Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7703: Strong enemy, fall!

When everyone looked at this scene, they were shocked.

   They could not have imagined that the powerful God of Fire Lotus would actually fall.

  Invincible Lin is really too strong.

  Destroyed the true God, the true God of Soul Flame, the two were also stunned, they were both stunned there.

   It was at this time that they were horrified.

   They felt Lin Xuan's gaze and looked towards them.

  Lin Xuan looked indifferent, staring at these two people.

  He said: Since you dare to deal with me, you must bear my anger.

   All go to hell.

  As his voice fell, the six worlds broke out.

   Hell world is even more blooming, dark and mysterious light.

   seems to swallow everything.

   was stared at by Lin Xuan, and two of Dacheng's real bodies had scalp tingling.

   They felt that there was infinite panic in their hearts, which was terrible.

  Even in the face of the strongest enemy, they have never been so afraid.

   This feeling is like being pinned by the true **** of the peak.

   This guy is terrible.

  Destroy the real body and say: We are probably not opponents.

  Destroyed the true god. In order to break the sword of the sky, most of the power has been consumed.

  He no longer has the fighting power, plus, the Fire God has fallen.

During the heyday, they were not rivals, let alone the present.

   is for today's plan, only to leave and discuss for a long time.

   They admitted that they had underestimated Lin invincible before.


   They radiated a terrible light.

   Even the **** fire was burned and released, and escaped with all his strength.

   turned into two streamers and flew to the distance.

  Where to go?

   Lin Xuan snorted, he put away the storage ring of fire lotus and quickly chased it.

  He is like a peerless sword, tearing open the world.

   one chase, one escape,

   The speed of both sides is very fast, and flew to the distance in an instant.

  The spectators were all nervous, and they stared at the formation.

   Sometimes, the light above disappears.

  The figure of the three people disappeared, I am afraid that I have gone to a place where there is no formation.

   But it didn't take long for the three figures to appear again.

   Finally, Lin Xuan caught up with two great gods,

   Everyone's heart was raised.

  The two true gods are also desperate.

   But at this time, there was a terrible light in the river suddenly.

   Then, there was a lightning, like a peerless spear, rushed over in an instant.

   This lightning, like a mad snake, killed three people.

   All three were stunned.

   They all think that they are each other's helpers.

   Someone wants to take advantage of the fisherman.

   Tianyang Protoss people are extremely angry,

   Lin Xuan sneered.

   He was not injured. Someone wanted to hit him, was it ridiculous?

   cut the sword in his hand and made a tremendous sound.

   Firelight fluttered, Lin Xuan retreated, his arm numb.

   That light was also shaken out, even split in half.

The half of    that fell off fell into the river, and Lin Xuan discovered that it was a vine.

   black vines,

   The above runes are as mysterious as eyes.

   This vine attacked him with great strength and made his arms numb.

   This is a peerless powerhouse, this should be a strange animal in Tongtian River.

  The two great gods of the Tianyang Divine Clan also retreated, and they looked pale.

Too dangerous.

  Tongtianhe, came the angry voice,

   Then, countless vines flew over.

   is overwhelming, like the sky net, killing three people.

   This is no ordinary vine.

   This monster is cultivated above the Dacheng True God. I am afraid that the Shinto pattern in his body is more terrifying than the three.

   And this vine is also an artifact level.

  Especially those black lines, with an ancient, mysterious atmosphere, like the power of Beiming.

  As soon as these vines appeared, they shattered the void, sweeping like a torrential wind and rain.

  Lin Xuan quickly dodge, and those who can't escape, will smash all those forces with one sword.

   The other two Tianyang Protoss people also shot with all their strength.

   It didn't take long for a scream to sound, destroying the body of the true **** and being penetrated by the vines.

   Then, countless vines enveloped him.

   took him and flew towards the depths of Tongtian River.

   Shit, get me off.

  Breaking the true God was angry, and the bursting fire on his body kept releasing.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of rattans broke.

   These are the artifact-level rattan, but turned into ashes.

  Imagine how terrifying the fire is.

   However, in an instant, tens of thousands of rattans came over the sky.

   is like a black river, once again shattering the true **** of destruction.

   Destruction of the true God is desperate, if it is the heyday, he can escape from ascension.

   But at this moment, he was really powerless and he began to call for help.

   Soul inflammation, save me.

   True God of Soul Flame hit the fire of the soul and flew towards the distance.

   turned into 300, and the sword of soul flew deep into the Tongtian River.

   The next moment, the screaming voice sounded.

   That vine monster, the soul was hurt, 100,000 rattan dances together, shattering the world.

  The true **** of Soul Flame kept dodge,

   Lin Xuan also retreated to the rear.

   The front turned into nothingness.

   Lin Xuan did not shoot.

  With his strength, if he tries his best, he uses the hole card to kill this vine monster.

no problem.

   He didn't do it,

   He has no hatred with this guy.

  Let the vines kill the strong man of the Tianyang Protoss, he can just take advantage of the fisherman.

   He retreated to watch the battle.

   On the other side, the true expression of Soul Flame God is ugly to the extreme.

  He found that not only could he not destroy the true God, but even he would be suppressed.

   In the end, he had to flee helplessly.

   Vine monsters, part of the rattan, to chase down.

   Another part of the rattan, killing Lin Lin Xuan sneered: Dare to shoot me, find death.

  He cast the sword of Tai Chi, and the Tai Chi figure flew out.

   instantly cut off the other party's 20,000 rattan.

   The vine monsters screamed and turned to escape.

   Countless rattans withdrew, he ripped open the void and fled into the distance.

   Lin Xuan snorted and did not chase.

   He looked around, and flew away in one direction.

  He felt that there was the breath of Murong Qingcheng and others.

   The previous battle of Lin Xuan and others shocked the Quartet, and had already alerted other people.

   Now, these people are coming over.

   Soon after, Lin Xuan stopped and they joined Murong Qingcheng.

   felt that Lin Xuan's strength had become stronger again, and they were astonished at Murong Qingcheng.

   Lin Xuan said: I got three elixir, which is really extraordinary.

  You must not miss this opportunity.

   These people in God Realm were also very excited after listening.

   Next, Lin Xuan prepared to stay with these people for a while and act together.

   On the other side, dozens of black lights crossed.

   was led by a bear child,

   He stopped.

  Feeling the breath around him, he said in surprise: sharp sword spirit.

  Is this the legendary Lin invincible sword?

   has long heard of this invincible Lin, but I have never had a chance to see it.

   did not expect that now he finally appeared.

go! Follow me to see this invincible Lin.

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