Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7909: Duel Kendo!

Zi Qing showed a very painful expression, and at the same time, the purple claws on her body became dim.

However, it has not completely disappeared.

Those purple runes were completely separated.

Every rune turned into a purple flying sword, killing Lin Xuan overwhelmingly.

Lin Xuan sneered: Fighting with me in Kendo, you are really stupid enough.

After speaking, he waved his hand,

The peerless sword flew out,

The invincible power swept the wasteland.

Those purple flying swords were struck by lightning.

Countless purple flying swords swayed and seemed to be shaking.

They want to escape.

They flew towards Ziqing, wanting to fly back into her body.

Lin Xuan grabbed all the purple flying swords in the sky with a big hand.

He said: "Want to escape? Let me see, what are you?"

Lin Xuan's palm was really too sharp, and he grabbed these flying swords instantly.

These flying swords swept across the four directions and hit the palms of their hands, making a sound like the sky.

However, there is no escape.

In the end, Lin Xuan caught it in his hands.

All the sword energy disappeared, leaving only one rune.

This is a purple rune, just like a purple star.

There was an extremely harsh sword aura on it.

Lin Xuan held it in his hand and probed carefully, what exactly is this?

far away,

Ziqing also slowly opened his eyes.

She seemed to have lost her memory, and asked suspiciously: What's wrong?

When she saw Lin Xuan, she remembered everything before.

She said, "Where are those demons?"

She looked towards 4 weeks,

I found that the demon had disappeared,

Even Suo Yao Pagoda disappeared.

Are you all gone? Am i saved?

Ziqing is like dreaming.

She looked at Lin Xuan and said, "Master Crazy God, did you save me?"

Lin Xuan nodded, then shook his head again, and said, "To be precise, I let you out. Leaving the Demon Locking Tower."

"However, it was not me who defeated those demons, but the purple sword energy in your body."

The sword energy in my body? how is this possible? I can't beat those demons.

Ziqing looked surprised.

Lin Xuan said: "This is the purple rune coming out of your body."

He spread his hand and let the purple rune float in the air.

Ziqing was even more shocked.

Is there such a powerful force in her body?

Why doesn't she know?

When she saw the purple rune, her face became extremely ugly.

She had a guess, as if thinking of something.

Her body trembled slightly, and there was a touch of despair in her eyes.

Then she said: "My son, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I'm really in danger."

Nothing, it's easy.

Lin Xuan said, "If you have nothing to do, then leave."

"I am ready to go, too."

Lin Xuan is going to leave, he is not going to return to Vermilion Star, he should go to Dragon Palace.

Safe there.

Suzaku is too dangerous.

Hearing that the other party was about to leave, Ziqing suddenly said, "My son, why don't you come back to the family with me."

"You saved me, I must thank you well."

"Our family will definitely give a big gift."

"No, I'll say it, just do it."

Ziqing said: "My son, our family is an ancient family."

The inheritance is also very long, and it is also related to the ancients.

The ancestors of our family were all disciples of a certain strong man in the ancient period.

Our family has passed down some power, which can be regarded as very mysterious.

If the son is going, I can convince the ancestors of the family to let the son understand these powers.

Lin Xuan thought for a while, and felt good.

He was extremely curious about the sword energy in the opponent.

That sword spirit is very sharp.

If not, if he possesses the Great Dragon Sword Soul, it will not be easy to defeat the opponent.

Just look at the other party's family, what's magical.

Maybe, one more kind of kendo can be learned.

Ziqing was very happy,

Next, she took Lin Xuan and flew towards their family.

at the same time,

On the other side,

Qingyun world, Qingyun family.

In the vast universe, there are seven stars, twinkling extremely, connected into one piece, like a rainbow.

This galaxy is called the Colorful Galaxy.

And in this galaxy, among them, there is a cyan star world.

In this world, there is a ruler, it is the Qingyun family.

The Qingyun family is one of the ancient tribes.

In the center of this world, there is a huge pagoda.

This pagoda has a total of thousands of floors, straight into the sky.

From the top of the pagoda, suddenly came a miserable voice.

At the same time, there was an angry roar.

As the roar came, the surrounding clouds rolled.

In the clouds, there is a terrible thunder condensed, terrifying thunder, sweeping all directions,


Among the countless halls and pavilions, some warriors in blue robes looked up at the sky.

They exclaimed: "This is the voice coming from Qingyun Pagoda. It is the ancestor Qingyun who has awakened."

"Why is the ancestor so angry?"

Shocked voices came.

In these palaces, several old men walked out.

These old men, with old faces, rose into the air and came to the top of the pagoda.

They knelt in the void on one knee and asked, "Old ancestor, what happened?"

From inside the pagoda, an old voice came: "The kendo rune in Ziqing's body has disappeared."

Was crushed.

Ziqing, have you encountered danger?

Could it be that her mission failed?

Hearing this, the old men outside changed a lot.

They have done so much preparations, are they still falling short?

At this time, the old voice in front sounded again.

"You few come in, I need you to provide me with blood."

Hearing this, the elders quickly entered the top of the pagoda.

After entering, there is a vast space inside, where there is a skeleton.

This skeleton is still alive.

He is really too old, so old that his vitality and blood have withered.

He can live to this day, he is already very defying.

The color of this skull turned out to be cyan.

His bones are like countless blue divine swords.

And behind him, there was a cloud of purple mist.

This purple mist separates many thin lines and surrounds the bones.

The skeleton said: "Give me your blood."

Those old men cut their palms and let their blood fly towards the skeleton.

Before long, the light on the skeleton's body became brighter.

He said: "Sure."

Someone destroyed the kendo clone in Ziqing's body.

It is necessary to find out who did it?

Also, we must find Ziqing back.

Her blood has reached the anti-ancestral level.

Moreover, she can integrate the purple line, which is a rare bloodline.

Must not fall outside.

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