Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7896: Shocking number! Crazy! Looking for a mad god!

He continued to shoot,

Ban Zhuxiang's time passed, and he still failed to hurt the opponent.

Mofei was desperate,

He knew he was careless, the opponent was too fast.

Although the other party is also using secret methods, but the other party's support is too long, right?

He dared not delay any longer.

Once there was no purple dagger, he couldn't face the attack of the Valkyrie Body at all.


Mo Fei was about to leave.

However, Lin Xuan waved his hand.

There are countless giant dragons around, lying between heaven and earth, blocking all the way.

Mo Fei was stopped.

He was angry. He said, "Boy, do you dare to stop me, do you believe me or not I fight with you?"

"What about stopping you? You attacked me, how could I let you go?"

"Now, I give you two choices,"

"First, continue to fight with me. Your strength will disappear. I will catch you and make you worse than death."

"The second option, you have a life-saving charm on your body, now use the life-saving charm directly and teleport away."

"I can save your life."

After listening, everyone was in an uproar.

These two choices are probably not acceptable to Mofei.

Mo Fei is crazy: Are you kidding me?

Let him take the initiative to concede defeat and use the life-saving talisman, and his face will be lost.

Lin Xuan smiled, "Haan Zhuxiang's time is very fast, I can afford to wait."

While talking, he took the initiative to attack, and the speed of running the word Jue was very fast.

Mo Fei's embarrassing parry can only be held back by the purple dagger.

Without this dagger, it is estimated that within three moves, he will undoubtedly die.

"Crazy God, count you cruel, you wait."

Seeing the time for a stick of incense is coming.

Mo Fei gritted his teeth and directly activated the life-saving talisman before teleporting away.

have they gone? Did it fail?

Mo Fei, the top arrogant man, was so scared that he teleported away.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it if they were killed!

Outside of the world of God King,

When Mofei teleported out, everyone was stunned.

It's another Tianjiao who was sent out,

"Who moved the hand?"

They asked quickly,

Mo Fei's face was ugly, and he had no face to answer.

He was so scared to escape, what did he say?

Without a word, he returned to his family, secretly communicating with the elder.

After the elders heard this, their expressions were ugly.

It was defeated by the mad **** again, and this time, Mo Fei took the initiative to escape.

What a shame.

An elder of the Demon Race said: "Did you not use that dagger?"

Mo Fei cried and said, "Used, he is too fast, I can't hurt him at all."

Can make a genius collapse and cry, you can imagine how strong the mad **** is.

In the world of the king of gods, no one is the opponent of the mad god.

Just like this, Lin Xuan entered the scabbard, and he began to collect the Sword God Flower frantically.

Those Sword God Flowers swiftly resisted, but they were no longer a threat to Lin Xuan.

Everyone could only watch the battle ahead, watching Lin Xuan collect the Sword God Flower.

After a long time, Lin Xuan returned from the scabbard, a smile on his mouth.

Great harvest,

Three hundred thousand Sword God flowers, more than what I got in the desert before.

This made him ecstatic.

Now, there are 400,000 Sword God Flowers in his hand, enough to exchange for better treasures.

Lin Xuan was going to return to the Grand Canyon to exchange for treasures.

He laughed, rose up into the sky, and disappeared.

After he left, the people around him breathed a sigh of relief.

Horrible, this crazy **** finally left.

However, those people of the Protoss were extremely unwilling.

The True God of Great Sword and the old man of the Ice God Clan also gritted their teeth.

They said: "It is conservatively estimated that there are 300,000 Sword God flowers in the scabbard."

what? so much!

Everyone is crazy.

"Quick, hurry up and contact our seniors and let them go crazy."

"Tell everyone that the mad **** has 300,000 sword **** flowers."

The news flew out at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, the disciples and warriors in the world of the gods were all stunned.

"Crazy God, unexpectedly found 300,000 Sword God Flowers, go and stop him."

"I have worked so hard for so long, and I haven't even found 30,000 plants, this crazy god, luck is too good."

A group of figures flew over quickly.

People from the Tianyang Protoss, their eyes were red when they got the news.

Young Master Tian Ming said: "Hurry up and find the crazy **** for me."

"After finding it, give me the space coordinates immediately and I will do it myself."

No matter how strong the mad **** is, what about? How about defeating Devouring Tiger and Mofei?

Young Master Tian Ming didn't care,

His strength is much stronger than Swallow Tiger.

Moreover, he still has a golden mirror in his hand.

Put it this way, the strong man in the second watershed can't beat him.

Moreover, this golden mirror is different from Mofei's purple dagger.

Mofei's purple dagger only lasts for a stick of incense, and the golden mirror can always exist.

This time, everyone is looking for a crazy **** overwhelmingly.

Lin Xuan's face turned black when he heard the news.

Damn it, it must be the people near the statue who passed the news.

No way, he changed his face and breath.

Using Xing Zi Jue, flying towards the canyon at a very fast speed.

And near the canyon, those people also got orders.

They began to go crazy, staring at everyone who entered the canyon.

Everyone must be investigated, and once they are found to be a mad god, they will make a crazy move.

The people over the Dragon Palace were also dumbfounded. The crazy **** possessed 300,000 Sword God flowers. The news was shocking.

It's over, the mad **** is in danger,

How could he be discovered?

Three hundred thousand sword **** flowers are enough to make anyone crazy.

When Zhen Wu, Zhen Jiuzhong and others heard the news, their eyes were red.

Why? This crazy **** was so lucky that he got so many sword **** flowers.

Chen Jiuzhong said: "Those who notified us should also stop outside the canyon."

"Once the mad **** returns to the Dragon Palace, immediately grab it and let him hand over the sword **** flower."

"Yes, 300,000 Sword God Flowers can be exchanged for an excellent treasure."

"He doesn't deserve to be crazy."

"Isn't Young Master Long Hao here? I can just hand over this Sword God Flower to Young Master Long Hao.

Zhen Jiuzhong, Zhen Wu, they both smiled triumphantly.

"Crazy God, in the end you are not trying to make a wedding dress."

They wanted to see the desperate expression of the other party.

Those people from other protoss, when they couldn't find Lin Xuan, they also went to the canyon to gather.

They knew that Lin Xuan had so many Sword God Flowers that he would definitely exchange them.

Therefore, they are prepared to stand still.

Lin Xuan's speed was so fast that it surpassed these people's imagination.

He has come near the canyon However, when he saw there were so many strong people near the canyon.

His face also became extremely ugly.

Do you want to meet with the people of Dragon Palace?

After thinking about it, Lin Xuan didn't do that.

He was ready to go straight in at an extremely fast speed.

This is not the same as going out. He needs the protection of Dragon Palace when he is outside the world of the King of Gods.

But here, he doesn't need it yet.

As long as they can break into the canyon, these people will not dare to take action.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Xuan's eyes burst out with an extremely harsh light.

He rushed forward quickly, like a divine sword.

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