Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7706: Bear Tai Chi! Like a god! (three)

Feeling such a terrible devilish breath, Lin Xuan's expression is also extremely dignified.

  His eyes glowed extremely cold.

   The world behind him shakes and spins quickly.

   Half as dark as ink, half as bright and bright, and the fusion of each other turns into a Tai Chi picture.

   Lin Xuan carried Tai Chi like a god.

   Tai Chi is really too mysterious, so extraordinary.

  He was formed by the cohesion of Dadao, with a supreme secret.

   Even Lin Xuan, now using Tai Chi, is very powerful.

  However, I dare not say that I completely understand Tai Chi.

  The breath on this body is getting stronger and stronger, and the peerless war is about to erupt.

  However, at this time, there was a terrible light coming from afar.

   It was a phantom, like a fairy king, with a bright avenue at its feet, flashing.

When    came to the neighborhood, it turned into a heavenly figure, and Ye Wudao's voice came from inside.

   We are surrounded by countless monsters, come and support.

   This is Ye Wudao's help.

   This change is beyond everyone's expectations.

   Lin Xuan's complexion changed, and the Tai Chi behind him disappeared slowly.

   He said: You and I will fight, and I will say it later, and now I still have things.

  He waved his hand and summoned the strong men of God Realm in the canyon,

   They are ready to save, Ye Wudao and others.

   Slow down.

  Bear children jumped over and said: I will follow you to kill monsters together.


   He waved his hand, and those with the Demon God clan quickly followed.

   Both men and women pierced the void and killed far away.

  On the way, Lin Xuan got more news.

   It turned out that Ye Wudao was not alone.

   but with some warriors of the **** realm, act together.

  In a ruin, they found a key, a golden key.

   They are very happy,

   This key can definitely open somewhere.

  However, before they left, there were countless strange animals coming from all directions.

   These are all strange beasts in Tongtian River, extremely old.

There are many    beyond imagination, and there are several of them at the level of true gods.

  Ye Wudao is extremely powerful, but he has a world tripod.

  However, it is impossible to kill, so many monster monsters.

   In the end, he can only use the Emperor Ding to protect the people.

   But this is not the way.

   Heavenly Emperor Ding is a Heavenly Emperor's weapon. It exerts too much power to display it.

  If the power is exhausted, waiting for them will be a fatal blow.

   Murong Qingcheng, Bei Yao and others, after learning this news, also took a breath.

  Tongtianhe monsters, how dangerous, they also know.

   must hurry up, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable.

  The elders next to the Devil God Clan also asked about it.

   Lin Xuan did not say that the golden key thing,

   only said that his companion was trapped by the monster.

   is in a ruin, what kind of baby should I meet?

  When he heard this, the elder of the demon clan nodded.

   Since this is the case, let's go and see if we can help.

   They have their own ideas, Lin Wudi's strength is very powerful.

   Such a person is not easy to become an enemy.

   helped each other again. In the future, they are in danger. Lin invincible will definitely help them.

   Let's speed it up again.

   Lin Xuan They were extremely anxious and accelerated again.

  The two rays of light instantly cut through the world.

  I don't know how far I flew, finally came in front, terrible breath.

   The world is broken, surrounded by a sea of ​​blood, dancing around.

   This scene is as if asura hell, opened.

   When he saw this scene, Lin Xuan and others frowned tightly.

   It seems that there is a great battle here, and it is an extremely terrible battle.

  I don’t know, what about the people of God Realm?

   They landed towards the bottom, and found that there was another abyss below.

  Some subsea mountains are also broken.

Around   , there are many corpses of monsters and beasts, some are huge like mountains, and some have become a cloud of blood mist.

   There is a fighting sound in front.

   Murong Qingcheng said, a group of people rushed forward again.

   Along the way, they saw a more terrible sight,

   Even those of the Devil God clan took a breath.

   I am afraid that the number of monsters is beyond their imagination.

   Finally, they saw the people in front of them, in the war, dozens of figures, surrounded by overwhelming monsters.

   The power gap is so big,

  Under normal circumstances, the people of God Realm should have fallen long ago.

   However, there is a tripod, suspended between heaven and earth.

   The falling light shrouded them, forming an absolute defense and guarding them.

   This weapon is extremely amazing.

   Devil God Clan strongman, when he saw this scene, was also amazed.

   They, as the ancient powerhouses, are well-informed and have never seen any kind of baby.

   But at the moment, they were still shocked. Even the eyes of many strong men were red.

   This weapon is probably astonishingly big.

   At this moment, Lin Xuan came with a shocking sword qi, which penetrated the world.

   uttered a terrible dragon roar, like Wan Lei roaring.

   This sword spirit reminds Ye Yedao and others in the distance that they are here.

  Furthermore, these powerful men warn against the Devil God Clan.

  If he dared to fight Tiandi Ding's idea, his sword would not spare these people.

  The elders of the Demon God clan, with a chuckle, they withdrew their gaze.

   One of the elders said: Mr. Lin, you can rest assured that we have no other meaning.

  I just saw it for the first time, such a magic weapon, just a little emotion.

   Lin Xuan nodded, then shot a sword gas, turned into a dragon, and killed forward.

  He killed the monsters, and countless monsters were shot into fragments by the dragon's claws.

   The blood mist filled, and the screaming sounded The people in front of me turned around when they saw this scene.

   Many people exclaimed: Great, Lin Xuan is here.

  Mr. Lin is here, we are safe.

   They were all excited.

   Ye Wudao was also relieved and had a showdown with a powerful monster in front.

   Then, the two figures backed away.

   Ye Wudao came nearby and said: The number of monsters is beyond imagination.

   And, behind these monsters, someone should be in control.

   I feel that a powerful force, that person, seems to be afraid of Heavenly Emperor Ding.

   Therefore, it never appeared.

   Someone in secret can control these monsters.

  After listening to Lin Xuan, he was also very surprised: who is it?

   Ordinary clan sect, I am afraid there is no such means, he thought of the strong of the Protoss the first time.

   I am afraid that only the ancient gods can do this step.

   But, which protoss?

   It seems that there is no protoss, can you control the monsters?

  It doesn't matter anymore. Let's go over and see.

  As he walked, he asked: How about the damage on our side?

   Someone was injured, but no one fell. I used Heavenly Emperor Tripod to guard it.

   heard this, Lin Xuan they were relieved.

   Then, in Lin Xuan's eyes, there was a gleam of murderous intention.

   He looked forward and said in a cold voice: There are many monsters of the true **** level, right?

  Don't know, how many swords can block me?

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