Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7672: Ssangyong fighting! Like a fire!

Lao Jinwu was extremely shocked, but the elders of the dragon family opposite were very dissatisfied.

  A few meanings? Suzaku star is too arrogant!

   The new Suzaku Star-King has already arrived, but these people haven't come to see them.

  The elder snorted and said aloud: Suzaku Xingjun is here, can't wait to see you?

   sounds like thunder, spreading all over the world.

   Those martial artists below were stunned,

   They couldn't believe it.

what? Suzaku Xingjun is here.

  Suzaku Star King, haven't you already come? Isn't Long Fei the Suzaku Star King?

  Long Fei's brow furrowed tightly after listening.

who is it? Dare to impersonate Suzaku Xingjun, don't you want to live?

   Take a look and bring him to me.

  Long Fei was very angry. Someone dared to face him in front of him. He pretended to be Suzaku Xingjun.

   Doesn't this put him in the eye?

   Be sure to punish each other well.

  Let me come.

   next to a man in a white robe, said with a smile.

  He rose into the sky, turned into a dragon shadow, and instantly came to 9 days above.

who? How dare you pretend to be Suzaku Seungjun and don't want to live?

   A cold drink, a powerful dragon breath, swept across.

   Lin Xuan frowned slightly, but he didn't do it.

   next to the elder, but a big sleeve wave.

  A force ran into the mountains and the sea, and met with the opponent's dragon power.

   The roaring sound rang.

  White robe man, was flew out by Zhen Fei, his blood rolled.

  Good power.

   Next moment, there was a cold drink in front of you: widen your eyes and see, are we fake?

  White robe man, then looked towards the front, next time, he took a breath of breath.

  He found that these people from the front are really people of the Taixu Dragon clan.

How is this going?

   Have seen elders.

   The white robe man performed a salute, and then said: Did the elders come to inform us?

  Mr. Longfei, has he become Suzaku Xingjun?

   I will ask my son to go back and participate in the ceremony.

   Opposite these strong dragons, they are all surprised.

  Does Long Fei and others have no idea what happened to the Taixu Dragon Palace?

   The old man sank his face and said: Long Fei, but not a Suzaku star.

  Look at your eyes and see. The crazy **** in front of you is Suzaku Xingjun.

what? How could this look?

   When the white robe man looked at Lin Xuan, he was stunned.

   He really didn't expect that Suzaku Xingjun had someone else.

  Is this impossible?

   The white robe man did not believe

  However, the elder slapped him in the face.

   flipped him to the ground.

   Confused, do you want to challenge, Suzaku Xingjun?

  Do you know the consequences?

  The man in white robe was shot silly, kneeling on the ground half-faced, his face ugly to the extreme.

   He said in horror: "Dare not, the elder spares his life."

   Is Dragonfly below? Go, let him come and see Suzaku Xingjun.

  The man in the white robe said: Master Longfei, indeed below, he is building his own palace.

   Elder angered after hearing: What is he? You can also build a palace here.

   This elder, but the people of the Shenlong family, had nothing to do with Longfei at all.

  He said: Let him leave quickly.

   The white robe man quickly flew back and came to Longfei.

   He said: Young Master, it's not good, Suzaku Xingjun is here.

   After listening to Long Fei, he flipped his hand and slapped it on his face.

  Do you want to die? In front of me, you said that others are Suzaku Xingjun.

  The man in white robe was shot and vomited blood, he was so depressed.

  Master, while you are not in the Dragon Palace, the Dragon Palace has undergone earth-shaking changes.

   We failed, we didn't grab the quota,

   places were snatched by the people of the Five Elements Emperor Blood Dragon family.

what? I do not believe.

  Longfei's face changed greatly.

   He said to an old man next to him: Take a shot and grab that person for me.

The old man next to    is an old servant, and at the same time, he is also the guardian of Longfei.

   Hearing the order at this moment, without a word, he raised his hand and grabbed it towards the sky.

   His palms were overwhelming, with endless avenues, as if turned into the claws of the dragon, and he was caught in the void.

   instantly shrouded the sky.

   Lin Xuan was also shrouded in it,

   His brow furrowed tightly.

   He sneered: It is really interesting, even dare to do it to me.

The old man beside    also sneered: something stupid.

   He punched out with a punch, his fist turned into a golden dragon, and swooped down.

  In an instant, the power of the two strong men collided in the sky and shattered the world.

   Then, each dissipated.

  Lin Xuan said: I want to see, who is it, dare to be so arrogant?

  He landed toward the bottom, and the followers in the back followed.

   and his party came strong.

The old Jinwu next to    was frightened directly.

   Although he is also very strong, but in front of these people, he dare not take action.

   He can only follow.

  Suzaku's other warriors were also stunned.

  What is this situation?

  Linxuan came down and looked into the distance.

   I saw a lot of palaces in the distance, already standing there, with a mysterious formation flashing on it.

   And in front of the palace, there is a group of people, including a young man, which is extremely extraordinary.

   This young man, very young, can be said to be a teenager.

   The corners of the other party's head are very high, the dragon's breath on his body is extremely terrible.

   wears an ancient battle armor, with a mysterious breath blooming on his body.

   And around him, there was a group of people.

   There are Suzaku stars, and dragon masters.

   There was an old servant who stood there with his hand on his back, and his breath was like smoke.

   shot before, it should be this old guy.

   Longfei and others in turned his head and saw Lin Xuan and others.

  Meet the two sides, like fire and water.

  Longfei stared at Lin Xuan, Shen Sheng said: It is you, dare to fake Suzaku Xingjun.

   didn't roll over and died.

  Long Fei is very arrogant and seems to have no one in mind at all.

   Because he does have arrogant capital.

   His own talent is extremely powerful, and he is already a young god.

   Moreover, it is possible to leapfrog and fight to become a true god!

   Some of the strongmen of the Three Dragon Gates, he did not pay attention to it.

   Give him time, he can surpass everything in the future,

   Even he has hope to become a king of gods.

   After listening to Lin Xuan, he smiled: Interesting, even more crazy than me.

   Which green onion do you count? Dare to be arrogant in front of me.

   I advise you, now it’s best to kneel on the ground and apologize, otherwise, annoy me, and I will smoke your dragon tendons. Lin Xuan snorted!

  When he heard this, the dragon clan strongmen behind him also changed their complexions.

  To tell the truth, they knew that Lin Xuan really dared to do so.

   Because, Lin Xuan really smoked Long Yaotian's dragon tendons.

   As for the other warriors, they were stunned: Ssangyong fighting for the front.

   What is the situation?

   Find death, you dare to challenge me, you are dead.

   I will not spare you.

  Longfei stepped out in one step, and the dragon power on his body flew out and swept the heavens.

   He is really too strong, too arrogant, like the Dragon God Son standing high above.

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