Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7946: Like an enemy

Everyone just started, they still want to compete with these monsters.

They found that the number of monsters was too much, 10 times that of their side.

They can only escape.

Some people want to escape back to the 13th floor,

But it was discovered that the back road had been cut off by Warcraft.

They can only move forward.

"Damn it, go to the 15th floor."

"Everyone joins forces to tear open the siege."

The people unite together, like a sharp sword, and kill towards the front.

But even so, many people were injured.

The number of World of Warcraft is really too much, and even the team has been dispersed.

Those who are strong will open the way in front, and those who are weak will follow.

If you are lucky, you can follow the past, and those with bad luck will be torn apart by monsters.

Suddenly, many people fell.

And the fallen blood of the gods was actually absorbed by the surrounding murals.

Lin Xuan frowned when he saw this scene.

He shook his body, rose up into the sky, turned into an extremely terrifying sword, and rushed over.

There were a few monsters along the way, trying to stop him, but he was split in half.

He is like a dragon, sweeping everywhere.

There are even hidden masters!

When the people around saw this scene, they exclaimed.

Someone said: "He is the mad **** of Dragon Palace."

Long Han also looked up at the sky and looked at the figure.

There was a bit of light in his eyes.

I heard that before, it was the mad **** who snatched the dragon **** fruit and slapped his brother in the face.


He was ready to stop the crazy god.

But at this moment, Long Hao's screams came from the rear.

"Brother save me."

Long Hao's strength was also good, but at this moment, he was stopped by six monsters.

Long Hao wore a powerful armor, holding a dragon sword, and wielding it non-stop.

However, they were retreating steadily,

Cracks were almost appearing on the dragon sword.

It won't take long before he will lose, and the end will be wiped out.

He can only ask for help.

When Long Han saw this scene, he sighed.

It seems that this is not an opportunity to do something against the mad god.

He turned and rushed towards Long Hao, blasted out with a punch, and knocked the two monsters into flight.

It didn't take long before he rescued Long Hao.

Long Hao breathed a sigh of relief: "It's too dangerous, it almost fell."

Long Han said: "You follow me, we hurried to the 15th floor, the crazy **** has rushed past."


When he heard this, Long Hao's expression changed.

He said: "We should go quickly, absolutely not, let the mad **** get a small destruction technique."

The people on the dragon side accelerated,

Finally, they broke the siege and entered the 15th floor.

In addition to them, some people went in.

Many people have fallen here.

On the 15th floor, there was no Warcraft, everyone was relieved.

They recovered quickly, rested, and some of them cried bitterly.

They want to go back.

However, the back road was broken and they were in a dilemma.

The 14th floor is already so scary, who knows if there is anything more scary on the 15th floor?

Lin Xuan was the first one to come to the 15th floor.

After arriving, he found someone on the 15th floor.

People of the Demon Race.

It seems that the Demon God and the others should have reached the 15th floor.

Lin Xuan did not notice the figure of the Demon God Child.

The 15th floor is not empty and there are no murals on the walls. There are many palaces here.

This 15th floor is like a city.

There is a street in front, on both sides of the street, there are countless shops and shops.

In the distance, there are some mountain villas, and some pagodas, row upon row.

It's like an old city.

The only difference is that there are not many people here.

Except for a few demons, on both sides of the street, other places are very quiet.

It seems that Demon God and others should have entered the depths of these streets.

Lin Xuan wanted to see through, but found that even the reincarnation eye was suppressed here.

He cannot see through.

At the end of the street, there seemed to be a layer of fog covering everything.

Let me see what's there.

Lin Xuan walked forward.

Several guards of the Demon God Clan did not stop them and let Lin Xuan enter.

Not long after Lin Xuan entered the street, Long Han and others arrived.

After they came, they also found the changes ahead, and they were shocked.

It seems to be a city here.

"Go, go in and take a look."

Some people entered the street.

In the beginning, they didn't think there was anything.

As they walked, they felt that something was wrong.

For some reason, they feel their hearts beating wildly, their scalp numb,

Especially behind them, cold sweat emerged, as if there was something behind them.

They suddenly turned their heads and looked around, only to find that the rear was empty.

These true gods breathed a sigh of relief,

Then their expressions changed.

Something is wrong.

They remember that when they came in before, there were quite a few people behind them.

At this moment, these people are gone.

what's the situation?

The faces of the five true gods who were walking in front changed drastically.

They said: "It's very mysterious here, everyone be careful."

The other warriors nodded.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a scream in the nearby shop.

Several true gods, like a big enemy, they joined forces and rushed in!

I found it was empty inside, there were no figures,

Where did the scream come from?

Suddenly at this moment a true **** frowned. He felt that someone was on the back of his neck and scratched.

He said, "Don't make trouble."

The other four true gods said, "We didn't do it."

how is this possible?

The fifth true **** frowned: "Don't scare me."

The other four true gods said in horror: "There is a black palm print on the back of your neck."

"It seems to have been caught by something."

"But we just saw nothing."

When he heard this, the fifth true **** paled with fright.

He said, "Get out of here."

After they went out, they still had lingering fears: this is too scary, right?

Before long, there were screams from other shops.

Obviously, these people who entered the city have found anomalies.

Many people are frightened and even want to go back.

However, they found that they were lost.

No matter how they go? They all returned to square one.

Can't seem to leave.

What kind of power is this?

These true gods are crazy.

They ignited the sacred fire, and they were a superior existence.

Being able to live for endless years, between raising hands and feet, can even destroy the world.

Who can threaten them?

But now, there is a mysterious force threatening their lives.

Even they don't even know who the opponent is.

Needless to say, this power must have surpassed them, and even surpassed the true god.

"Isn't it the power of God King?"

"We shouldn't have come here."

"How can the technique of destruction be so good?"

On the other side, Lin Xuan also stopped.

He felt that there seemed to be something behind it? Approaching him quickly.

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