Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7713: Lin Xuan! No worries! Join forces! (ten)

Clever little guy, I will catch you later, I will tear your face.

Break your teeth and break all your bones.

I want you to crawl on the ground like a reptile, so that you might as well die.

The old woman stared at the bear child and was murderous.

To be honest, no one dared to challenge her.

What if this bear child has an extraordinary status?

This is Tongtianhe,

Here, they are kings, and no one can be wild here.

Ah, I'm so mad.

The bear child has no worries, and he is also jumping on his feet. No one has ever dared to be so arrogant in front of him.

Master, I'm going to stew you.

He spit out a tripod and quickly moved forward, killing the past.

That tripod, spinning between heaven and earth, instantly broke the void into a black hole.

The tripod became bigger, swallowed in front, and swallowed the world.

The old lady's figure seemed to disappear.

At the next moment, the old lady appeared beside her,

The innate **** fire burned quickly, penetrated the darkness, and illuminated the world.

The old lady seemed to come out of the cosmic flood.

One of her palms caught the bear child.

The bear child's foot was caught and seemed to be in crisis.

No good, go fast, young master.

The strong men of the Devil in the rear also exclaimed when they saw this scene.

Bear child, but God's Son, identity is extremely important, absolutely not allowed, and there is no slippage.

They turned into lightning bolts and rushed forward.

However, at this time, thousands of monsters around were roaring.

Really when we don't exist, they are really not afraid than quantity.

Now that the princess is here, they have no worries at all.

Seeing the war break out,

However, at this time, the bear child said: You all withdraw, let me come.

The bear child suddenly burst into a dark light, and everything around it rotted quickly.

The old woman's palms also rotted into a pool of blood and no bones existed.

The old woman withdrew her palm and frowned tightly.

It's a terrible poison. I didn't expect that there are a lot of treasures in you.

However, everything is mine, thank you, send treasure boy.

The divine power in the old woman exploded completely.

The broken palm quickly recovered, and once again towards the bear child, grabbed it.

This time, there was an innate **** fire in his palm to counter the poison of the other side.

The bear child hides from left to right and escapes quickly.

At the same time he said: Lin Xuan, don't look at it, the two of us shot together and beat me up with this old guy.


Lin Xuan shook his figure and rushed towards the front.

The opponent's state is too high, beyond his limit,

Since the other party disregarded their identity, they shot strongly against these younger generations.

Well, Lin Xuan is not singled out,

Team up with the bear kid to beat each other.

It's useless, let alone the two of you join forces.

Even if all of you here join forces, they are not my opponents.

The old lady sneered again and again, she has 15 million Shinto.

She is enough to be proud of everything.


The bear child roared, and the black tripod quickly killed him.

The black tripod bloomed with monstrous magic energy, and the lines on it seemed to come alive.

Turned into a poor.

This poor man, with a diabolical spirit on his body, has a pair of devil-like wings behind him.

Pierced the void and killed the old woman.

At the same time, Lin Xuan also shot.

One sword was cut out, and one side of Tai Chi figure floated between heaven and earth with mysterious power.

The tai chi map fell down and turned into a road of life and death between yin and yang, and instantly came to the feet of the old lady.


This is not over yet, the rune that bears the child's eyebrows grows bigger.

Turned into a 10,000-meter-high stone monument, the sky landed, enough to suppress everything in the world.

Lin Xuan shot again, his sword energy fell from the sky, like a fairy, returning from the wind.

It was carried on it, mysteriously immortal.

It used to be magical powers, but now it's a magic law.

Lin Xuan's method is really too mysterious, so that those around him are shocked.

How can a person be magical and immortal?

She couldn't understand.

Even the old woman was stunned.

However, it was too late for her to think,

In an instant, all kinds of terrifying forces enveloped her.

Seems to break through everything.

The old woman's brow furrowed tightly: really underestimated, these two boys.

Unexpectedly, the two guys teamed up, so powerful.

Was able to threaten her,

It seems that you have to decide quickly.

Otherwise, she would not only be ashamed, but even make the princess unhappy.

If the princess punishes her, her ending will be miserable.

With a wave of her palm, those innate **** fires around turned into a fairy **** sword.

Toward the front, he severely cut the past and killed the figure who returned by the wind.

That figure was a fairy sword. At this moment, the sword and the fairy sword collided and shook the earth.

Later, the old woman's old face like bark was shaking rapidly.

She made a weird voice. This voice broke the world and conquered Tai Chi.

At the same time, her eyes turned into a black vortex as if she could swallow everything.

Collision with the huge poor.

The old woman used one person's strength to contend with a variety of unique skills, and it was really extremely powerful.

It is worthy of being a peerless powerhouse with 15 million Dao and Shinto.

The war broke out completely, the front turned into rubble, and the people around them retreated like crazy.

Even those monsters are pushed far away.

They watched nervously.

Some people worry about Some people laugh: rest assured, the strength of the Black Feather Messenger, how powerful.

It is absolutely impossible to lose.

Even if they have the best magic power, they still have to bow their heads in front of absolute power.

After dozens of wars, Lin Xuan snorted.

The opponent is indeed very powerful, and the general swordsmanship can't help the opponent.

It seems that it can only be played, the real hole card.

I have a sword that can be cut for nine days.

Lin Xuan stopped, and the sword on his body kept erupting.

The dragon spirit in the body made a terrible roar.

A dragon-shaped sword fluttered and flew out.

The seven-star dragon abyss in Lin Xuan's hands turned into a starry sky dragon and flew between heaven and earth.

Then he stepped out one step forward, slashing past hard.

This sword spirit is very different from the previous one. The sharp breath makes everyone creepy.


Those of the Devil God Clan also took a breath of breath: the power of the real Dragon Sword Soul.

I have a sword, breaking through mountains and rivers.

This is not over yet. After the first sword, the sword in Lin Xuan's hands once again showed 10,000 rays of light.

This time, countless sword lights flew out of him, shining brightly.

Like countless suns, it illuminates the world.

Do you want to play tricks?

The bear child also stopped, and the next moment, he roared upward.

Open the book of the magic road.

Behind him, boundless magic energy, quickly condensed, turned into a huge ancient book.

This huge ancient book is as mysterious as the innate book.

As the bear child's voice fell, the mysterious book of magic road slowly opened.


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