Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7728: Sky Taoism

Chaos Protoss Powerhouse, read before, the first day of the ladder warrior's memory.

   The warrior on the first ladder has experienced such a thing before.

  The elders of Chaos Protoss immediately understood.

   They are really crazy.

   Those other people changed their face when they heard this.

what? Someone took away the treasures in the Crystal Palace?

   This is impossible!

   We are already at the front, no one can surpass us.

   No, there is a mysterious person, can.

   Those martial artists on the first ladder, some still stay here.

   They sighed and said: We just searched, and we encountered a similar thing in the first crystal palace.

   There is an extremely mysterious person who is very fast.

  He can transcend everything and easily enter the Crystal Palace.

what? What is sacred?

The real gods around    were all blinded after listening,

   Is there any terrible character under the sky?

   talked while they looked at the people of Chaos Protoss.

   Chaos Protoss is a desolate ancient protoss, and it inherits ancient blood and is terrible.

   Even these three strong men have failed,

   Who can be more terrible than Chaos Protoss?

   There is a young man.

   The old chaotic man waved his hand, radiating a ray of light, condensing and forming, like a young man.

   He said: It was this man before, and took away the first crystal palace, the baby inside.

   Then, entered the second crystal palace.

   I think he should have captured the baby in the second Crystal Palace.

   Before saying this, his companion had sealed off the surrounding space.

   will never let the other party escape.

  The strong men in the second ladder also looked to the Quartet.

   Soon they frowned: they didn't find this person, they should have run away.

  He can't escape our palm, let's go find it together.

   There are so many things on them, we can ask everyone to take a copy.


   When I heard this, the people around me had their eyes lit up.

   Thanks a lot,

  Everyone should go to find and remember this person.

   They searched like crazy, and some people even prepared to go to other ladders.

   Powerful Chaos Protoss, when looking at this scene, sneered.

   They are now just promising these people.

  If they really find that person, they will not be able to separate any treasure.

   Those people simply don't deserve it.

   Lin Xuan returned to the rooftop at the moment, and immediately left.

  He entered the third ladder at a very fast speed,

   At the same time, it also changed its appearance.

   Lin Xuan soon came to the third crystal palace, where he felt the power of heaven.

   Lin Xuan also met the guardian here, but for him, it was nothing.

   easily defeated these guardians.

   Lin Xuan got a picture of Heaven Taoism in this third crystal palace.

   This picture of the imagination, with a white crane painted on it, spread its wings and flies towards the blue sky.

   may seem simple, but it is very mysterious. It has a world of heaven and earth and needs a good understanding.

   Lin Xuan closed his eyes, a pattern appeared in his mind.

   Suddenly, he felt his brain boiling, and the power of heaven and earth seemed to rotate slowly.

   is really useful.

  Lin Xuan was very happy. He put away the image of the Taoist imagination.

   Soon, he was teleported to the top of the roof, and then quickly left.

  The people in the third ladder were also sent out.

  After the initial daze, they soon understood what happened.

   Someone has taken the baby in the Crystal Palace, who is it?

   Countless people are crazy,

   Inside, there are people who swallow the gods.

   They were so angry that they seemed to swallow the world,

   has a strong man who wants to swallow the Crystal Palace directly.

  But they failed,

   This drives them crazy.

   Soon, they got news from the first two ladders.

   There is a mysterious young man who can enter the Crystal Palace at a very fast speed.

   Damn, find the guy for me, and must take away the treasures on him.

   Those on the third ladder are also searching crazy.

   They will never let go of each other,

   Some people on the first ladder, but sighed.

   They didn't dare to search, but they watched it with their own eyes, and the true spirit of the soul was easily shot to death.

   This young man, how powerful,

  What if you find it? How many people are opponents?

   They dare not contend with such a strong man.

   Lin Xuan went to the fourth ladder to get the treasure.

   went to the fifth ladder again.

   Lin Xuan felt the power of humanity.

   his speed is faster, he seems to have become the king of the world.

   And inside the fifth ladder, there is an extremely terrible figure.

   This is a black hole-like existence.

   Ye Tiange took the lead and left everyone behind.

   His speed is really too fast.

   followed behind, those powerful true gods, when they saw this scene, were also full of despair.

   Some of them are old monsters who have lived forever, and some are peerless geniuses of other families.

   Before they came, they were full of confidence, thinking that no one could compete with them.

   Even if there are really top geniuses, I'm afraid they are as good as them.

   However, after meeting Ye Tiange, they were desperate.

   They never thought that there was someone so powerful that they completely surpassed them.

   is above them.

   The power here is so terrible that they are afraid of being careless as if they are facing an enemy.

   can only proceed cautiously.

  However, Ye Tiange is extremely fast, and the other person turns into a black hole, consuming everything wherever he passes.

  No matter what power, all of them are easily swallowed by the other party.

   The gap is really too big.

   and Ye Tiange are strong, born in the same era, it is their sorrow.

   I am afraid they will be suppressed by the other party for a lifetime.

   A group of Ye Tiange sneered. These people are not his opponents at all.

   Even if it is a strong protoss, how about it?

   General Protoss Powerhouse is also vulnerable to him.

   But he swallowed the gods, the top genius.

   can compete with him, there are only a few others, only a few **** clan Tianjiao.

   He looked at the Crystal Palace in front of him. He was ten meters away from the Crystal Palace.

   At this last distance, the pressure is even greater.

   He seemed to face, not a crystal palace, but a king of the world.

   The other party stood between the heavens and the earth, looking down on the people.

   Ye Tiange swallowed some breath with the power of swallowing.

  He was very excited,

  He knew that this is the power between the world and the earth.

   If you can get it, the benefits for him are extremely great.

   10 meters left, let's go for it.

   Ye Tiange's eyes burst into a gleaming light, and he turned into a vortex, spinning violently.

   He showed his magical power and swallowed the world!

   In this state, he can easily swallow a galaxy and swallow hundreds of millions of stars.

   his speed increased again, approaching the Crystal Palace quickly.

   Five meters, four meters, three meters, he is about to go in.

   But at this time, a light shrouded him.

At the next moment, the figure of Ye Tiange disappeared.

   is not only him, but those on the ladder behind him also disappeared.

   Literature Museum

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