Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7871: Magic medicine? Lin Xuan's 2 choices


The two monsters in the battle seemed to have sensed the existence of Lin Xuan and others

They stopped, quickly backed away, and confronted each other.

The two-headed snake roared, and the two heads spit out the power of water and fire.

Half of the sky was raging fire, and half of the sky was freezing cold, and immediately enveloped everyone.

The expressions of Long Wu and others changed drastically, and even Zhen Jiuzhong was facing an enemy.

They can't resist this force at all.

There are two elders, they don't need to operate.

One of the Qinglong elders gave a cold snort.

The next moment, he let out a dragon roar.

Immediately afterwards, his head turned into a dragon head and swallowed it forward.

He swallowed all the flames and ice.


Between the elder Qinglong's breath, there was an aura of flame and ice flying.

The vast power did not hurt him at all.

The two monsters in front were shocked when they saw this scene.

Isn't it terrible?

They felt carefully and found that the cultivation level of the elder Qinglong far exceeded them.

This is the peak power.

That's right, the two Azure Dragon elders are both peak true gods, and their strength is extremely powerful.

The two monsters on the opposite side are like enemies,

They no longer contend, but joined forces to kill.

One of the Qinglong elders looked up to the sky and laughed.

With a big wave of his hand, a dragon claw fell over the sky, covering the sky.

In an instant, the two monsters were suppressed,

The two monsters screamed and roared.

They went from unwilling to panic, and in the end, they began to beg for mercy.

"Leave, forgive you once."

Elder Qinglong took back the dragon claws,

The two monsters turned around and fled.

After they fled to a distance, they hid and watched silently to see if there was any hope.

The two blue dragons looked for an old man, and flew to the front in an instant, and they came to the rainbow flower.

With a wave of the dragon's claws, he grabbed the rainbow flower.

Whoosh whoosh.

The colorful rays of light danced, really turned into a rainbow, suspended between heaven and earth.

Blocked the dragon claw.

The extremely powerful dragon claws can easily suppress two monsters, but they can't do anything with Colorful Rainbow.

Elder Qinglong was shocked. He said, "Let's shoot together."

The two elders joined forces together, and the power in them completely exploded.

Like a smoke like a sea, sweeping the world, this is the peak power, enough to penetrate everything.

The rainbow ahead was shattered.

However, the colorful flower bloomed with mysterious light and turned into a colorful vortex.

A mysterious force flew out from inside.

This time, the power of the two pinnacle elders penetrated inside.

As if sinking into the sea, it did not cause any impact.

They didn't make any more moves, and the two elders were shocked. They said, "This is not a magic medicine."

Huan Meng and others were also shocked: "What is this?"

Even Lin Xuan was surprised. He felt a vast and mysterious aura above the flower.

There is also a hint of powerful space power.

Huanmeng was surprised: "One flower, one world, this flower, isn't it the entrance to a world?"

"Then what are you waiting for? Go in now."

Zhen Jiuzhong can't wait,

Before, he did not enter the Heavenly Dragon Palace and suffered heavy losses.

Now, encountering this kind of adventure, he certainly can't miss it again.

He couldn't wait to get in, but was stopped by the elder Qinglong.

He said: Wait.

"Let us study, what exactly is this?"

The two elders did not dare to act rashly,

The heavens and worlds are extremely mysterious.

In addition to those star worlds, there are other worlds.

These worlds were created by the strong, and these worlds are very strange.

The so-called one flower one world refers to the world created by these powerful people.

Sometimes, within a petal, there is an extremely vast world.

Even a drop of water or a grain of sand may be a vast world.

In this world, created by the strong, it also has the laws and will of the strong.

The danger inside is unpredictable, even if the king of God enters, I am afraid it will fall.

To encounter this mysterious world, one must first explore.

Elder Qinglong, shot a clone and flew forward.

As soon as he entered, the clone in the colorful vortex was torn to pieces by a terrifying force.

When Zhen Jiuzhong saw this scene, he was dumbfounded and his face was pale.

If he went in rashly just now, I'm afraid he has fallen.

Even Lin Xuan took a deep breath.

Suddenly, what did he think of? He said: "Will there be restrictions on cultivation?"

After speaking, he used the Dragon Dao martial arts technique to condense a clone with the power of the Dragon Dao.

Walked forward.

This clone entered into the whirlpool, and was not attacked.

When they saw this scene, others exclaimed.

People like Xuenu, Zhen Jiuzhong and others also made their own clones.

As a result, they were all safe and sound.

Elder Qinglong said when he saw this scene: "It is indeed a limitation of cultivation level."

"It should be a person below the peak God of War, who can enter."

Next, what should I do?

The two elders said: "You can go in now."

"However, the danger inside is unpredictable, and it may even fall."

"Of course, you can also wait here. We will contact Dragon Palace and let the people from Dragon Palace come."

"When the time comes, after thorough investigation, it will not be too late for you to enter."

Everyone was silent, and they began to discuss.

At this time, Lin Xuan heard Xiaobai's cry: Oh, there are treasures.

Xiao Bai couldn't help it, and wanted to rush in.

Lin Xuan hurriedly stopped. He said, "Little guy, wait a minute, you can't come out yet."

Lin Xuan said, "Elder, I want to go in now."

"Although it is but I can bear it."

Zhen Jiuzhong also walked out and said, "Elder, let us in."

This place is so mysterious, if it is really a world-class powerhouse, the world left behind.

Then it is possible that we can't hide it with the heritage of the world's strongest.

The other sects of the Protoss, it is estimated that it will not take long to find out.

When the time comes, they will definitely send someone there.

In that case, we will lose the opportunity.

The two elders discussed and said, "We will pass the news to Dragon Palace."

"Let the Dragon Palace send more people."

"Now, you have two choices, one is to wait here with us."

"Second, you can go in, but I cannot guarantee your safety."

"Because we two cannot enter."

"I'm willing to go in."

Zhen Jiuzhong couldn't wait, and Zhen Wu was also ready to go in.

Those other people also said one after another: "Let's go in too."

No one is willing to give up cultivation.

It was originally going against the sky, it was dangerous and normal.

They are not weak, they are all arrogant.

They have experienced countless battles and grew up. How could they be afraid?

"Very well, you are all my Dragon Palace Tianjiao, you are the future, I hope I read it right."

"You all proceed with care."

"If you really find any inheritance inside, don't resist it."

"Mark first, wait. Our people will come soon."

The two elders said quickly, one of the elders had already sent news to Dragon Palace.

Another elder gave another order.

Subsequently, 49 geniuses shook their bodies and rushed to the colorful vortex ahead.

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