Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7731: Invincible swordsman

Lin Xuan looked at the strong dragons in front and didn't care.

   He looked calm and tall, high above the ground, and thoroughly angered those who were opposite the Dragon race.

   crazy tone,

  Young man, you are too ignorant and thick.

   Let the old man come and give you a good lesson.

   Opposite an old man in a white robe, angry, he had a pair of dragon horns on his head.

   A pair of eyes, blooming mysterious clouds,

   The next moment, he rushed over.

  His figure, very ethereal, came to Lin Xuan in an instant.

  Lin Xuan snorted coldly, flicked his fingers, and a cold light flew past.

   instantly penetrated the other person’s body,

   A terrible crack appeared on the other party.

   However, it didn't work.

   Old man in white robe grinned: I forgot to tell you, I am the Yunlong tribe!

   Speaking of this, his body was completely transformed into clouds and scattered.

   killed Lin Xuan from all directions.

   Hehehehe, how dare he offend us, how can he die?

   was shot by Yun Lao personally, this kid is proud of himself.

   Guess how many moves he can block?

  Three strokes,

  Within three strokes, he will definitely die.

  Young people, next time, let your eyes shine, some people, not you can offend!

   Lin Xuan's ear sounded an old voice.

   Those clouds turned into countless dragon shadows and wanted to tear Lin Xuan's body.

  Yulong Yunlong family. Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes: This method is indeed terrible.

   Replaced with other true gods, I'm afraid I'm desperate.

   However, it is not enough to look at him with such means.

   He snorted: Photographed mountains and rivers.

  On him, countless brilliant sword qi appeared, and he flew in all directions with him as the center.

  Every sword qi is shining with golden light, becoming the only one in the world.

   Those sword qi, pierced the clouds, as if a bunch of sunlight fell down.

  The sword spirit is not only sharp, but also has a terrible flame.

far away.

   Those strong men of the Dragon clan shivered when they were shone.

  What kind of sword spirit is this? Why is it so terrible?

   In the void ahead, there was a screaming voice.

   Those clouds were completely penetrated, as if a picture scroll had been pierced through millions of holes.

  Countless clouds and fog drifted towards the distance, completely away from Lin Xuan.

   In the distance, a figure emerged,

   Old man in white robe fell to the ground.

The white robe on   's body has been dyed red,

   His old face, with a trace of pale and despair.

  The Yunlong clan, in addition to the ethereal body style, has another characteristic.

   That is the cloudless form,

  It is very difficult to hurt them.

  With this, they can be invincible.

   However, the sword spirit just now was really terrible,

   He has already turned his body into a cloud.

   All sword qi can pass through his body and can't hurt him.

  However, the sword energy just now hurt him easily,

   Even cut off the clouds and mist.

   Fortunately, he escaped fast, plus his cultivation was strong, and he survived.

  If you change it to another young dragon clan strongman, I am afraid that the sword just now has already disappeared.

  Lao Yun, how are you?

   Those powerful dragons around were ignorant.

   Before they smiled and said, within three strokes, the other party will be defeated in the hands of Yun Lao.

   But now, Yun Lao was defeated by a sword,

   Where is this young man in front of him?

   is too scary, right?

  Master, be careful, he is very strong.

   Old man in white robe looked at Long Fei and said nervously.

   Longfei frowned tightly, and at the next moment, threw out a bottle of immortality.

   He said: You should heal well first, and then, it will be shot by Master Ben himself.

  You give up.

  Longfei waved a big hand, a force, and separated everyone.

   The chariot under his feet made a low, roaring sound, as if he were alive.

   toward the front, rushed fiercely.


   This chariot swept the world and instantly killed Lin Xuan.

   is like a huge mountain, killing it fiercely.

   Lin Xuan cast his chaotic body, a big chaotic palm, towards the front, pushed horizontally.

   has gone beyond the horizon.

   a roaring sound sounded,

   Two forces collide between heaven and earth.

The void around    keeps cracking.

  The warriors of the Dragon clan exclaimed when they saw this scene.

   The power of Chaos, you are the person of Chaos Protoss.

   It turned out to be the case. I said why it was so arrogant and dared to be brazen in front of me.

   What if you are Chaos Protoss? I am too virtual dragon palace, but not weaker than you.

After the tank was blocked, Long Fei shot strongly.

   Behind him, dozens of dragon shadows flew out, grabbing towards the front.

  At the same time, the void under my feet cracked, and there was a deep crack.

   is like an abyss.

   From the crack, there was a dark dragon claw that protruded out and grabbed Lin Xuan's foot.

   wants to take Lin Xuan into the abyss.

   Lin Xuan's feet appeared a black and white road, with a mysterious atmosphere.

   flew into the abyss instantly,

   Clicked, the dark dragon claws split instantly.

   And on top of him, it was sky after sky, falling down, crushing all the flying dragons.

   Those heavens were like a bamboo shoot, and they went to Longfei.

  Longfei was taken aback,

   How is this method different from Chaos Protoss?

  He was driving a chariot and dodge quickly.

   However, the sky in the sky, more and more terrible, enveloped everything.

   That heavy force is enough to suppress everything.

  The strong men of the Dragon clan tremble with their Fei's face also became pale.

   He drank coldly, and on his body, rushed a dark sword gas, and slashed towards the sky.

   instantly shattered the world.

   Rest assured, young master, with the Nine Nether Demon Dragon Sword, no one can hurt him.

   Even if he is strong, he is not an opponent.

   The old man in white robe said with a smile while recovering.

   After listening to those people, they were all relieved.

   The Nine Specter Dragon Sword is a peerless artifact, with power beyond imagination, and the true God can't resist it.

  After breaking the Zhutian swordsmanship, Long Fei asked coldly: Who are you?

  You are not a person of Chaos Protoss?

  Wu, Lin Wudi! You are not my opponent, obediently submit!

   Lin invincible!

   Hearing this name, everyone took a breath.

   turned out to be him. Legend has it that this universe was the first genius.

  Who am I? Oh it's you,

   What is the first genius, do you deserve it?

   That was that our Protoss did not come out.

   Now that our protoss is out, do you dare to use the name of the first genius?

  In front of the blood of our gods, all geniuses are ants.

  The bloodline of our gods is high above you, not what you can imagine.

   I heard that you are not only the first genius, but also an invincible swordsman.

   I want to see if you can stop my sword spirit?

  Longfei's expression became cold,

   In his hands, a black magic sword appeared.

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