Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7921: Suppress the mad god

The 7 pulse formation requires 7 families to perform together.

Need to cooperate, their kendo and blood, it can be said that this is the strongest formation.

They are able to contend with the Seven Meridian Array together, right?

Now it's just dealing with a young man, it's really overkill.

The Qingyun patriarch said: Don't be careless, he is very strong, and he has an unknown hole card.

If he really lets him escape, we will all be cold when he grows up later.

Hearing this, the other six patriarchs also changed their expressions: Yes, you must not let the tiger go back to the mountain.

Then do it.

A series of cold snorts sounded, and an extremely powerful aura emerged from them.

It turned into one sword after another, running through the world.

Above the nine heavens, thunder rang, bright light, shining in all directions.

The Qingyun world was completely illuminated.

The other warriors in the world retreated to the distance, their bodies trembling.

too strong.

They are about to witness the legendary Seven Meridian Sword Array.

Lin Xuan's expression also changed: not good.

He felt a fatal crisis.

To the effect, I didn't expect that these Seven Vein families would be so powerful when they joined forces.

He shattered the void with a punch, and used the Xing Zi Jue to escape into the universe.

Quickly leave, this place of right and wrong,

Anyway, the harvest this time is already very big.

Want to escape? It's so stupid, you don't understand the Seven Meridian Formation too much, you can't escape.

Patriarch Qingyun's sneer sounded, and the Qingyun sword aura on his body also flew past.

In the next moment, the seven sword qi gathered in the air, and then burst into colorful rays of light.

At this moment, not only the Qingyun world, but also the other six worlds, bloom together.

The entire sea of ​​stars was shrouded.

Lin Xuan escaped from the Qingyun world and came into the universe.

However, it was still shrouded in colorful light.

His face changed drastically: What is the situation?

Was this formation actually built with the world of stars as the source of power?

The star field where the seven worlds are located is all the space of the formation.

It's no use only to escape from one world, you have to escape from this star field.

Lin Xuan was still a step late, he was enveloped by seven swords.

The terrible sword light killed it.

Lin Xuan looked up to the sky and roared, his sword pointed at the sky.

He fought against Qimai Jianqi, and the power in him broke out completely.

A giant dragon surrounds it, as if it has turned into a real dragon.

Between the hands and feet, Ling Ling's sword aura is vast and vast.

Boom boom boom!

The war broke out completely.


The Qimai family was shocked when they saw this scene.

No, this guy can still fight back, and his physique is too strong.

Where is he sacred?

The powerhouses of the six major families that came before have all fallen.

So these newcomers really don't know the identity of Lin Xuan.

The seal of seven veins is about to be formed, completely suppressing him.

Patriarch Qingyun was also extremely shocked, he had to do his best, and he absolutely couldn't be careless.

The remaining patriarchs nodded, and their palms formed seals.

The seven sword auras in the sky bloomed with incomparable light.

Every sword aura condenses into a sign.

They fell together, with a mysterious and terrible atmosphere on them.

All of Lin Xuan's sword energy fell on it and was sealed.

He frowned tightly: No, it seems that he can only sacrifice the dragon sword.

But then, his identity will probably be known.

The next road is not easy.

How about hiding in the ancient land, Lin Xuan is ready to open the ancient land.

However, he still underestimated the Qimai Jianqi,

These seven runes actually sealed everything.

Lin Xuan hadn't had time to open up the ancient land.

He felt that the power in him was actually sealed.

He fell from the universe and fell into the Qingyun world.

With a boom,

The earth turned into a canyon, and Lin Xuan fell in the canyon.


Patriarch Qingyun looked up to the sky and laughed, and the other people also exclaimed.

Great, finally suppressed this mad god.

Must torture him to death and avenge our companions.

Extract the power from him.

Those warriors in Qingyun World gritted their teeth.

Chief Qingyun frowned,

His voice rang in the ears of the people.

He said: Don't tell the identity of the mad god, don't tell the news of the sword spectrum and the **** pill.

Those people calmed down after listening.

People from the other six worlds flew over, they were condescending and looked at Lin Xuan.

They frowned and said: Who is he? Judging from his appearance, it seems that he is not an ordinary person.

The Dragon Dao aura on her body is very strong, wouldn't it be from Dragon Palace?

What about Dragon Palace? It is not suppressed by us yet.

He is too ignorant of the height of the sky.

What to do with him? Torture him? Or charge his memory?

Voices of discussion sounded,

Patriarch Qingyun frowned tightly.

No, collect the memory, then their plan will be gone.

He said: Throw him into the refining furnace to refine him.

what's the situation? Need to open the furnace?

The other patriarchs frowned.

They stared at Qingyun and said: You must know something, otherwise, you won't be so nervous.

Chief Qingyun said: I know his identity, he is the top genius of Dragon Palace.


When they heard this, the other six families' complexions changed drastically.

Taixu Dragon Palace!

The top genius of the ancient gods,

They actually suppressed such people!

The faces of these people are hard to see the extreme.

The old man in the blue robe said: Qingyun, do you want to kill us?

Although they are powerful, they can suppress the genius of the Protoss.

However, if the world-class powerhouse of the Protoss comes, then they are dead.

Not to mention, a few peak powerhouses will be able to push them horizontally.

What's the point if you blame me now? Anyway, I did it.

Think about it, this kid, definitely won't let us go.

That being the case, let's continue to shoot.

Throw him into the refining furnace, and the people of the Protoss will not find him.

He will turn into a mass of ashes.

It can only be like this.

Several patriarchs nodded, they did not doubt what Qing Yun said.

In the previous battle, they felt that possessed a powerful dragon power in the opponent.

Then turn on the furnace.

The refining furnace is so terrifying, even the true **** of the pinnacle will be refined after entering.

It can be said that under the **** king, no one can survive in it.

This military refining furnace is extremely extraordinary. This is the place where the Seven Color God King refined the Seven Color God Sword.

The king-level magic weapon was born in this furnace.

The seven patriarchs joined forces to open the furnace.

The place where the furnace is located is in the center of the 7 worlds.

In the universe, it is sealed by the barrier, and other people can't find it.

Only when the barrier is torn apart can it be seen.

The seven patriarchs joined forces to open the barrier.

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