Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7860: Give me 800 years, I surpass him!

  According to the thinking of these people, it is true that the mad **** does not need to enter the Shenlong Valley.

   However, Lin Xuan smiled: "You are really stupid enough, who said that in 800 years, I will definitely lose?"

   "In eight hundred years, I am enough to surpass Long Tatian."

   Everyone was stunned again, the world was quiet and terrible.

   Those young geniuses have panic in their eyes.

  Long Tatian is too strong, so strong that they can only look up.

   even mentioned the name, they must call it, big brother.

   No one dared to challenge Long Tatian. In their hearts, they didn't even dare to think about it.

   But now, some people dare to challenge, and even threaten to surpass Long Tatian.

   Is this a lunatic?

   "Bold and presumptuous."

   The people on the side of the Promise Real Dragon roared.

   "What qualifications do you have to compare with the big brother?"

   "That is, the big brother can pinch you to death with just one finger."

   "Hurry up and apologize."


   Lin Xuan raised up to the sky and laughed: "You people are also worthy of being called geniuses?"

   "You don't even have the heart to resist? Don't you even have the heart to be brave?"

   "Facing Long Tatian, can you only bow your heads on your knees? Then why are you called geniuses?"

   "My generation of warriors, why are you afraid of a battle?"

   "The sky cannot crush me."

   "The ground cannot trap me."

   "No one in the world can stop me!"

   "What about Long Tatian? If he blocks my way, I will trample him down!"

   Lin Xuan is extremely strong at this moment,

   The dragon is roaring inside him.

   Above the nine heavens, lotus flowers bloomed all over the road, and endless thunders appeared.

   The unity of humanity and Dao shocked the Dao of Heaven.

   Everyone was shocked,

  Those geniuses are also struck by lightning.

   It is true. They are called geniuses and don't take everything into consideration.

   But when Long Tatian is mentioned, they think they are inferior,

   I don’t even have the confidence to challenge.

   However, the mad **** dared.

   Although the opponent is confident and strong, but no matter how strong the opponent is, it is not Long Tatian's opponent.

  Long Tatian, the future is to become the king of gods,

  Who dares to fight? Who can compete?

   "We bow our heads to the big brother, what's wrong?"

   "Big brother is aloof, he is destined to push forever in the future."

   "There is nothing ashamed of us surrendering to such a strong man."

   A genius from the line of True Dragon Promise, came out.

   They said frantically: "On the contrary, you, overwhelmingly, you are stupid."

   The white-robed old man was also angry. He said, "No matter what you say? It can't be changed. Eight hundred years later, you will fall."

   "If you enter the Dragon Valley, it is a waste. You don't need to enter."

   Lin Xuan was also angry, he stared at the white-robed elder.

   He asked loudly: "Dare to ask, what is your cultivation level now?"

   The white-robed old man smiled: "Dare you challenge me?"

   "I have become a true god, the second watershed! There are 20 million gods in my body."

   As he spoke, the power in his body also burst out, sweeping the heavens.

   The bodies of those around them were shaking, too strong, too strong to make them desperate.

   "Dare to ask, how old are you now?" Lin Xuan asked again.

   Bold and presumptuous.

   The disciple over there is angry again.

   The white-robed old man waved his hand and said, "It's okay to tell you, now I am 50 million years old."

   "How long do you think you can become the King of God?" Lin Xuan asked again: "How long can you become the Emperor of Heaven again, immortal?"

   The white robe old man frowned tightly!

   Become the emperor, immortal? Are you kidding me?

   In his life, he has no chance.

  , his chances of becoming the king of gods are extremely slim,

   Speaking of which, it's not even 1%.

   So, he was silent.

   "It looks like you can't even break through the King of God."

   "In that case, why are you still alive?"

   "You are destined to fall. If you practice now, you are wasting your strength and the resources of the Dragon Palace."

   "You might as well just die!" Lin Xuan sneered!

   The old man in white robe, his body shivered in anger.

   Those other people are also dumbfounded: this guy, dare to challenge Dachengzhen, the strong man of the second watershed?

   Jun Xiaoyao laughed loudly: "Yes, Baipao, you said that after eight hundred years of crazy god, there is no hope. Entering the Dragon Valley now is a waste of resources."

   "Then you have no hope of becoming a **** king. If you practice now, isn't it a waste of resources?"

  The old man in white robe was so angry that he couldn't speak.

   He could not refute.

   He has a pair of eyes, as if he is about to burst out fire.

   Lin Xuan said with a smile: "You know that you can't become the king of gods, but you continue to practice and continue to waste resources."

   "Then why am I unable to enter the Dragon Valley now?"

   "I am 800 years later, there is still unlimited hope."

   Lin Xuan's words really shocked some people.

   Those elders of other dragon races talked a lot.

   An elder said: "I think the mad **** is qualified to enter the Dragon Valley."

   "That's right, who knows what happened 800 years later?"

   "It is impossible to judge a person after eight hundred years."

   "As the mad **** said, we don't even have the hope of becoming a **** king. Don't we still cultivate hard?"

   "The mad **** is mad, but he is right."

   Many elders affirmed the mad **** and allowed him to enter the Dragon Valley.

   People from the line of the Promise True Dragon, their expressions are ugly.

  The disciples said, "Are these people wrong? Do you want to fight against the big brother?"

   However, another elder said: "You have a lot of help, but you lose your way."

   "We can't entangle too much on this issue, otherwise, we will lose our way."

   The white-robed old man had an ugly face, he said: "It's useless to talk more, speak with strength."

   He looked at a young man next to him, and said, "Wuwu, you shot."


   This young man also wears a white robe

   is the descendant of the white robe old man.

  He walked out, came to the Battle Dragon Stage, and said: "You keep saying that in eight hundred years, you will surpass the big brother."

   "Let me see, do you have this qualification?"

   "If you can't even beat me now, I don't think you are qualified to challenge the big brother."

   "It's Long Wuque, he actually wants to shoot."

   "Oh heaven, Long Wuwei is already a great god."

   "If he wants to make a move, the mad **** probably has no chance of winning, right?"

  Long Wuque smiled and said, "Crazy God, do you dare?"

   "If you are afraid, I can let you three tricks."

   "Or, let's change another kind of battle. If you can block my three moves, I will admit your strength."

   Long Wuqian is very confident.

   As long as he shoots with all his strength, let alone three moves, he can kill the opponent with one move.

   "If I defeat you, I can enter the Dragon Valley, right?"

   Lin Xuan asked Long Wuque said, "Yes."

   "Then what are you waiting for? You can do it." Lin Xuan waved impatiently.

   "You will regret it if you are looking for death." Long Wuque was angry. Is the other party looking down on him?

   He must make the other party regret it.

   He strode forward, and beside him, five pillars appeared.

   Five extremely terrifying dragon pillars, with endless divine patterns flashing on them, turned into giant dragons after another.

   "No, this is a true dragon pillar, he can actually condense into five."

   "This dragon's indispensable strength is too strong, right?"

   The dragon geniuses around, when they saw this scene, they all exclaimed.

   There was panic in their eyes,

   Even Jun Xiaoyao and others have a trace of worry in their eyes.

  True Dragon Pillar is formed by condensing pure blood, and its power is terrible.

  A true dragon pillar is said to be able to sweep everything.

   Five true dragon pillars, shot together, leapfrogged, no problem.

   This dragon is perfect, really a peerless genius.


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