Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7885: Long Jue! Boost!

The inheritance of the Seven Swords is the Seven Color Excalibur, with 7 flying swords.

A flying sword is a kind of inheritance, and together it is the inheritance of seven swords.

This is currently the number one treasure, requiring 7 million sword **** flowers.

Young Master Tian Ming is very smart, he thought, can he exchange for a kind of inheritance first?

Sword Spirit said: You people are really smart enough.

I first thought of sending many people to pretend to be exchanged, and now I want to split the inheritance.

However, the King of Seven Colors did not say that they could not be exchanged separately.

Well, you can.

However, even if they were exchanged separately, each flying sword had part of the inheritance.

One million sword **** flowers are also needed.

You have only got three hundred thousand at present, it's not enough.

I know.

Young Master Tian Ming was extremely excited.

To be honest, he just asked casually, he didn't have much hope.

Wherever I can think of it, they can really be exchanged separately.

He put away the 300,000 sword **** flowers.

He said: Okay, I will gather 1 million Sword God Flowers.

He turned and left.

After leaving, he said to the people around him: First, inform us the people of the Tianyang God Race.

Give me all the sword **** flowers collected.

I want to redeem the inheritance of the Sword God King.

Second, do you remember the black-robed man who went out just now?

It is possible for him to exchange the treasure, to track him down to see who he is?

If the strength is weak, destroy it directly and grab the treasure.

The people under your hand, act separately,

Those people of the Tianyang Protoss were crazy.

They cooperated with three golden mirrors, sweeping the square.

They will collect a million Sword God flowers at a very fast speed.

On the other side,

Lin Xuan left the canyon.

He was hiding in the void, flying towards the distance at an extremely fast speed.

When a bottle of dragon marrow is in his hand, he must quickly absorb it to enhance his strength.

However, while flying, he frowned. He felt that someone was following him behind him.

Although these people are very careful, they can't hide the eyes of his heaven.

Is it still being targeted?

Lin Xuan snorted coldly.

Suddenly, he speeded up, tore the void open, and disappeared.

Several figures from behind followed quickly.

They looked at the rift in the space with extremely ugly faces.

Actually ran away,

Has it been discovered?

This kid is suspicious, it is really possible that he has exchanged treasures.

His method is very mysterious, let us know quickly and send a few teams over.

Must find him.

People from the Tianyang Protoss are gathering masters.

On the other side, Lin Xuan left.

He found a safe place and began to practice in retreat.

He took out the bottle of dragon marrow and drank it.

Boom boom boom!

The dragon veins in the body boiled instantly,

The powerful dragon power, fangs and claws, as if to tear everything apart.

Lin Xuan used the six worlds to guard, shrouded the world's vision.

People outside will not find out,

And he is using his full strength, Long Dao Wu Shen Jue.

Between breathing and breathing, the phantom of the dragon surrounded him.

The power of the gods also bloomed, with extremely bright light.

Long Dao Wu Shen Jue absorbs the power of the dragon marrow and improves quickly.

The dragon veins in the body are growing more and more.

Not only that, but immortal Taoism is also increasing rapidly.

While Lin Xuan was cultivating, people in other places were frantically collecting Sword God Flowers.

Someone has started the war.

In order to **** the sword **** flower, their eyes are red.

Among them, there is a force that is extremely strong, that is, the Heavenly Sun God Race.

The people of the Tianyang Protoss are divided into three big teams, each team is led by an eight-door golden mirror.

As soon as the golden light came out, it swept across the world, and no one can beat it.

In this way, the people of the Tianyang Protoss madly collected the Sword God Flower.

at last,

They collected 700,000 sword **** flowers and gave them all to Young Master Tian Ming.

Master Tianming, head to the canyon again,

He wants to exchange inheritance.

This time, he exchanged a sword in the inheritance of the seven swords.

A flying sword the size of a palm with mysterious runes on it.

It fell into the hands of Emperor Tianming.

Young Master Tian Ming, a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth: great.

Although only 1/7 of the inheritance has been obtained, it is already an incredible improvement.

He turned around and left,

He will continue to collect the Sword God Flower, and he will exchange all the inheritance.

On this day, Lin Xuan opened his eyes and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

He added, 1 million fairy tales,

Wu Shen Jue has also been greatly improved.

Although there was no breakthrough and reached the third level, it was much stronger than before.

Between raising his hands and feet, Lin Xuan's dragon power was even more terrifying.

Worthy of being a treasure of the **** king, a bottle of dragon marrow, unexpectedly has such a earth-shaking change.

Lin Xuan was really pleased.

This is still the ninety-ninth treasure.

I wonder how precious the top treasures are?

He must collect the Sword God Flower again, and he wants to exchange more treasures.

Not long after he came out, Lin Xuan discovered that there were figures everywhere between heaven and earth.

Those people have red eyes, and they can fight for a long time for a sword **** flower.

It seems that the best collection time has passed.

Next, if you want to collect, I am afraid it will be more difficult, and it will take a lot of battles.

It's really stupid to have someone act alone.

After half a day, Lin Xuan was stopped by someone.

Five people stopped Lin Xuan with a smile in their eyes.

Boy, you should have collected some Sword God flowers, hand them over and spare you not to die.

These five people belonged to the Demon Race, and they were extremely tall.

It should be a member of the troll family in the demon clan.

Lin Xuan looked at the five people without any fear.

He said coldly: Get out, spare you from dying.

Hahahaha, have you heard? What did this kid say?

He wants to spare us not to die?

He thought that he could beat 5 of us.

Boy, you are really stupid, I have to see, what qualifications do you have to say?

One of the trolls walked out and took a picture.

The palm of his hand seemed to have turned into an eternal magic mountain, which instantly enveloped Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan punched out, smashing the Eternal Devil Mountain to pieces.

The troll screamed and withdrew, his face full of shock.

What a strong force,

Take action together and kill this kid in seconds.

The five trolls shot together, and the power was several times stronger.

Fortunately, just try the current Martial God Body, how powerful is it?

Lin Xuan let out a roar like a dragon.

He swept the four directions, used the martial arts fist, and confronted these five people.

Boom boom boom!

After only one collision, five people flew out.

Their faces are full of horror,

Where is this man sacred? move.

They kicked to the iron plate.

The five trolls turned and fled.

Want to go?

Lin Xuan sneered and continued to use the martial arts fist to knock the five trolls to the ground.

Beat them all through,

Five trolls knelt on the ground.

They kept kowtow: Please forgive We are wrong, please forgive me.

We are willing to hand over the storage ring, and we are also willing to give the son a message.

Lin Xuan stopped and said: Give me the storage.

Five storage rings flew over.

After Lin Xuan opened it, he found that there were thousands of sword **** flowers inside.

He frowned and said: so little? You are really rubbish.

All five trolls vomited blood: Is this still less?

God, this is what they collected after working hard.

It's already a lot.

Isn't this guy in front of him looking too high?

Do you want to collect tens of thousands at a time?

Are you kidding me?

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