Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7654: 8 **** kings! Let's go!

Hearing this, Qin Changsheng nodded and they accelerated.

   At this moment, everyone is running away,

   Finally, they came to a safe place.

   Qin Changsheng and Promise Sword God, the two stopped and were relieved.

   Their faces became more ugly,

  The two quickly took out Shendan and restored their strength.

  At this time, Lin Xuan also followed, and he came out of the ancient land.

   He asked: Two seniors, are you okay?

   got some injuries.

  Qin Changsheng shook his head and said.

  Here, it is more terrible than expected, what happened?

   Lin Xuan is also curious: what kind of power is the supreme supernatural power just now?

   Qin Changsheng said: In addition to the blood of God King, there is also a stone tablet.

   That stone monument is very terrible, it seems to be able to suppress everything, we were almost suppressed.

   Fortunately, we teamed up and played a peerless card, which was able to escape.

   In a short time, we couldn't hit the second blow,

   We dare not go.

  Can the four real gods join forces to escape? What kind of stele is that?

   Lin Xuan was shocked after hearing it.

   Is this the power of God King? It's really terrible.

   Even if it dies, the remaining power is far more than everything.

   On the other side, the people of Chaos Protoss also fled.

   After they stopped,

   Two peak true gods, big mouth vomiting blood, chaotic tripod, all fell from the sky.

How about   ? Ancestor.

   The disciples around them were shocked.

   Damn it, this time, I got nothing.

   Thousands of teeth clenched.

   Zhenxuan also sighed: It would be good to be back alive.

   The power here is beyond imagination,

  Notify God King.


  The real God who cut the dragon and other people heard it and was shocked: Do you want the God King to come in person?

   is incredible.

   At the same time, they were excited again, the power of the **** king surpassed everything.

   If you can do it yourself, it is absolutely foolproof.

   They now know that in addition to the blood of the Peerless King, there is another treasure.

  If you can get it together, then this time, you will definitely get rich!

   Chaos Protoss, after receiving the news, was also shocked,

  The mystery of Tongtianhe is beyond imagination.

   Ancestor of Chaos, eyes flashing,

   He didn't dare to shoot himself, he was afraid of the power of Heavenly Emperor.

   However, it is possible for God King to take action,

   Of course, the King of God can't go, and can play endless power across the sky.

   A **** king of Chaos Protoss shot.

   He protruded a big, chaotic palm and traversed the vastness of the universe,

   crossed the heavens and the world and killed Tongtianhe.

   The power of God King, how terrible,

   At this moment, people from all over the world were stunned.

   Several other powerful powers of the Protoss were also shocked: How powerful is it that the King of Gods can get started?

   Let's go and see too.

  Tianyang Protoss, there is a King of Gods, protruding the flame palm.

   swallowed the gods of the sky, but they hit a dark palm,

   seems to be able to devour everything.

   Taixu Dragon Clan, Demon God Clan, Xuan Bing Clan God King, at this moment, all shot.

   A total of eight **** kings shot,

  Eight big palms, overwhelming, swept everything.

   killed Tongtianhe.

   At this moment, all the heavens and earth are boiling,

  Tongtianhe, there must be a baby.

   After the **** king left, they must go to search.

  However, not now, they are all watching now.

   8 **** kings, who will get the power inside?

  Tongtianhe, completely boiling, sweeping the world.

The monsters inside    crawl on the ground.

   Even though they are strong, they are vulnerable in front of the **** king.

   Why are there so many **** kings?

The people of    Chaos Protoss also changed their looks.

   They also felt that a trace of a fatal crisis, they were all creeping on the ground.

   Thousand faces sighed.

   There is no way, the **** king shot, the power is too terrible, I can’t hide it if I want to hide it.

   Other wild ancient gods will definitely follow up.

   Their **** ancestor, the first move, should be able to seize the opportunity.

   Even if he can't get the stone tablet, he can get some blood of the **** king.

   On the other side, when Lin Xuan felt this scene, his face also changed a lot.

   Isn't it good, have all the **** kings of these ancient gods wake up?

   Did they all start?

   This is troublesome.

   Senior Battle God, didn't you shoot?

   Qin Changsheng also frowned tightly. He said: We have informed, but why didn't he shoot?

   They don't know.

   The war ahead has already broken out,

  The big chaotic hand broke through the sky and killed the golden cloud.

   The golden clouds immediately couldn't resist, shattered, and turned into countless fragments.

  From inside, a figure of gold roared upward in the sky, hit the gold palm, and killed the past.

   big chaotic hands and golden palms collide in the air,

  Destroy the world, that force swept through the eight wastelands.

   The two evened a tie,

   has to say this, how terrible is the blood of the Peerless King.

   But at this time, the hands of several other **** kings fell.

   grabbed the other person's head, shoulders, etc. Then, eight palms were dispatched together.

   Click, the blood of the Peerless King is torn,

  Several **** king hands, each got a part, quickly recovered.

   But at this time, the situation has changed.

  The mysterious stone monument below bursts out with great coercion and sweeps out.

   These eight **** king big hands, shaking quickly, the divine power above turned out to be dim.

   Avenue seems to have been wiped out.

   Clicked, the eight big palms were actually crushed by this force, and a crack appeared.

  The golden blood they had obtained before flew out again.

   flew to the stone monument and turned into a golden figure.

How can this be?

  Dragon God and others, when they saw this scene, UU reading books eyes were almost staring out.

   That is the power of God King, how terrible.

   One big palm is enough to let them die a moment.

  Even if all of them joined hands, they couldn't block a finger of God King.

   But now, the palm of the **** king is broken,

   And the palms of the eight **** kings, broken together.

  What is the origin of the stele?

   Lin Xuan was equally shocked when he saw this scene.

  The power of the **** king surprised him to heaven and man, that was the existence he looked up to.

   This kind of power can't help but the mysterious stele?

   What is that?

   Qin Changsheng, they also did not know,

  To tell the truth, they were also shocked.

  They felt that they were very lucky to escape before.

   next to the Promise Sword God said: This stone tablet may be stronger when it is stronger.

   His present divinity is much stronger than when we met.

   These people have a lot of discussion.

  However, the most shocking is the eight **** kings.

   What kind of existence do they exist? That is the existence that stands at the pinnacle of eternity.

  At this moment, although he didn't come in person, he just played a force, but it was still shocking.

   They failed, so incredible!

   Chaos God snorted coldly: I'm going to see, how powerful are you?

  The next moment, the broken chaotic palm, resumed,

   became more terrible.

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