Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7746: Purple eyes! fantasy!

Black Mist is indeed very strong, but he underestimated Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan's sword, and he was invincible.

   Even if these thousand machine locks can lock everything, but they can't lock Lin Xuan's sword spirit.

  After extinguishing all the black mist, Lin Xuan looked at the Quartet, and he frowned slightly.

  He didn't find the figure of Dragon Dance, he asked: what's the matter?

   The people around the dragon clan were also stunned.

  Long Yin also wanted to say, but suddenly, her face changed.

   Her eyes widened, pointing to the back of Lin Xuan, her body trembling.

   seemed to see something terrible.

   Those of other dragons were also stunned.

   Lin Xuan also changed his face, he felt that behind him, the void suddenly broke open.

   An extremely terrible, and mysterious power emerged, giving him a fatal crisis.

   He turned suddenly,

  He found that a pair of huge eyes appeared behind him.

   It was a pair of purple eyes, standing like two mountains.

  In the eyes, there are countless mysterious runes, which are connected together and turned into white eyes.

   And the deepest part of the eyes is two purple flames.

   The flames rolled, reflecting the mysterious figure.

   was able to hurt me to such an extent that you really did not expect me.

   However, you have angered me completely, bear my anger.

   A large purple flame flew out of the eyes, overwhelming, covering the whole void.

   Wherever I went, everything disappeared.

  The strong people around the dragon clan also feel the body melting, like a wax figure.

   Their lives are passing by quickly.

   Not good, run away, this flame is terrible.

   is still alive.

  Lin Xuan saw this scene, and his face also changed.

   He had a chaotic atmosphere and flew out.

   Chaos has the power to open up the earth and open up a side space around him, turning into a side world.

   This world, resisting the surrounding flames, sounded roaring.

   The world opened up was shaken violently, and those purple flames were blocked.

  However, more flames are coming insanely, and this world will be unsustainable at first sight.

   Click, the world opened up is broken.

   The mysterious purple flame, like countless purple spirit snakes, spread its teeth and flew past.

   These spirit snakes have unicorns, purple wings behind them, and even claws.

   This is no longer a snake, and it has almost evolved into a dragon.

   is so numerous and dense that it makes people dizzy at a glance.

   They instantly covered Lin Xuan.

   Flame burst.

   Lin Xuan's chaotic body seems to have melted.

not good.

   Longyin was stupid when they saw this scene.

Solve it?

  Purple eyes were slightly stunned, but at the next moment, his face changed.

   He suddenly turned around and looked to the rear, two flashes of lightning flashed in his eyes.

   penetrated everything.

   The void is broken like a picture.

   Longyin found that the scene in front of him was different.

Before   , Lin Xuan was enveloped by countless purple spirit snakes.

   But now, these purple spirit snakes are just roaring towards the void.

   There is no one there,

   And Lin Xuan's real body has come to the vicinity of purple eyes.

   Very fast speed.

  The warriors around the dragon clan were also exclaimed, completely beyond their imagination.

   Longyin shook his head and said: No, this is not speed, but magic speed.

   Just now, all of us were in illusion.

   can actually deceive me, you are really amazing.

  Purple eyes are also extremely angry. Unexpectedly, even he was almost fooled.

   can't carelessly.

Among the purple eyes, the deepest flames flew out.

   This time the flame power is several times that of the previous one.

As soon as    appeared, the whole world could not bear it.

   It is indeed time to solve you. Lin Xuan snorted, and the world of Shura appeared behind him.

   A Shura phantom came out from inside, holding Shura's blade in both hands, and came to Lin Xuan.

   Lin Xuan took over the blade of Shura, and there was a terrifying murderous intention on his body.

  He displayed the Asura mind, and the power of Asura poured onto the Blade of Asura.

  The blade of that side, with its radiant light, bloomed like an ancient Shura, resurrected.

   When he felt this power, his purple eyes startled.

  How can you control this weapon so easily?

  Damn, you have the power of Shura.

   He stared at the world of Shura and made an angry roar.

  Just right, try it with you, the power of this weapon.

   Lin Xuan sneered and waved the blade of Shura fiercely.

   A gleaming light cut through the void.

   At this moment, everyone feels like they are being pierced by Wanjian,

   Longyin and others are also cold bodies.

   They simply cannot react.

  Purple eyes, his complexion changed greatly, and the deepest flame flew out.

   formed a shield in front of him to resist.

  In a flash, the shield was split and the flames flew back into the eyes again.

   The eyes dodge quickly, avoiding the fatal blow.

  Dodge this trick, but he can't avoid the next dozens of tricks.

   It didn't take long for one of his eyes to close slowly. There was purple blood in it and it fell.

   He was injured and hurt his source.

   This weapon is too powerful, and cooperates with each other, invincible sword spirit.

   is really terrible to the extreme.

   It seems that he can only leave.

   In the other eye, a purple space suddenly appeared.

   From the inside, there is a suppressed figure, it is Dragon Dance.

   purple eyes, UU reading books www.uukanshu. com threw the dragon dance into the distance.

   also flew a flame and killed Dragon Dance.

  The black mist tears open the void and disappears.

   Lin Xuan waved the blade of Shura, and annihilated all the purple flames around Dragon Dance.

   He rescued Dragon Dance, turned to look into the distance, and found that his purple eyes had gone.

   He did not chase.

   He can feel that there is a terrible power in his purple eyes.

Once    broke out, even he could not resist.

  The origin of this person is very mysterious, unlike that from the Protoss, it should be, the creatures in this Tongtian River.

   shook his head, Lin Xuan did not pay much attention to it.

   has Shura's blade in hand, and the opponent cannot threaten him.

   He looked down at Dragon Dance and entered a life.

  Dragon Dance slowly opened her eyes, and when she saw Lin Xuan, she was slightly surprised.

what happened?

   She remembered that she seemed to be suppressed, and then she fell asleep.

   Did Lin Wudi save her?

   In the distance, Longyin and others also flew over.

   Seeing Dragon Dance is not dangerous, they were relieved.

   Thank you, Mr. Lin! Great grace and great virtue, unforgettable.

   Lin Xuan, but saved their lives!

   Our Taixu Dragon Palace will definitely remember this life-saving grace.

   Lin Xuan smiled, his purpose was achieved.

   But suddenly at this time, his face changed, suddenly turned around, and looked back.

  He felt that he seemed to be stared at again.

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