Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7868: unbelievable! 0 times practice!

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this.

Zhen Jiuzhong wants to seize the token, can he still look like this?

Many Tianjiao's eyes lit up, and they seemed to have opened up a new world.

Xue Nu also walked out and said: Crazy God, give me the token.

I use heaven and earth treasures to exchange with you.

She took out three things,

One piece of sacred iron is very precious. Able to create a peerless artifact.

There is also a scroll, which records the secret method of the dragon clan.

Able to gain more than double the power within half a stick of incense.

Of course, there are side effects, but the moment of life and death can definitely be used to save lives.

It can even kill the enemy.

In addition, there is the dragon marrow of a gourd.

You can choose these three things, how about?

Xue Nu asked.

Those other people's eyes are red.

Although they are also geniuses, they are jealous of these three things.

Lin Xuan shook his head and said: No change.

Xue Nu's face changed, she said: You can choose two or three of them.

Lin Xuan smiled: Sorry, I don't lack these things, I just want to enter the Heavenly Dragon Palace.

Xue Nu lost her brilliance in her eyes. It seemed that she had no chance.

Zhen Jiuzhong next to him said: What are you doing so politely with him?

He is not at all, we are from the ancient dragon clan.

A dragon martial artist of this era, fortunately to join our Dragon Palace, he should be grateful.

Now, it's time for you to repay your favor and hand over things obediently.

I can say a few words in front of the elders and let you live in 800 years.

roll! Who do you think you are? Also worthy to talk to me.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly.

Facing Zhen Jiuzhong, he didn't have a good face at all.

Are you looking for death?

Zhen Jiu was furious, and he wanted to rush over.

However, there was a formation in the middle, and he trembled with anger.

He said: Boy, wait, I will never let you go.

Lin Xuan rolled his eyes and ignored the other party at all.

He listened much more to such threats.

He even dared to challenge Long Tatian, let alone Zhen Jiuzhong.

He turned around, no longer paying attention to the other party, but staring at the Heavenly Dragon Palace.

In front of him, the Heavenly Dragon Palace looked like a giant and a sleeping dragon.

Lin Xuan remembered the phantom of the dragon he had seen before.

I don’t know, does it have anything to do with Tianlong Temple?

He urged the Long Dao Wushen Art, the boundless Long Dao power poured into the token.

The token burst into light, and the hall in front of it slowly opened.

Lin Xuan stepped in and walked in.

Next, Huan Meng and Long Wu, who were also urging tokens, walked in.

After the three of them entered, the door of Tianlong Palace was closed again.

Everyone, can't see the scene inside, they can only wait outside and guess.

I don’t know what kind of treasures are there?

It must be a treasure against the sky, these three people are going to soar into the sky.

what should I do?

Zhen Wu's face was ugly.

Zhen Jiuzhong said: What if he gets the treasure? The picture is just a wedding dress.

When he comes out, directly suppress him and **** his treasures.

However, there is the elder Qinglong outside.

Zhen Wu worried.

Zhen Jiuzhong snorted coldly: Are you a trash?

Can't you wait for him to leave the valley and do it?

Before the elder Qinglong arrives, **** the opponent's treasure.

Anyway, there is a big brother behind us, what are you afraid of?

I know.

Zhen Wu nodded, he took a deep breath and began to adjust his state to maintain his heyday at any time.

As soon as the opponent comes out, he will immediately use all his hole cards to suppress the opponent.

Lin Xuan entered the Tianlong Palace, and the scene inside was different from the outside world.

The dragon power here is a hundred times stronger than outside.

The layout inside is very simple, the hall is very large and somewhat empty.

On the ground, there are some stone platforms with mysterious runes carved on them, like dragon scales.

Apart from that, there is nothing left.

Huanmeng said: Everyone chooses a stone platform, and we don’t disturb each other, how about?

no problem.

Long Wu nodded. She came in with good luck.

She can't beat each other, she doesn't want to fight with each other.

Lin Xuan also shrugged, and there was a piercing light in his eyes.

He looked at these stone platforms and found that they all seemed to be the same.

So he found one and sat down cross-legged.

Immediately after sitting down, he felt that the power of heaven and earth was absorbed in the stone platform.

A large amount of Dragon Dao power began to emerge to swallow him.

What a terrible power.

Lin Xuan was shocked, and at the same time, he was ecstatic.

It seemed that he finally had a chance to recover, and this power was like a deep sea.

He no longer has other ideas, but concentrates on absorbing this force.

The Long Dao Wu Shen Jue was used to the extreme.

With a roar, the Shenlong phantom surrounded him.

Lin Xuan practiced quickly.

Huan Meng and Long Wu also felt a similar situation.

They were extremely excited.

Long Wu knew that this was a golden opportunity.

Although he was a great god, he just became a great god, not long after.

There are not many Shinto writings in the body.

If you use it properly this time, maybe you can save tens of thousands of years of hard cultivation.

All three of them practiced Of course, Dream and Dragon Dance, if they want to break through, there are bottlenecks.

In order to break through, in addition to strength, it also needs the perception of natural enemies, the perception of the great road, and so on.

It is a comprehensive factor.

There is no bottleneck in cultivation, and there are very few people who can always break through.

Even among these protoss, there are very few.

Unless it is some bloodline against the sky, such as the son of God.

Before becoming a **** king, there were no bottlenecks in cultivation.

You can practice fast all the way.

In addition, there are some legendary bloodlines, too.

Of course, the Swallowing Sword of the Wine Lord is also possible.

The Devouring Sword is one of the five swords in the world. The power it swallows can make the wine master increase at an extremely fast speed.

This makes everyone envious and jealous.

However, in addition to these special blood vessels, and devouring swords, and other means.

If other people want to break through, they all need to understand the world.

Sometimes, special chance and luck are needed.

However, Lin Xuan is not the same.

Lin Xuan was a great **** before.

It's just that because of the battle with the demon, he was seriously injured.

In addition, he was almost killed by the king of gods and fell to the realm.

He is not making a breakthrough now, just restoring to his original state, and there is no bottleneck in his cultivation.

He began to go crazy, absorbing the power of heaven and earth.

The power of the surrounding dragons rushed quickly like a whirlpool.

The power of the entire hall was aroused.

Boom boom boom.

The power of the gods in Lin Xuan's body circulated, blooming with mysterious light.

His immortal Taoism, originally dimmed, was almost wiped out.

But at this moment, it is lit up one after another.

Before long, he will be able to fully recover.

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