Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7726: too weak!

The terrible soul fire extinguished the opponent's flying sword, and enveloped the opponent.

Soul Yan's mouth raised a smile: the other party was dead.

However, the next moment, he was stunned.

He found that Lin Xuan's figure appeared in the fire of the soul.

The other person was unharmed,

how can that be?

Soul stunned,

He couldn't believe how the other party blocked it?

In Lin Xuan's eyes, with a shining light, he stared at the other party.

He was very angry and said coldly: I didn't want to do anything with you.

I just want to leave Xun and find the baby here,

But, how dare you do anything to me?

I don't know what is alive.

Lin Xuan took out the Great Aegis shield he had just obtained.

Then, he waved hard and smashed towards the front.

This shield is 10 points thick and has six powers.

At this moment, it was given by Lin Xuan, a more terrible atmosphere.

With a bang,

A huge shadow cut through the void, shattered the world, and killed the true **** of Soul Flame.

Soul Flame God, feeling numb scalp, wants to escape.

However, it was still a step late,

His body was hit.

In an instant, his body changed into a blood mist and flew around.

A screaming voice came.

Those around me were stunned to see this scene: Heaven, what kind of power is this?

Soul God, really scared stupid,

The huge fire of soul blooms in the world.

Enveloping his blood, he stepped back.

He knew that he kicked the iron plate,

The young man in front of him was an extremely scary monster.

Want to escape?

Lin Xuan snorted, the speed was almost extreme.

After stepping out, he came to the other party, and the shield in his hand fell again.


The body that God of Soul Flame had just condensed was shot again, and the screaming sound made everyone desperate.

Lin Xuan waved his Aegis fiercely,

In one click, two clicks, three clicks, the sky was cracked.

The blood of the gods was wiped out,

There was even a shadow of a sword above the Aegis.

Lin Xuan used the power of the reincarnation sword in conjunction with the Aegis,

He has made a killing intent.

No, forgiveness, you can't treat me like this, I'm a person of Chaos Protoss.

You dare to kill me, Chaos Protoss will not spare you.

I beg you, I’m wrong, let me go, I’m willing to pay any price.

Soul Flame God, from the initial anger, roaring, threatening, to the last despair.

However, no matter what he said, it was useless.

He fell.

Lin Xuan put away the shield and said coldly: "It's really rubbish."

At first I thought, what are your adventures?

I want you to be able to compete with me and make my blood boil.

But where you want to be, you are so weak that you are shot to death in a few clicks.

What a waste.

Lin Xuan shook his head, disappointed,

He took the opponent's storage ring and turned away.

The world is quiet and terrible, everyone is frightened.

Even the true gods were still there.

Their brains are blank and their bodies are cold,

The scene just now was really shocking.

They never dreamed that such a thing would happen.

The terrible and powerful Protoss was actually shot dead.

Is Soul Flame really weak?

Not weak,

Is the strongest of these people.

It can only be said that I met a more terrifying young monster.

Long Yaotian in the crowd was also scared to tremble.

God, where is this sacred? This is too terrible, right?

You can see it everywhere, mysterious master.

It seems that he is here in a low-key manner, absolutely not arrogant.

In case of any legendary existence, it is estimated that he will be shot to death instantly.

Lin Xuan ignored these people, he turned into the second ladder.

Soon after he left, there were several figures in the distance and flew over.

These are three people, with a terrible breath on their bodies, like a world.

They are the people of Chaos Protoss. They sensed that when a Protoss Power fell, they immediately came to investigate.

After they came here, they found that there was indeed a terrible fighting atmosphere around them.

This is the power of the true God of Soul Flame,

Has he fallen?


Who can kill him? Who dares to kill him?

The three chaos **** clan strongmen who came here were all stunned, and they were like enemies.

One of the old men shouted coldly: Who is it? Dare to shoot me at Chaos Protoss.

Please come out and show up, I have to see, where are you really sacred?

The surroundings are terrible and quiet. No one showed up.

The strong of the three Protoss, frowning tightly: Are you gone? Still hiding it, I dare not come out.

The old man sneered: dare to do it, dare not admit it?

I do not care who you are? Dare to offend our Chaos Protoss, you are dead.

Even if you fled to the end of the world, we will catch you back and let you die.

The three of them landed, looking at the people on the rooftop, and said coldly: Kneel down, let us read your memory.

I have to see, who is shooting?

Hearing this, the surrounding people changed their faces, and some people immediately became angry.

It's so domineering.

Others said: We are willing to cooperate, and we actively tell you who it is.

In their eyebrows, a ray of light flew out, forming a picture between heaven and earth.

It was the scene of the previous battle.

When the three Chaos Protoss people saw this scene, they were all blinded.

Their faces are extremely ugly,

The old man said: Do you think we are idiots?

How powerful is the True God of Soul Flame, how can it be easily shot to death?

This is fake.

You dare to even join hands and lie to us, you **** it.

After that, the old man waved his hand and the light of chaos flew out.

Those strong people around were penetrated and fell.

Why are you unreasonable? What we are telling is plain truth.

Run away.

Some real gods are very angry, and those who are weak have already prepared to escape.

People of Chaos Protoss are too domineering.

Even Long Yaotian was ready to leave.

However, a big hand is overwhelming, covering the four sides.

Want to go? Do you group of ants have this ability?

Kneel down and let us read the memory.

Long Yaotian felt that he was also targeted.

He stood up and said: What you saw before is what happened.

That mysterious man is very strong.

He pointed to the second ladder and said: He went to the second ladder, you have the ability, you go to him.

What is the ability to deal with us?

Boy, are you teaching me?

The chaotic old man was angry, his face sank, and his breath exploded.

Behind him, a huge long knife was formed, which was the knife of chaos, enough to split everything.

Long Yaotian's body shivered, he said: I am not weaker than you, I come from Taixu Dragon Palace!

What about Taixu Dragon Palace?

This elder of Chaos Protoss started.

Cut off with a knife,

Long Yaotian's complexion changed greatly.

Is the other party crazy? He used all his strength to stimulate the breath of blood.

He tried hard to avoid the blow.

Although he avoided the fatal point, one of his arms was cut off.

Half of his body was broken, and he fell to the ground, despair in his face.

He roared wildly: I am a follower of Brother Longtatian, are you sure you want to kill me?

Are you going to be an enemy with Brother Longtatian?


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