

  After Lin Xuan came, he snorted: Why? Can you compete with me by escaping here?

   is too stupid.

  He cut it out with another sword,

  The swordsmanship of the heavens fell again, and the two became the true gods, vomiting blood in a big mouth.

   Damn it.

  Two people want to escape, there is nowhere to escape,

   They can only enter into the golden clouds in front of them.

  The people around were shocked: God, why is Lin Wudi so terrible?

  Dacheng true **** is in the other party's hands, how do you feel, so vulnerable?

   They were all stunned there, and even some people were scared and fell to their knees.

   Two great gods fled into the golden cloud, and at the next moment, they were struck by lightning.

   They screamed, their bodies collapsed.

  Here is the power of the **** king, which is not what they can resist.

   After they arrived, they roared wildly: Save us.

  At this time, several mask phantoms appeared nearby, and one of the masks spit out a water drop, which enveloped the two people.

   The blue water droplets are blooming with mysterious power, with a chaotic rune on it, blocking the surrounding golden blood.

  Qianmian asked: Do you two want to die? Dare to come here.

   No way, we were chased and killed, that Lin invincible, absorbed the blood of the **** king, the strength breakthrough, very terrible.

   The two of us are not opponents.


   After listening to thousands of faces, he was stunned: Lin invincible can absorb the blood of the **** king, what a joke?

   Even if they are the true gods at the peak, it is impossible to absorb in a short time.

   This invincible body must have other secrets.

  If they can get it, then they may be able to absorb the golden blood immediately.

  Thinking of this place, a thousand gleams of light appeared in the eyes of thousands of faces.

  I am now fighting with the power of the peerless king, UU reading cannot be separated.

   In this way, I will give you some power of Chaos Ding, you use the Chaos Ding's chaos to fight against him.

   suppress him, bring him over, be sure to ask his secret.

   In the distance, there is a dignity, and its terrible, flying two breaths from above, fell into the hands of the two.

   The two people were extremely excited: great, with the power of this chaotic tripod, the other party will definitely die.

   They rushed out again.


   Lin Xuan looked at the golden cloud in front, frowning slightly.

   The two guys actually fled inside and were really bold.

  He has no intention of going in at the moment,

   He looked to those nearby, Chaos Protoss.

   said in a cold voice: Let's solve you first.

   finished, he waved his hand, a sword volley,

   There are several true gods of Chaos Protoss, whose body is split.

   Others have scalp numbness,

   Damn, the other party dared to start.

  You are looking for death, the ancestor is nearby, you dare to do us, no one can save you.

  However, the voice just fell, and a large palm of the hand turned the true gods to the ground,

   Their bodies were broken and turned into blood mist.

   One side Tai Chi map, quickly landed, black and white sword gas, with indestructible power, began to wipe out their blood.

   Those true gods are crazy, they are not great gods, they simply can't resist Lin Xuan's attack.

  It won't take long for them to die out.

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