Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7956: Siege Lin Xuan!


The sky fell apart, and the power of destruction enveloped Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's physique shook violently, and several cracks appeared on his powerful body.

This is incredible.

The Wushen body was invincible, sweeping everything, and it was split at this moment.

One can imagine how strong this destructive power is.

what's up? Is it a trap?

Lin Xuan's expression changed drastically, he wanted to escape.

He found his palm and couldn't escape.

It seems to be fused with that huge palm print.

Lin Xuan hurriedly shot out, the invincible sword energy surrounded him to resist.

After the initial panic, he gradually calmed down.

Although this palm print hurt him, he discovered that there really seemed to be a secret hidden here.

The palm print should contain the power of destroying the Tao.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan did not run away, but resisted the aura of destruction.

He wants to thoroughly integrate this palm print.

The sight here has swept across all fields, and this breath has spread far away.

far away.

Those Protoss powerhouses who were waiting looked up at the sky one after another, and they exclaimed.

What a terrible destructive power, this is the power to destroy the Tao.

"Damn it, that mad god, won't it really get shattered, right?"

"Let's go and see."

Some people are going to take a look, and some people give up.

They didn't dare to pass, after all, that divine mind was too terrifying.


Long Han rushed over with the people in Long Palace.

The other side.

The people of the Demon Race also rushed over.

There are also people from the Tianyang Protoss and Xuanbing Protoss, they are very fast.

When they came nearby, they found Lin Xuan's figure.

They saw that Lin Xuan's palm was slapped on the palm print, causing a vision of heaven and earth.

Long Han's eyes were red.

"Damn boy, get out of my way, you don't deserve such power."

He hit the sky full of frost, and an ice dragon swept the world.

The people of the Tianyang Protoss urged the golden mirror madly.

The golden light flew, turned into an ancient golden crow, and killed Lin Xuan.

Even the people of the Demon God Clan have done it, the Demon God Child is not here.

These powerful people of the Demon Race were worried that their spirit was still there, and they did not dare to let the **** child take risks.

Let the demon **** child stay in a safe place temporarily, they sent a few powerful elders.

These elders are also crazy.

All the power slew towards Lin Xuan,

But Lin Xuan could no longer dodge.

He can only resist.

He looked up to the sky and roared, and dragon scales appeared on his body.

He turned into a divine dragon, using the ancient breathing method, the martial arts body, to the extreme.

The whole world is shaking.

"Even if you are a real dragon, what about? You must be suppressed today."

Those strong protoss roared wildly,

They found that Lin Xuan seemed unable to escape either.

They laughed: "Look at you, how long can you support it?"

These people shot wildly.

Although Lin Xuan's Martial God Body was powerful, he couldn't resist so many powerful people.

In addition, his physique had been injured before, and at this moment, the injury was even more serious.

Even bones appeared on his body, and the dragon blood kept dripping.

"Damn it, how could it be like this?"

Lin Xuan's expression was also hard to see the extreme.

Are you going to give up the Shattered Dao?

Unless he shows the identity of Lin Wudi.

With extremely strong power, he used the Great Dragon Sword Soul to strike a peerless blow, which may be able to resist.

In addition, he can only cut off this arm and escape here.

Otherwise, with such a hard resistance, he is very likely to be wiped out.

"Everyone is going all out, he can't resist it anymore."

Long Han looked up to the sky and laughed, and he displayed the Jiulong Bingtian.

The huge ice dragon tumbling between the sky and the earth, with 9 heads roaring into the sky.

The dragon rune carried on each head is different.

Together, the power is terrifying to the extreme.

The Demon God Clan, the Heavenly Sun God Clan, and other people are also extremely sublimated.

They are ready to strike a peerless blow.

Long coldly smiled: "Crazy God, no matter how lucky you are, what about it?"

"You can avoid the attack of divine mind, then this time, can you avoid our attack?"

"Look, under this power, you will undoubtedly die."

There was a boom.

Dozens of terrifying forces smashed towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, a sharp light appeared in his eyes.

He must make a decision.

Either use the big dragon sword with all its strength, or leave quickly and give up the Dao of Destruction.

A bit of killing intent appeared in his eyes, and he was going to use the big dragon sword to destroy everyone.

The news should not go out.

But at this moment, the mysterious palm suddenly turned into a black light, swallowing Lin Xuan in.

The strength of Long Han and others hit the cliff, breaking the cliff apart.

The handprint is intact, and everything else is broken.

"Why is it like this? What about that crazy god?"

"He seems to have entered the mudra."

"Go, let's go in too."

Long Han and others rushed towards the handprints ahead.

But at this moment, the divine thoughts around him appeared again.

"Run away."

People from the Tianyang Protoss turned around and fled.

Long Han was not reconciled, he wanted to rush to at a very fast speed.

In the next second, his shoulder was shattered by divine thoughts, and he was seriously injured.

He turned around and fled.

Very embarrassed and fled the cliff.

Long Han snarled frantically: "Damn it! Almost able to destroy that mad god."

He doesn't give up.

He said: Stare at the cliff, as long as the crazy **** comes out, immediately notify me. "

"I must let him die."

Long Han asked his subordinates to stare, and he quickly recovered from his injury.

Those other people did not leave either,

In their view, that mad **** could not beat them.

The other party is just lucky, next time, the other party will not have such good luck.

On the other side, Lin Xuan entered, among the mysterious handprints.

Inside, the power of destruction is even more terrifying, and there are more cracks on his body.

Lin Xuan found that there was no threat from Long Han and others.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and he could fight with all his strength against Shattered Dao.

He began to absorb and practiced the Dao.

If he can't control and destroy Dao, it is estimated that he will be trapped here forever.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Xuan began to practice.

In an instant, a year passed,

Lin Xuan hasn't come out yet.

Those people from the Dragon Clan and the Demon God Clan were all waiting impatiently.

Someone said: "This mad god, won't he have fallen?"

"Yeah, how terrible is the power of destruction in that handprint."

"If he can't resist it, he will be wiped out in an instant."

All those present are masters, but they know that the power of Dao Destruction is not so easy to obtain.

Once you can't resist that force, you will suffer from life and death.

Perhaps this mad **** didn't resist it.

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