Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7656: God King retreats! Xuanyuan shot!

Hearing what the ancestor said, the **** king in front of him unwillingly withdrew his palm.

   His face was so ugly, how could it be like this? Who is the one who fell?

  How could it be so powerful?

   The chaotic ancestor next to him said: The stone tablet is not necessarily the King of Gods.

   This time, you don't want to do it anymore, let it go to God Realm, let Xuanyuan of God Realm do it.

  Anyway, we can get a part, the blood of God King.

   The chaotic **** king in front is not reconciled, he said: Ancestor, why don't you shoot?

   I can feel that the monument is extremely mysterious that day, it should be a peerless treasure.

  If we can get it, our strength can be enhanced.

   This time, I won't do it.

   Ancestor of Chaos shook his head, he said: Do you know? Tongtianhe appeared before.

   I remember that it was golden river water, but today's Tongtian River is very dark.

   What must have changed? I can't take this risk.

   Not only the people of Chaos Protoss, gave up, Tianyang Protoss, Devoured Protoss, Demon Protoss and others, all gave up.

   8 big palms shattered the void and left Tongtianhe.

Did    leave?

  Cut the dragon true god, and he was crazy when he saw this scene.

   How could this look? Can the **** king not help each other? Do not make jokes.

   That is the eight **** kings, they are enough to push the heavens and the world, and no one can resist.

   But now, why can't there be a stone monument, what is the origin of this stone monument?

  Is it possible? Above the God King.

   Even Lin Xuan and they were equally shocked: this Tongtian River is much more mysterious than imagined.

   At this time, Xuanyuan shot, and Xuanyuan walked toward the front.

   Everyone was nervous again, I don't know Xuanyuan, can you live against it?

  Xuanyuan's speed is very fast, and it came instantly, inside the golden cloud.

   The great coercion in front of him flew over again and killed Xuanyuan.

   Xuanyuan's finger flicked, and a sword flew out, instantly splitting this pressure into two halves.

   killed forward.

   The sound of the sword fell on the stone monument and made a tremendous sound.

  Nine days and ten places are all broken.

   everyone was shocked and fainted,

   And on the stele, a golden phantom appeared again.

   A golden stone monument flew out and killed Xuanyuan, and immediately covered Xuanyuan.

   When I saw this scene, everyone was shocked.

  The strong people of the Protoss also sighed: Have they been suppressed?

  You have to know that before the eight **** kings were shrouded in golden stones, they had to give up.

   Lin Xuan was equally nervous when he saw this scene.

   next to Qin Changsheng said: Rest assured, Lord Xuanyuan's strength is above everything else.

No problem,

   Lin Xuan nodded,

  He remembered the situation of Lord Xuanyuan and Qin immortal before.

  Master Xuanyuan, it should be immortal. There should be no problem if you think about it.

  Xuanyuan was indeed enveloped by golden stone phantoms, and he felt a force of repression.

   He smiled slightly, waved his big hand, with a bang, the golden stone phantom was instantly shattered,

   split into pieces and scattered around.

   Then, he reached out the palm of his hand, toward the stone tablet in front, and grabbed it.

   The stone tablet in front of it shakes violently, and various visions of the world appear, and I want to contend.

   However, in an instant, he was caught.

  Xuanyuan waved his hand, and the golden words on it flew out, and turned into a golden blood.

  The golden blood of the gods has the power of the Peerless King, but in front of Xuanyuan, there is no resistance.

   It is divided into many parts,

   There are 8 copies, which were hit by Xuanyuan, in the space crack.

   was sent to the hands of 8 wild ancient gods.

  The people of the Famine Ancient God Clan, when they saw this scene, were shocked.

   is too shocking,

   8 **** kings joined forces, all of them can't help the power, in front of Xuanyuan, is it so unbearable?

   No wonder the previous eight **** kings were so respectful in front of Xuanyuan.

   This is not a level at all.

   The remaining blood of the gods was collected by Xuanyuan.

   Next, he looked at the stele.

   The stone rocked slightly, and he tore the void and wanted to leave.

  Xuanyuan smiled: Where to go?

   A big sleeve waved, the sleeves of heaven and earth, instantly enveloped the whole world, and enveloped the stele into it.

  The stone tablet swept the Quartet, but it couldn't help the world in this sleeve.

   However, he did not seem to give up.

   His body shape changed from being a stone tablet to a mountain.

  A very dark mountain, this mountain is extremely terrible, releasing a mysterious atmosphere.

   As soon as it appeared, it shattered everything in his sleeve.

   When I saw this scene, everyone was shocked: What is this?

   Those of the ancient gods of the wasteland are also paying attention at this moment.

   The eyes of those **** kings penetrated the heavens and the earth. When they saw this scene, they were stunned.

   At this time, the **** king of the Chaos Protoss cried out: It is impossible, this is the legendary Bulaoshan?

  The other **** kings were equally shocked and envious of their faces.

   The legendary Bulao Mountain, which has extremely mysterious and terrible power.

   Legend is not Laoshan, used to be an immortal residence.

   Later, the immortal left the Bulao Mountain and disappeared.

   did not expect to see Bulaoshan here.

   No wonder their eight **** kings even joined could not beat them.

   This is an immortal power. How could they be opponents?

   At this time, the Dragon King said: No, this is not a complete Bulao Mountain, this is just a part of Bulao Mountain.

   But even so, it has been very shocking.

   All the gods are envious.

   However, they can only watch with their eyes open,

   Bu Laoshan landed in the sky, and the above became one after another, black runes, as if to suppress Xuanyuan.

  However, Xuanyuan extended a finger and pointed towards the sky a little.

   A sword gas penetrated the world, and the black runes were completely split.

   Even the whole mountain shakes violently, and the light above becomes dim.

   turned into a stone tablet again and fell into the hands of Xuanyuan.

  Xuanyuan sleeve robe waved, put away this old stone stele.

   Is this the end?

   Those people were shocked when they saw this scene.

   Is it too simple? Is the wind too light?

  Is the legendary Bulaoshan so easily taken away?

  Xuanyuan Senior's strength, how far has it reached?

  Xuanyuan is also very happy. He has never seen the power of Laoshan, and he has only heard of it.

   did not expect that not only did I see it now, but he also accepted it.

  Although this is just the tip of the iceberg in Laoshan, the power above is extremely mysterious.

  If he can absorb it, maybe he will be able to recover faster.

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