Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7951: Valkyrie cut!

The soul-suppression makes it terrifying and can easily suppress the enemy's soul.

In the eyes of everyone, this crazy **** is dead.

Lin Xuan also felt a hint of crisis, but he was not too afraid.

His hole cards are beyond the imagination of these people.

Lin Xuan used the martial arts art to the extreme.

He seemed to have turned into a peerless sword, and rushed forward fiercely.

Between the heaven and the earth, the divine light flew, pierced through everything, and instantly slashed towards the calming spirit.

Suppress me.

The third uncle of the soul clan roared again and again, the soul calming order bloomed, black light.

A harsh sound sounded, and black runes spread across the sky and earth, covering Lin Xuan.

However, the power of Lin Xuan's body was really too sharp.

In an instant, these black runes were split open, and they were severely cut on the soul-suppressing order.

With a bang,

The sky broke and the earth shattered, the calming soul shook violently, and the runes on it became uncertain.

The third uncle of the soul clan changed a lot, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

He took a few steps back, his face pale and shocked.

how is this possible? The other party was able to contend with the Suppression Order!

How strong is the opponent's power?

I do not believe.

He roared wildly,

He bit his finger and let his blood fall on the calming order.

Zhen Hun Ling turned quickly and made another sound.

This voice resounded through the world, and everyone only felt the primordial spirit shaking.

Many people's primordial spirits were split, and they fled madly.

And Lin Xuan, first among them,

His soul also shook.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, an extremely harsh light broke out, and dragon scales appeared on his body.

He seemed to have turned into a dragon sword and rushed over fiercely.

Valkyrie cut.

Lin Xuan put his hands together and cut with one sword.

A light of extinction cut through the world, and the mysterious soul-suppressing order was smashed by a sword.

The third uncle of the soul clan vomited blood like a lightning strike.

He flew upside down, his face full of despair.

how is this possible? The soul-suppressing order was broken?

Are you kidding me?

The other party actually broke it with bare hands, an artifact of their family.

If he hadn't experienced it personally, he wouldn't believe it if he was killed!

Lin Xuan shot again and killed the third uncle of the soul clan.

The third uncle of the soul clan quickly fled, after a battle, he was smashed again.

One of his arms was cut off, and the other arm, bones appeared.

In his hand, clutching the fragments of the Soul Relief Order.

His eyes were red, and he roared: Go away.

If you continue to fight, he may fall.

Lin Xuan snorted: Where to go?

With a wave of both hands, Ling Li's sword aura flew out.

Above the nine heavens, a boundless dragon shadow emerged.

They slew out from the twenty-four heavens, and slew forward.

Several strong soul clan still alive, madly resisted.

Before long, they were torn to pieces by Dragon Shadow.

Today, only the third uncle of the soul clan is left.

The heart of the third uncle of the soul clan was bleeding, and the things he brought were all strong.

They all fell!

Annoyed him.

After he vowed to return, he would definitely bring the stronger family.


Lin Xuan chased him quickly, he wouldn’t, giving him a chance to escape

He used the Xing Zi Jue, and the speed suddenly doubled.

It came in an instant, behind the third uncle of the soul clan.

The third uncle of the soul clan was so frightened that he was very pale.

In a critical moment, he fled from the original god.

Lin Xuan cut his body with a sword.

The body of the third uncle of the soul clan turned into a blood mist.

Lin Xuan continued to take action and stopped the opponent's soul.

His soul, roaring: I'm fighting with you.

The soul song.

His soul, sitting in the void, spit out one after another, ancient notes.

Formed a peerless soul-saving song.

This time, Lin Xuan also encountered a crisis.

A peerless powerhouse, the power he fought desperately, really is extremely powerful.

Boom boom boom!

Lin Xuan's martial arts body made a sound like the sky.

It was as if a sky hammer fell on him.

Not only his body, but his soul was also shocked.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, a figure with a blue sky and a white crane appeared, and he used the power of reincarnation.

At the same time, with all-out efforts to fight against them.

Lin Xuan urged the dragon soul, and the dragon breathing method.

The eight sounds of the Heavenly Dragon turned into a sword of peerless sound and slew forward.

When colliding with the soul of the town, two sounds shattered the world.

The third uncle of the soul clan was mad, he didn't expect Lin Xuan to be so powerful.

Not only was the physique terrifying, the original **** was also so against the sky, the other party actually blocked the soul calming song.

This is not the way to go,

He is seriously injured now, only the soul, which will not last long.

It seems that I have to find a way to escape!

But at this moment, behind Lin Xuan, a cold wind suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, behind Lin Xuan, a black palm print appeared.

Lin Xuan was beaten out and vomited blood.

what's the situation?

The third uncle of the Soul Race was shocked when he saw this scene.

The mad **** was injured, who moved his hand?

He looked around, but did not find anyone?

Forget it, leave him alone.

The third uncle of the soul clan was extremely excited: this is an opportunity to fight back.

Pushing the remaining power of the soul, he madly killed the past.

The soul-relief song, turned into hundreds of notes, connected into one piece, and killed Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan frowned tightly, was he actually attacked?

Before he hadn't felt that there was anyone.

It seemed that they weren't from the soul race, they were divine minds, and those mysterious shadows before. UU reading

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, and thousands of dragon shadows appeared on him.

The tail of each dragon shadow turned into a sharp sword.

They flew in all directions, forming a sword rain, covering his body.

Lin Xuan slapped his palm to the front, tearing up the soul calming song.

The third uncle of the soul clan roared, turned around and fled.

He is not an opponent now, let's leave first.

He had just escaped, and suddenly, a cold wind blew in front of him.

An invisible palm grabbed his soul, as if grabbed the throat of his fate.

how is this possible? who is it?

The third uncle of the soul clan snarled frantically, he hadn't even felt anyone before.

He used the primordial spirit to the extreme, and finally saw a vague shadow.

He remembered some legends again, and he said in horror: This is divine mind.

Do not! Forgive me!

He begged madly for mercy.

He couldn't resist the divine thoughts left behind by the powerful.

That shadow directly caught the opponent's soul and disappeared.

On the other side, there was a shadow who was attacking Lin Xuan.

Divine Mind is out of sight, it's impossible to guard against, but it can't help Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan used the power of the Great Dragon Sword Soul to transform into a divine dragon and rushed out instantly.

In his eyes, there is an extremely terrifying light of reincarnation, blooming.

The eyes of reincarnation increased the power of the dragon sword, and instantly stared at a shadow.

Lin Xuan waved his dragon's claws and penetrated the shadow.

Between heaven and earth, that icy power disappeared.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, and from the previous blood mist, he took away the storage ring of the three souls.

He is ready to continue to set off to find the art of destruction.

But at this moment, in the distance, there was another shocking sound.

Lin Xuan suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

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