Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7935: Seek skin with the tiger! Bold!

The elders of the Protoss who came were shocked when they heard the news.

what? Soul race layout!

Is there no dragon fruit?

Damn, people from the Soul Race, just want to **** the storage ring?


The elders gritted their teeth, they said: go.

They took the Eleventh Young Master and the others, and left the pagoda, even if they wanted to leave the Demon Abyss completely.

However, halfway through, they heard an amazing news.

Someone found a clue to the dragon fruit.

Someone took out a real map.

When they heard this, these elders were shocked.

They asked: Who is it?

Soon, they learned the news, it turned out to be the dream of Dragon Palace.

This time, people who were not from the Soul Race, it seemed that the news was true.

Several elders discussed it, and they felt that the news about the Dragon God Fruit was true.

It's just specific news, they don't know.

All the previous news was a trap set by the soul clan people.

But now it's different, the dragon clan has left, and the real dragon **** fruit is probably about to appear.

Thinking of this, they quickly rushed over, and Eleven Young Master and others followed behind.

They are excited,

Although they know that with their strength, it is estimated that they are not qualified to compete for the Dragon Fruit.

However, being able to witness this peerless battle is also excellent for their cultivation.

Lin Xuan also heard the news, he also hurried over.

One day later, he stopped.

A huge palace appeared ahead,

The black palace seems to be made of magic metal.

On the palace, engraved with runes, from a distance, it looks like one monster after another.

The palace itself carries an extremely powerful aura.

People with weak strength can't get close at all, only in the palace.

Many people gathered outside the palace.

Their gazes looked through the world and into the palace.

There are people fighting there.

These are world-class powerhouses and top talents.

Lin Xuan took a look and found that the strength of the people inside was in the second watershed.

Taking a deep breath, he shook his figure and rushed forward.

Look at it, someone else has gone, and another top Tianjiao has gone.

Those onlookers all exclaimed.

Among them, there is a formation, and there are many people in the formation.

They said: Isn't this the kid before?

Before he entered the Demon Abyss single-handedly, he was still alive.

It's incredible!

Before, I thought that he was just a kid who didn't know the height of the sky, but I didn't expect that he was so strong.

Some people say: How strong is it? He can't get into the palace.

The power of this palace is terrifying, and it may be difficult for people under the second watershed to get in.

No matter how strong this kid is, it is impossible to get in.

As soon as the voice fell, the eyes of this person were almost staring out.

He found that Lin Xuan had entered,

And unscathed.

how is this possible?

He was dumbfounded,

Those other people were also stunned.

This guy has hidden his cultivation base, he is the strong man in the second watershed.

We have missed it, and they are the top arrogant.

These people were shocked.

Those other people were also shocked,

Among them, Eleven Young Masters are also there.

When they saw this scene, they gritted their teeth and said: Damn it, Mad God has entered.

Mad God? Is he a mad god?

I have heard of this name, as if he is a genius of Dragon Palace.

I heard that he is very strong and very arrogant.

Before, in the world of the king of gods, he swept all over the place and offended many strong people of the **** race.

Unexpectedly, this time, he appeared again.

I don't know if he can, contend, what about the masters of the second watershed?

Lin Xuan entered the palace, and he found that several people were fighting in front of him.

He is very familiar with these people!

Among them was a man, surrounded by a monstrous sacred fire.

In his hand, there is a golden mirror, bursting with golden light.

This golden light is enough to penetrate everything between heaven and earth.

This mirror is an imitation golden mirror, and this man is naturally Young Master Tian Ming.

In addition to the other party, there is another person with a powerful swallowing aura.

Much stronger than Swallowing Tiger, this is the true **** of Swallowing Dragon.

The other is a beautiful woman with a strong dreamlike aura.

A dreamy dragon surrounds her.

She is the dream of the dragon clan, she is very mysterious.

The last one is the powerhouse of the demons,

This is a middle-aged man, tall, like a giant.

His name is Mo Qiangu.

These people are either the cultivation base of the second watershed, or they have the combat power of the second watershed level.

In short, each one is very powerful.

At this moment, they are fighting each other and restraining each other.

Lin Xuan quickly understood that these people were fighting for something.

In the center of this hall, there is a huge aperture.

In the aperture, there was a map, which split in two.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes.

He guessed that this map, very likely, was the key to finding the Dragon God Fruit.

These people would **** such crazy.

Young Master Tian Ming is the most arrogant, he said: You people, get out of here.

My companion has already arrived, and when the three golden mirrors are combined, we can sweep the world.

You will definitely die.

Leave now, I will spare you not to die.

In response to this threat, the other strong men snorted.

They have lived for countless years and possessed super powers. How could they be scared away?

True God Swallowing Dragon smiled and said: Huan Meng, should you have a map in your hand?

It's better for us to join forces and get two other maps. When the time comes, we will look for the Dragon Fruit together.

Join hands with you?

Huan Meng shook her head, and she said: That was Yu Hu's skin.

I don't believe you.

True God Swallowing Dragon snorted coldly: Then swallow you.

He killed the dream.

Huan Meng didn't care, she smiled slightly.

The law on her body turned into a dreamy dragon, forming a river of heaven around her.

All the attacks that came into this heavenly river weakened their power.

On the other side, Young Master Tian Ming was fighting with Demon Qiangu.

The golden light in Young Master Tian Ming's hands was extremely terrifying, but the Demon Thousand Bone was equally terrifying.

Moreover, this is the Demon Abyss, where the Demon Age is here, and can exert a stronger force.

In his hand, there is a huge black axe sweeping all over the place, as if opening up the world.

These people were inextricably beaten, Lin Xuan shook his body and flew towards the map.

With a big wave of his hand, the void broke open, and a Celestial Dragon's claws volleyed down and grabbed the two maps.

This sudden change caused the four powerhouses below to be confused.

Just kidding, some people dare to take advantage of the fisherman's profit and look for death.

Young Master Tian Ming shot a golden light when he raised his hand.

It turned into a golden sword, pierced through the void, and slammed into the dragon claw.

The Dragon Swallowing created a whirlpool, Mo Qiangu swung its giant axe, and the dream also created a magical law.

The four forces smashed towards the claws of the dragon together.

With a bang, the claws of the heavenly dragon shattered and turned into countless dragons' auras, scattered everywhere.

At the same time, a figure emerged from the sky.

Young Master Tian Ming and others looked up.

They want to see, who is it? Dare to be so arrogant?

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