Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7889: Golden light body! Who can hurt me?

The eleventh son's eyes are all red: How can this kid He De? Also worthy of competing for the Sword God Flower?

He roared: "If you don't want to die, just get out."

They rushed over quickly.

Ahead, Lin Xuan was fighting Sword God Flower.

I have to say that these sword **** flowers are very powerful, far surpassing those he encountered before.

This showed that the number of Sword God flowers was more than he had encountered before.

He was extremely happy.

But at this moment, there was a roar from behind.

Is anyone here?

Lin Xuan turned around and looked around.

Seeing that it was a member of the Tianyang God Race, he frowned slightly.

When he saw the eleventh son, he gave a cold snort.

He avoided a few sword auras, and said coldly: "So it's you."

"Last time, at the edge of the desert, I ignored you. Unexpectedly, you would follow me again."

"What? You want to **** the sword **** flower with me?"

"You are not qualified yet,"

"Leave quickly, I will forgive you not to die."

The eleventh son was angry,

This should be what he wants to say, he is the one who stands above him.

If the opponent is alone, what qualifications does it have to compete with him?

It's really looking for death.

He gritted his teeth,

The person next to him said, "My son, why bother with him."

"We can solve him, you are responsible for capturing the sword **** flower."

"Okay, send three people to destroy him."

The eleventh son did not pay attention to each other.

In his opinion, the three disciples of the Protoss race were enough to wipe out each other.

The true gods of the three protoss rushed over and enveloped Lin Xuan.

The flames on them swept through, turned into three suns, and flew past them quickly.

Just like a millstone that destroys the world, Lin Xuan must be crushed.

They laughed: "If you want to blame it, you don't know how to live or die, and you dare to offend our Tianyang God Race."

"Be obediently wiped out."

Facing the three terrifying suns, Lin Xuan directly reached out his big hand and grabbed it.

Really stupid enough,

The palm of the opponent's hand will instantly turn into a pool of blood.


The earth-shaking sound sounded, a sun was crushed.

The flame flies through the world.

how is this possible?

The true **** of the Tianyang Protoss, his eyes were almost staring out.

Are you kidding me?

Their peerless magical powers and supreme magical fire can't help each other.

Instead, he was crushed instantly by the other party.

What kind of power is this? Too bad, right?

Just when they were surprised, the other two suns were also crushed by Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan said: Just rely on you, also want to fight with me?


The big hand came out again, and his fingers turned into a real dragon.

His palm, with invincible power, instantly enveloped the three members of the Heavenly Sun God Race.

Palms together,

Card wipe card wipe,

The sound of broken bones sounded.

The three members of the Tianyang Protoss were crushed.

They screamed, the soul wanted to escape.

However, in the palm of his hand, there was a biting sword aura flying out, piercing through their soul.

In an instant,

The three powerhouses of the Tianyang Protoss were wiped out.

what's the situation?

the other side,

The Eleventh Young Master rushed over with the rest of the people, and they killed the Sword God Flower.

Suddenly, they heard a scream,

They thought it was that kid.

They laughed and said, "That kid is too weak, isn't it? He didn't hold on for three seconds."

"I thought, how good he is,"

"It seems that he can come here because of luck."

These people sneered again and again.

However, it didn't take long for them to discover that a figure appeared near them.

It is Lin Xuan.

how is this possible?

Don't you fall?

Why are you still alive?

The Eleventh Young Master and others turned his head and looked.

Found that their three companions had disappeared,

The other party was unscathed.

You killed them?

This is impossible!

"There are too many impossible things." Lin Xuan snorted and took another palm.

He is now more and more comfortable with the use of the Martial God Body.

The strong physique allows him to take action without scruples.

Coupled with the indestructible power, his attack power is extremely powerful.

No magical powers at all, no fairy law.

One fist and one palm are enough to sweep everything.

With a boom,

Several people from the Tianyang Protoss were blown out by this palm.

Broken body, blood stained the sky,

Their faces were full of horror.

"No, he has the strength of a great god, he is too strong."

"We are careless."

They discovered that Lin Xuan was not lucky, but really strong.

They underestimated each other.

The eleventh son said: "You go back and I will deal with him."

He made a seal on his palm, forming the sun **** seal, which fell from the sky and patted Lin Xuan.

The fire of the sun can destroy everything in the world.

The sun **** seal, even more terrifying, is covered with **** patterns.

Lin Xuan blasted out with a punch.

On the fist, with the monstrous dragon power.

There is also a bitter sword aura.

A punch opens the sky.

With a bang, the sun **** seal was directly broken.

The eleventh son, like a kite with a broken line, drifted far away.

One of his arms directly turned into blood mist.

The people of the Tianyang Protoss in the back were all dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Are you kidding me?

Eleventh Young Master is also a great god. But in front of the other party, is it so vulnerable?

How strong is this kid?

Is it possible to be the Dacheng God, the first watershed existence?

Lin Xuan was also surprised: Is one arm broken? It was unexpected.

The other party couldn't resist his punch, and it would instantly turn into blood mist.

However, the opponent was only slightly injured.

He squinted his eyes.

He soon understood that the opponent had golden light in his body.

That is the power of the golden light, the golden light protection, which doubled the opponent's defense.

Want to come to this guy's defense, equivalent to the first watershed strong.

But what?

Lin Xuan didn't care. If he couldn't get a punch, he would give a few more punches.

The eleventh son got up from the ground, his broken arm, and recovered quickly.

But his face is hard to see the extreme,

He was wounded by a punch.

And this person is the little ant he looks down on.

Just kidding,

He is a giant dragon, how could he be injured by ants?

You have to pay for the **** thing.

The Eleven Young Master roared again and again, and a golden light appeared on his body.

He used the power of golden light.

go to hell!

As soon as the golden light comes out, who will compete?

The golden light, like a golden heavenly sword, instantly slammed Lin Xuan.

However, Lin Xuan suddenly used the Xing Zi Jue, which was several times faster than before.

He avoided the golden light in an instant and came to Eleven Young Master.

The eleventh son was shocked and wanted to escape.

But it's too Lin Xuan raised his palm, turned to the front, and patted it fiercely.

Golden light body.

At the moment of crisis, the eleven son roared.

The remaining golden light on his body joined together to form a light curtain in front of him.

With a bang,

The earth shook the sky, the void shattered, and the eleventh son was also tumbling with blood.

However, he laughed.

The palm in front of him was blocked.

He said: "It's useless, I have a golden light body, no matter how powerful it is, it won't hurt me."

"Can't hurt you? Are you sure?"

Lin Xuan raised a sneer.

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